Michio Kaku - Future Predictions Gone Wrong - Singularity Ray Kurzweil

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Michio Kaku - Future Predictions Gone Wrong - Singularity with Ray Kurzweil
Oct. 24, 2017
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Actually, we did know about machine learning/artificial intelligence 50 years ago. But it's a specialized field of research most people were not aware of.
His prediction of end of the century might be pretty late.
If he thinks computers don't work in parallel he hasn't noticed machine learning runs on for example GPU chips not CPU chips. That is actually one of the reasons we now have a lot more progress than in the past 50 years, we now have found a way to do the computing a lot faster. And adding more parallel chips is still following Moore's Law just fine.


We might have robots like us very soon but before we should concentrate on a decent sound quality of Youtube uploads.


Technically, the replicants weren't "robots" in the sense of being mechanical machines, but they were robots in Karel Capek's sense of being entities created and controlled for the purpose of serving others. Replicants were genetically engineered organic life forms, 'more human than human', and while they don't exist in 2017, they could.


I listen to this guy too much. He and Degrasse Tyson are awesome! Another good listen here!


If you se Sophia I think we're nearer than M. Kaku thinks. Some of the elements who where he he saisd not think not happened before 20-30 years show is happened know. They will establish a knew network where a robot failed and learned will distributed to the other robots so the learning will be exponential.


What is wrong with you?
Fantasy expectations never create.
They only inspire in that direction.
A curve of reality is historically expected.
Exponential is the keyword.


Dr what year do you expect us to have a complete cure for all cancers, also how come we don’t just stick giant armored solar panels on the equator to power the globe day and night? Thank you for you amazing show and your brilliance. Also thank you for your service…


Arthur C Clarke said it best. If our society put the collective goal on science and space travel instead of banking and finance, who knows how far along we'd be by now?? What a shame. I feel ripped off.


I blame it on wishful thinking. Everyone is in a rush to get educated then get a good job. Meanwhile, they don't actually understand what is really going on. We all follow our bliss. I am not innocent in wanting to be a famous scientist. But did it ever happen? No! That doesn't stop me from following my passion and being interested in science. I love YouTube as it has freed my need for a classroom. I can be a lifelong learner without all the distractions of college. I can communicate with fellow cybernauts through comments sections. What is really going on is we get this idea to make the world a better place, but don't realize that this world is not the final testing ground. This world is a stepping stone to Heaven. This world has glitches. Call it the Devil if you are so inclined. Order comes from chaos. Chaos is the source. Understand chaos and you will be a God. Our minds think in linear fashion. Think of reading this. Your eyes travel in a line. It is serial. In the future we must learn to think in parallel. AI will assist us in altering the way we think. I have hope in the future, sometimes. But when I think of what would be better, I can get frustrated. Space travel is not at the present practical. We may send robots to other planets. But that is if we don't kill ourselves first.


The future is for Columbus 2050. Fortunately, Columbus is filled with robots.


Why is the quality of audio of almost all clips on this channel so bad ?? It's really terrible to listen to.


Michio Kaku obviously didn't read the book "2001: A Space Odyssey." In it, Arthur C. Clarke described how HAL 9000 used neural nets that grew and self-organized to become more complex than humans could possibly understand.


The statement: 'Colliding neutron stars are producing gold'. WHAT? The degenerated matter of the NS -- is a solid ball of neutrons. It is impossible to synthecize ANY of the elements from it. And #2. Both of NS -- goes to a BH, isn't it? So, NOTHING was blew up outside! Except a gamma ray burst.


Dr. Ben Carson was the pioneering brain surgeon who proved you can remove half the brain from young people who are suffering horrifically hour by hour from constant and severe seizures.
And his patients are still able to live normal lives.


to be fair a prediction has two parts what and when. When often depends not on technology, but on politics (which is not amenable to prediction).


I actually enjoyed and like Blade Runner 2049 more than the the 1982 predecessor (which I personally find quite overrated). I find its premise of depicting Replicants questioning his supposedly-artificial humanity more intriguing. If anything, I'd want a loyal movie adaptation of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" rather than watching an acrobatic female David Bowie cart-wheeling towards Han Solo, before eventually getting chased around a mansion by some dude in his underwear.


First - the brain has no software, then he goes on - the brain is like a neural network.
I hope M.K. realizes that the neural networks we've all been hearing about represent software running on GPUs, (and on CPUs although not as efficiently).


We don't have to wait decades for self parking cars. They are already here and been sold. Even self driving cars are here, provided the human driver will take control in more difficult perception tasks. That is the status with Tesla autonomous cars and probably other brands ATM.


Cancer can't be cured your right michio


i wonder if we invent AI or become the AI
