9 Reasons Why Your Home Look Cheap & How To Fix Them

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00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Lack of Texture
01:12 - Inconsistent Finishes
02:51 - Decor Clutter
05:54 - Bad Lighting
07:50 - Bad Window Treatments
09:26 - Everything Matching
10:57 - Wrong Scales
11:44 - Loud Faux Pieces
12:28 - Word Art 😬


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I appreciate how thoughtful this list is, instead of just naming specific trends. It helps to know the background reasons those trends don't work, like lack of texture or drawing attention to fakeness.


I loves how he acknowledge that if it makes happy, go with it. I think that is so respectful and thoughtful. we all come from different path of life and some things that are not the best designs can mean so much to specific people


Natural (wood, bamboo, stone), Color (white, black, brown, beige, light gray), Lighting (pot/recess- ambient, task, accent), Plants, Fabric (curtains/ window treatments).


Local art groups often have exhibitions. The work is unique, genuine, and often costs about the same as the mass produced rubbish you see in furniture show rooms.

Plus you're supporting a local artist!


Great tips and they were worth repeating. I would love to see you design a room outside of your own aesthetic and comfort zone - working with a client's tastes and likes etc.


That’s a good tip to take pictures of your home throughout the day to spot which areas need more lighting!


I just wanted too say after watching a video you posted, your voice is soothing. You could also narrate sleep videos ⭐️👍🏽 Thank you for great decorating tips, as well!!


I used those curtain videos you made to do all my curtains last month. Really great advice, thanks for putting that together. The rooms like much better now.


Renyard you are the greatest. I can understand EXACTY what you are talking about and WHY. You go further to give great visual examples to make things even crystal clear. I understand the concept and the reasoning.
One thing to mention is café curtains are now hated but do a great job if you only need privacy on the bottom half of the window. For the kitchen and eating area they are perfect for me. But no other room (maybe a bathroom would be OK.)
No ruffles, lace or patterns other than a stripe. A stripe will add length to the window. Fabric thin but durable like a sheet is best. A very small top valance hung mostly on the wall, only an inch or to over the glass, completes the look.
Over the sink my mini blinds get dirty fast, these are MUCH easier to clean. Keep them simple and they will look classic. The thin fabric let more light in than the open mini-blinds.


You are incredibly talented and communicate so well. I love all your videos.


A friend just renovated her bathroom with the fake oversized marble panels. It makes her happy but agree, is best avoided.


I love all your videos and have been bingeing them since my husband and I just bought our first home that we'll be moving into! I do have one question that remains though, that I haven't been able to find any interior decorators/designers tackle: how do you have a beautiful, clutter-free home when you have collections you want to display that aren't necessarily attractive? My husband and I have several Pokemon plushies each that we enjoy tossing around when we're relaxing in the living room, he has a Star Wars ship collection he'd like to display, and I collect dolls. The colours and shapes of these items obviously don't match anything so using them as decor is tough. We're open to only having a few pieces of display and putting the rest away and just swapping them as time goes on, but how do we not make them look random? Especially in a small space where space for furniture is at a premium!


One thing I've never seen addressed are how to hang curtains when you can't use the space between the top of the window and the ceiling. Three of our windows have air conditioning units above them (it's an old house, there's no way to install central air here). As you can imagine, the sun here requires some filtering...
I don't like roller blinds, and Roman blinds, which I actually do like, are both significantly more expensive and less practical here than curtains, with the only exception being those Ikea magnet-based polyester Venetian-style blinds, which I don't think are necessarily an improvement over a nice curtain hanged too low, but maybe I'm wrong.
Also, for some reason, the people who renovated this place installed all the new windows flush to the wall, so I don't even have the option to use the inner frame for any type of blinds.

I would genuinely welcome any ideas.


David 3D printer and bambulab user here. This was the last video I’d expect to see a 3d printer ad


Your videos really are the best on indoor layout and design tips. You helped me so much!


My Bambu Lab P1S had helped me create containers and other useful items to tackle the clutter.


I feel called out on this video.😂 I have contact paper on my counters, bad lighting, & word art.


❤ the light scale 😂 tysm!! Your channel is very helpful


Very good and well delivered tips. I found interesting the one about textures, and I think that would be the most difticult one for me to execute. Thrn the next one that seems hsrd to me to get right is light, even if I know about the types, you still need to have a good sense to put it well, so that it gives proper effect. It pretty difficult to imagine. But lets see if im able to come up with something nice for my new apartment. I wont be hiting any interior designer brcause there are few that can do well. Whrnever I look at the demos, I wonder that ready templates from IKEA look better and more cozy.


Love your videos so helpful with great visual examples keep up the good work!
