Naval Nuclear Power School

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Hope you learned something about NNPTC it was a heck of a ride for both of us and one of the hardest things we have ever done... If you have any questions please let us know!!

Nuclear Power School:

Schedule - hours/weekends - You have to be there from 07-1530 everyday and if you get additional hours assigned due to your performance on exams you may be required to do more on top of that which have to be completed outside of normal hours regardless of if you have classes or not during the normal school day. The large majority of students also come in for at least one day on the weekends as well.

What to bring and what not to bring - Anything technological... you can have a basic TI-36X pro calculator and that is about phones and there is an approved device list for what watches/other limited smart devices you're allowed to have

Traffic - Typically not too bad unless it is a graduation day... then it can add upwards of an hour so be carful! Most of the time we got there pretty early to study so it didn't affect us too much. If you're living further away in areas such as Summerville we've heard of people running into some fairly bad daily traffic there too so just watch out.

Where to live - We recommend as close as possible, because the last thing you want to do after a long 12+ hour day is have a long commute... totally up to you though, some people said they liked living downtown, but we could get to and from work in less than 10 minutes when it could take them over 40

Final exam comp - 4hrs based on everything you've done so far, they can literally ask you anything from the past 6 months, you'll learn as time goes what is more important and what they are more likely to ask though but it can still be a lot...

What if you fail - You get to try again the next week, but you lose your graduation... it really sucks if you had family coming into town, but if you fail the 2nd one then you get one last chance for an oral board where you do your best to show what you know to staff at nuke school (in the end nearly everyone, if not everyone passes).

Graduation - It's a great time for your family members to come and see where you have been for the past 6 months. They obviously don't get to go inside but you're on base and they get to see where you've been working/spending 12 or more hours a day for the past half year... yay

Prototype - Get to put your knowledge to use finally! We'll do a video on it at some point with updates so stay tuned!!
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Hi. I'm a USAFA '80 graduate and I just discovered your channel a few weeks ago and have subscribed. I've really enjoyed your videos as they're well done and informative. They've given me insight into USNA midshipman life and now your active duty Navy work and life. I hope you keep these going. Thank you.


9+ hours a day minimum of studying was already pretty bad, hearing about a 2-4 hour test every single week officially killed any chance that I’ll join the program. My adhd cannot handle all that 😭


I completed NUC school in 1967 and went to prototype training in upstate NY. Then I went to SSBN 602 (Abraham Lincoln). It looks like much has changed, but it was very difficult back then. Thanks for a good video.


I was in Machinery Division, USS Lewis & Clark SSBN-644B, '78-'82. Ended up making a career of it in the commercial sector.


Thank you for the information. Nice to have your posting again.


Thanks for the info and best of luck! I have a son at NNPTC so good to know!


Class of 1969 here at Mare Island. Went straight to PCU in NLon aboard USS Archerfish, SS(N)-678. S1W prototype.


How does ship selection work? Do they rack and stack? Or do you like sit in a room and argue over it?


I enjoy watching your travels and appreciate your NPS info is from current experience. I have visited a lot of old sites and maybe the info doesn’t change much. My son graduates from RTC then off to SC. What else will help him start off right.


Hi JuJu was wondering if you have a video of what it’s like to be a female junior officer on your assignment. What is your schedule like on a carrier and how long are you on the ship?


What's the deal with the Civilian's in the pipeline?
Awesome video.


Just got service assignment and got subs. I havent interviewed yet but assuming I pass Im super excited to head to charleston. How much free time did you guys have during power school?


Do you have to find your own housing or is there an option to live on base? And do you really have to bring your lunch every day? I assumed there would be a mess hall or something.


Always wondered what the career path for Nuclear SWO. Carrier for rest of career or rotate back to surface for Dept Head/XO/CO along with carrier tours?


Hello - thanks very much for the video - my son is in high school and wants to go into the Navy as a submariner - i told him nuke school is hard so i hope he'll watch this video when i share it with him. We visited the Naval Academy this past December and is going to apply to do the summer at the Academy between the junior/senior year of high school... How did your dog deal with you guys being gone all day 5 days a week - did you board the dog or leave him on his own every day? I lol'ed at the CONFIDENTIAL stamp - i brought my stamp to school (not nuke school - just normal SWO school) and just left it in the safe so that I could stamp my notes and leave them at the safe at school. We didn't have cell phones when i was in the Navy so do you just leave your phones in your car? or do they let you leave your phone /electronics in a locker?


Lol i’m wearing the same cooper river bridge run shirt rn. Surface ELT here


As a junior in high school what are some things I can do to get ready for the nupoc program


Can you make a video about the technical interview and screening process?


5:40 I think you’re referring to an etch a sketch.


After signing contract and graduating bootcamp of hell, what other schools do you have to finish besides NPS to join fleet as a nuke?
