How to Fix Annoying Wiper Chatter on Windshield - EASY!

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Today we cover why your windshield wipers chatter or skip when in use. A lot of people run into this despite their wipers being new and their windshield being clean. But there is a way to fix it with ease!

*Disclaimer: Please use all safety precautions
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Jerry Seinfeld loved your video. One of the best he’s seen lol. Especially being a car guy. Heard him on The today interview with Jenna Bush. While having coffee.


One of the best how-to videos. No irritating music. Nobody screaming into the microphone. Excellent.


I can't believe how this guy can control the weather so effortlessly. Amazing.


This problem has been going on since cars hand wiper blades. But no one has ever explained why or how to fix. So this was good! Thank you!


Watched this video, went out to my van with two crescent wrenches, twisted the metal arm a bit so the rubber blade sits perpendicular to the windshield per the video, and presto! No chatter, wipers now work perfectly where they didn't moments before... Thank you for sharing this tip - its gold!


In addition to a misaligned arm, another common cause of this is the resting position of the arm. This is especially common in areas that have long dry periods where the wipers are not used. After a use, whether it is to clean the windshield or because of precipitation, the wiper returns to a park position at the bottom of the windshield. The rubber squeegee is slightly flexed in the direction you showed in your video. As it sits there for a long period of time, and is exposed to high temperatures, the rubber fatigues and stiffens in that position. Ideally there would be a system that slightly lifts the wiper from the glass when it is in a park position. I used to have this problem (chattering wipers) with my RV. To stop it, I would take a small rubber ball and stick it under the arm to lift it off of the glass while it is being stored for extended periods. I got a bag of 5 at the dollar store and just kept them in the console bin. Once or twice I had forgotten to remove them before turning on the wipers. except for 1 time, they dropped won into the little space below and stayed there until I got to my destination. I never had the chattering issue again once I started doing this. I know it isn't practical for a daily driver, but just something to think about.


Thank you. I'm an older mechanic, and I am amazed how simple fixes and repairs are often overlooked or forgotten about.


Thank you for not making this into a 20 minute video. Some other channels have videos with the same info but they drag it out into 15 or 20 minute videos without much additional content! Simple and to the point is the way to go!


The root cause is that the wiper rests on the "downsweep" position. After a while at rest (and no rain), the rubber will become fixed into that state. The solution, although you need to do it repeatedly, is to lift the wiper and allow the rubber to "flip back", then place it back down whenever you get home at the end of the day. This is a 2 second job. Better yet, pull the wiper down a cm or so, and then allow the wiper to "spring" back up into the "upsweep" position. This has saved me from replacing my wipers every year (which is a stupid waste of $40/yr for a COMPLETE wiper and blade set for my car) and instead, every 3-4 years instead.


I like how you never begged for likes, comments or subscription. Video was direct to the point and people have love it. That's how you ear genuine likes, comments and subscribers


I fitted and adjusted wipers for 10 years and this is the CORRECT solution to the problem 100% great info that most ppl don’t know 👍


Last week I drove about 1000 miles from Scotland to Southern France in two days, and it rained until i got nearly home.The wipers did this all the way. You have just saved my sanity!


Love it when someone comes up with a cure for a problem and isn't just treating the symptoms. Nice job!


Great tip!! Driving with chattering wipers for over the course of 45 years and this is the first time I’ve ever heard the root cause explained. All that money spent on new wipers…😅😮😢


Hey mate, I've been dealing with this on my 2005 Toyota Hilux since buying it second-hand 2 years ago. Tried all the glass cleaning methods possible and tried 3 different sets of wipe blades over 2 years with no success. Watched your video, and in under a minute, problem solved. Can't believe I didn't notice the weird angle the arm was at before now. So, thank you so much for posting this video. BIG THUMBS UP from me mate 👍


After a three hour journey with as my soundtrack, you, sir, have no idea how valuable this video has been. A heartfelt thank you.


Bravo! Well done. 40 years of working on cars and fighting this problem only to find out it was the angle of attack and or the angle of incidence from the blade to the glass surface. I will see if the Society of Automotive Engineers has a Hall of Fame to which I will make sure you are inducted. Thank you


Great content! I'm 55 and consider myself a "car-guy" but this is the first time I've heard/seen this remedy.. Thank you!


I am astounded at how well this fixed my skipping wiper. Two months after doing this and it still wipes across the windshield smoothly. Thank you!


Congratulations on your video. I'm a 66-year-old retired mechanic and have been doing this procedure for around 40 years. What I would say though is that when you do this, put new blades on at that time and also to be very careful with the Crecent wrenches or tools as it's very easy to break the windshield. Also, I remove the blade and verify that flat portion of the arm where it touches the windshield is squared up and perfect. looking at the blade where it contacts isn't very good for squaring it up. But again, be careful when the arm is raised with no blade as if it is allowed to fall under spring pressure and hit the windshield, most likely it will break the windshield.
