How To Be Spiritual - Lao Tzu (Taoism)

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In this video we will be talking about how to be spiritual by using Lao Tzu’s 4 cardinal virtues. Lao Tzu is considered to be the founder of Taoism and is also credited as the writer of Taoism’s most sacred text, Tao Te Ching.

So here are 4 cardinal virtues from the wisdom of Lao Tzu, that will help you be spiritual -
01. Reverence for life
02. Natural Sincerity
03. Gentleness
04. Supportiveness

I hope you enjoyed watching the video and hope that these insights will help you become spiritual.

Taoism is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu which contributed to the folk religion of the people primarily in the rural areas of China and became the official religion of the country under the Tang Dynasty. Taoism is therefore both a philosophy and a religion. Taoism teaches to embrace wonder and the joy in living gracefully with style. Lao Tzu is a central figure in Chinese culture, but his words can apply to people all over the world. Hope we could add value with this video.

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“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” - Lao Tzu

We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.


“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”
― Lao Tzu


“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”
― Lao Tzu


“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”
― Lao Tzu


This is a very personal interpretation and presentation of the teachings of Lao Tzu. The only words we have from the old master are contained in the Tao Te Ching. Whilst I enjoyed your presentation it did feel a bit as if you were superimposing some of your own ideas onto the teachings as found in the Tao Te Ching itself. For example nowhere does Lao Tzu promulgate veganism or vegetarianism yet you somehow extrapolate such a teaching from him. A nice introduction to Taoist thought but I strongly recommend people check out the wisdom of the Tao De Ching for themselves.


God bless Lao Tzu and thank you so muxh Philosophies I have that attitude Kind, Respect, Understanding, Love, Humble.and more good habit like to care environment to plant more God bless and thank you


This is magnificent. Thank you so much and massive loving positive energy flowing to all. The Universe rocks for sure✌️🙏🧘‍♂️🤗🥰❤️


heal yourself so you can heal others
love yourself so you can love others
support yourself so you can support others


thanks for this wonderful talk! we use fellow entities in stead of fellow human beings. because human beings are not the only beings in this world.


Love this video so much. It is aligned with my path and it really helps to have this encouragement. I am looming forward to more teachings from your channel ❤️


Wow, awesome! This is one of the best talks about spirituality I've heard in quite some time. Yes, I will check out your channel! I too have been exploring the spiritual path for a couple of decades now. I am 72 and find it extremely difficult to share ideas with people about this subject. Most people are just not interested; they just want to keep pushing towards financial success, laden with stress and anxiety. But above all, they are determined to just follow the religious path that they were brought up in and feel comfortable with.

*I wrote a book 16 years ago on the subject of spirituality* and have a chapter on Taoism in it. Link below. I wrote in it that the practice of Yoga is to attain a "Body like butter, and Mind like water." :) Our bodies tend to be rigid and lack flow. No wonder we get degenerative arthritis and various other diseases. Yoga will help that but I've been to many yoga classes and have been awfully dismayed at the focus on attaining the best posture no matter what effort it takes. Whereas the true purpose of Yoga is to relax deeper and deeper into various poses, each of which allow the energy to flow differently. For this, I have combined Chinese Chi Kung and Indian Yoga into my own practice. Yoga should help relax the mind, let it dissolve into a water like state. In a state of deep relaxation, I've seen my body choose to go into poses that no one had taught me before. It is called Spontaneous Yoga, a revelation from Yogi Amrit Desai who founded Kripalu Yoga, America's largest Yoga Ashram (means retreat; pronounced Aash-rum). He is no longer there; had to leave because of a scandal where he allegedly became intimately involved with some of his students. He has an Ashram in Florida. When he was younger, some students would see light radiating from his body while he was in a state of spontaneous yoga. Unfortunately, as the years went by, I think, he became more human than divine. This is the trouble with Gurus; as soon as they reveal that they are human, sometimes all too human, people get disillusioned. So the only Guru we must follow is our own Inner/Greater Mind. Run away from anyone who claims to be a Guru or even worse, a "Master." Though, most often, it is the *students* who start using the title Guru and not the teacher him/her-self.


*Now listen to it again*
Then again. LIVE THIS and share it.
Practice... please take care of yourselves.
There is no unity without living these principles.
This is the work that is necessary for us to evolve as beings on one planet. Let's make a historic shift all the way toward our better selves. Don't let loud ignorant voices on all levels of society drown out truth, beauty and care for all. Not in a political way, not in a "proud" way, just because it is right, just, and helpful for us all. Bless us all.


This was such a fantastic video. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it! Amazing 💖


I am humbled by the works of this beautiful wisdom


Acceptance and peace hope and joy is transforming life


In the yr 1972 I started to pray my spiritual master while I was running my medical business both the T.C.M & western medicine in my shop. At the time started to read, learn & the guidance of Taoism. Until now this yr 2020 never stop praying, reading & learning which I've the feeling that's the master always around to give the power to face the toughest moment in life.


Well done, I love your videos, they bring us, important messages in a simples and interactive way


Thank you for mentioning the most important part of being a true higher soul is to not harm other living beings! I haven't seen almost in any spiritual videos talking about this sin. We literally fund with our money to those industries who are the very own government who destroy our mother nature and kill our fellow members of this earth. We murder literally every year 65 billion land animals and 3 trillion ocean animals just for our sensory pleasure. Not to mention about the immense pain and exploitation we cause to the planet and eco system because of this act. Eating dead corpses which they truly are, are LOW vibrational frequencies. We cannot go up to higher consciousness when we transform our bodies in all these low frequencies which blocks us to evolve and enlighten us.

If you need support for not being able to do it independently, try out this page which offers free support, for a better world and kinder community. And another suggestion, try as much as possible to re-educate yourself and research and inform by your self in order to find your truth.

Much love, Bliss and kindness :)

Namaste 🙏


Yes its hard to be honest to with others without risking them twisting the truth of what you admit to. However, you must trust in the energy of yourself and of the Universe and disregard any worries of what they might have been practicing telling the truth and living with exactly what is in here now for around 10 years and it makes me so much happier, healthier and more loving toward others and self. Its really because I discovered people dont care because they are busy getting themselves together instead.


Yes i believe love is freedom thanks for the reminder
