Want To Date A Married Man? 4 Things You Must Know - From an Infidelity Specialist

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There is so much misinformation and taboo around the subject of dating a married man that women never find out the truth, the "behind the scenes issues" that come with the situation.

Women dating married men are automatically seen as deranged people that should be avoided, but this thinking perpetuates the situation and they never get to understand the "fine print" of what they are getting into.

As an infidelity specialist I have the experience of seeing the cheating, the betrayal dynamic from the perspective of....the betrayed person, the one who is betraying and the person he is betraying with.

I feel it's important to let go of the automatic prejudices that come with the true state of each of these people so that infidelity can be better understood. Only then can it be consciously avoided and thus the damage on all sides prevented.

I am also making a video in this series for the wife and the girlfriend to watch to dispel even more myths and misunderstandings and to empower each of them.

If you are stuck in the hot and cold cycle that quickly develops when dating a married man, do what you can to get out before it gets too late. Once the dependency or the co-dependency sets in women can be stuck in this situation for years and sometimes their whole lives.

If you are trying your best and still end up getting hurt, being taken advantage of, having your heart broken then this is a pattern that is not going to get fixed without clear guidance and conscious effort.

Ready to "Never Again" great treated badly and get hurt again on a relationship?

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I think the bigger question would you want a marriage to end...a REAL woman has woman with that will have a moral compass... she would ask the question....how would I feel if I had a husband running around on me? How would I feel if I had children and their father was going to leave for someone else? Could I hurt someone so deeply and cause such pain to children? A wise woman KNOWS....the right man for her does NOT have a wife .


Married men usually do not leave their wives. They are great manipulators


No one wants to date a married man. It happens when you don’t enforce boundaries and before you know it you’re in so deeply, it’s hard to get out.


I met a married man that "I fell in love with" during Covid 19. He told he he was in an open marriage. Sneaking around, secrecy is not being in an open marriage. I ended it felt so much shame as I hurt his family and was living a lie. I was divorced was lonely. We are only human. I agree marriage is sacred and I broke my core values and morals. But for the grace of God I gained my dignity and self respect by ending the "Affair".


Someone used to say, "The way a man does one thing is the way he does everything." If a man can cheat on his wife now, he may cheat on you later on, because he does not value the trust, commitment and loyalty. You fulfil his unmet needs, physically, emotionally and interculturally. If he really want to be with you, and if he is a man with courage and integrity, he should face the truth, clear things in his end first, then consider to start things with you. Otherwise, he is a man you will not respect or trust, there is no way to build a good relationship without respect and trust, period.


Run girls!! Nothing but heartbreak 💔 Great job explaing this


Dating a married person is terrible. It's saying that you don't mind purposely destroying someone's marriage, family, children's lives, etc. Go find someone single. If this man can cheat on his wife, he can and will cheat on you. It's a matter of time. Besides, infidelity is understood to be bad and sinful in most cultures, traditions, and religions of the world. Why? Marriage is supposed to be a sacred promise between the couple and God.


Ladies! Don't play with fire. Everyone gets hurt in these situations. I know a man who had an affair, but refused to leave his wife. The mistress tried for 6 months and in the end the she committed suicide.


OMG...this is 100% true! I’m lucky that I had managed to break up with him. But even now, it is still difficult for me to not care about him.


The number one tip for dating a married man: don’t.


This is the best and most insightful advice I've ever heard on this subject. Everything you said resonated deeply with me. Thank you so much.


ppl fall in love with married ppl everyday and married ppl fall in love with a outside person everyday. These YouTube videos are not everyone’s reality. I’ve seen my mom get left for a side chick.. I’ve seen her talk to different men throughout her marriage. I have friends, homegirls etc that have been dating the same married man for years. Don’t take much. I’m not saying it’s right …. But I’m saying let’s not say married men/women won’t leave because they will! It’s rare .. but they will leave. If anyone is married i say being God in and keep him close. Marriage seems hard & i definitely can’t and won’t do it unless God is involved.


Marriage is a commitment. The married person has a soul bond with their spouse. And the adulterous partner shares that bond with their infidel’s spouse. So you’re participating in a love triangle or more. He’s probably cheating on you and the spouse with even more people.


Don't do it. It is the most painful experience if you do it because of love. 99 percent of the time they will not divorce their spouse especially if they have children. And the irony is you will be used consciously or unconsciously to improve their marriage. You are last and used by him.


True to that, I've been in that triangle, fell in love deeply, became so emotional dependant on him. A man twice my age, I'm a born again church gal. Fighting everyday with guilt and lust at the same time. I could not compare him to any other guy I've ever had. I refused to have his baby though, I kept asking him why he never left his wife if they never had a happy marriage.. Later I just found he had other 3 side chicks and all are pregnant. Very hurting but an even better reason for me to completely move on. I've been trying to leave over and over again but with no success. This time is for good. NB: he has no idea I know of the other side chicks, my intuition led me to sneak into his phone and boom!!!


my Lord ! you are awesome ! you have said everything correctly on this subject ! I am facing this now, my heart is very painful but it is very toxics and abusive to me to be with that married man !


You shouldn’t be dealing with a married woman or man period


The best explanation of the issue i have ever heard of anyone.Thanks for your time and integrity😊


Very true all the way but very hard to give up if you love them with all your heart.


Absolutely true, thank you for that eye opener and a handcuffed key. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
