Meredith Is There For Amelia - Grey's Anatomy 12x24

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"And every time I try to tell her the world is on fire she hand me a marshmallow to roast" omg i could not stop laughing for the life of me


"Turn around, I'll start kicking" I'm gonna steal that, it's genius.


It hits me so hard how much Amelia's been through, like she was a drug addict, her dad died, her brother died, and her family won't go to her wedding.

Meredith isn't the only one who's dying on the inside.


Shonda could've at least brought in Addison.


I think it was in this moment that Meredith and Amelia became friends. I don't think Amelia was expecting Meredith to say that.


i really really really love Amelia's actress. Caterina's acting has always always given my the goosebumps. She is phenomenal.


Awe when Meredith says “I’ll drive the getaway car” you can see the burden lift off Amelia’s shoulders. The burden of wanting Meredith to love her when she always has.


Meredith is the best person to have as a person 😩💜


Meredith grew up finally and stopped hating on Amelia, yay!


I don't think what meredith was doing in this season was hating on amelia, like some comments are saying. I understand that opinion, but we know that mer has problems connecting with people, and has had a tragic experience with almost everyone she has gotten close to. Ellis, lexie, george, derek, all died, and cristina, thatcher, richard, izzie all left her. Her whole life she has been left by the people she loves either by them dying or leaving, making her feel unwanetd and give up hope on becoming close to others. So she has trouble connecting and getting close to people, and usually pushes them away before getting close to them, I think out of fear. She especially has this problem with sisters..both lexie and maggie went through the same experience as amelia, on different levels. Mer usually pushes others away before getting close to them, so this is what she did to amelia. I am not saying this is right, I just think that mer wouldn't just hurt someone to intentionally hurt them with no underlying reason. She has felt alone a lot of her life and goes through a lot of her life alone, which is not her fault it is just how she was raised. She was raised feeling abandoned and unwanted, learning to do everything on her own. So I think in this season she was pushing amelia away because of her past, and probably does not mean to intentionally hurt her.
Plus their disagreements are not one sided, amelia has said many unkind things to mer as well. I think amelia can sometimes be self centered, and not take into account others emotions, but just assume people are doing things to hurt her. Again, this is not her fault as she has been very hurt in the past, but assuming that people are doing things with the motive to upset her can sometimes cause problems, especially with mer, because many things mer does actually have nothing to do with her and are in no way to hurt her. For example, at the dinner party in season 12 episode 5, amelia got very upset that mer did not tell her about who penny was and felt that mer was being rude and inconsiderate by not telling her. When actually, the last thing on mer's mind that night was amelia, because the woman who killed her husband was eating dinner at her house. Mer did not intentionally not tell amelia to hurt her, but was trying to be nice to callie and not cause problems, while also trying to not relive dereks death. Mer was having panic attacks that night, and was trying to keep herself in line, not really worrying about amelia's emotions on the matter. It is not amelia's fault that she can jump to conclusions this way, as she has dealt with a lot of people in her life intentionally trying to undermine and hurt her, so it is harder for her to open her mind, because her mind has been manipulated by other people and things, such as drugs, causing her to have trouble with trust.
Soo what im trying to get at is mer usually does things, not to intentionally hurt people, but with other usually good motives not involving amelia's emotions. And amelia does not consider more than one possibility when it comes to her emotions and usually jumps to the conclusion that mer was intentionally hurting her. So mer needs to think about amelia's emotions more, and amelia needs to think about mer's actions less. Both characters have flaws and dark pasts, and thats okay because as people we do too! I think this makes them more real and relatable, as we all have a side we support most likely because we feel empathy for that character. I support both characters, and think because of their past they can do or feel things that aren't exactly right or logical, but do/feel them for the right reasons in their head. This is just my opinion and not meant to offend anyone! Tell me what you think! Meredith has always been my fav character and I feel the most empathy for her and attachment to her, so while watching this season I was totally against amelia and on mer's side when they would have arguments. For this comment I tried to look at it from both sides and see amelia's motives! I hope I was good at defending amelia's decisions, as well as mer's!


I feel bad for Amelia. She didn't deserve it!


I love Meredith but Addison is Amelia's sister and will always be. Why wasn't she there btw?


My heart breaks for Amelia every time I see this speech. She went through so much.


the actress portraying amelia steals every scene she's superb


Meredith might not act that grown up sometimes but throughout this series she had been there for each and everyone of them when they screw up or are in a bad place even when they cause shit to happen in her life she forgives but try seeing seasons 11 to 13 when losing derek was fresh she was still there for all of them especially amelia and maggie who by the way are not alex and Christina but they still demand more. They both were so wrapped up in their own drama. Christina was her one true family and derek was her life for so many years. She embraced too much for derek and changed alot yet before dying he almost broke her yes he came back but first he showed her a side of him she didn't know existed before amelia arrived. But still after all this one blames her for every bad decision she makes for herself. How hard is it for a widow to bear a sister in law like amelia in her life when she no longer have an obligation to. But she still demands to be a sister while throwing crap at her. Meredith might not always be the best character in the series she might not always make best decisions but she was not raised. She raised herself and she raised herself good. They both had been through alot but hey amelia had a family and everyone who's saying she saw her dad get shot she didn't derek held her tight so she wouldn't go out to see her dad. She had a family a great family her mom accepted meredith with open arms. That kind of Mom didn't try to bring her back from depression and addiction? Derek was an ass to her yeah a total jerk and i hated him for that but everything she put meredith through after he died and the stuff she said to her? Not because of derek because of owen... you shouldn't blame them for not being there. She came in her life and showed her what kind of an insecure ass her husband was. Then she took his place and also took the life that once her person used to live she took owen it is superficial and childish to us but not to a grieving womanwhen you shove the gone best friend and dead husband down her throat every chance you get then expect her to cope with you when she is trying her best to cope with loss, raising 5 kids alone and still standing tall.
And yeah 5 kids including maggie and amelia ☺


All the people who think Meredith was not considerate of Amelia, she doesn't know what she went through. All Derek told Meredith about Amelia was that she once used to be a drug addict and is now a brilliant Neurosurgeon.
So just imagine for Meredith, this former drug addict comes into her life, her husband ain't there anymore and now she is the
I love Mer and Amelia but please try to understand here


Every time I see this I cry so much cause I know I am not the only one that one who want Meredith and Amelia and in real life


mer before marrying derek… she had her twisted sister; cristina. she tried to get cristina to walk down the isle on her wedding day and she told her she was beautiful. mer talked to burkes mom when she came back and tried to get rid of her so cristina didn’t have to talk to her. and mer kicked cristina’s mom out when cristina was in the hospital and was sick of her mom being overprotective. when cristina had a bad day and cried; she cried on mer’s shoulder. when mer had a bad day and cried; she cried on cristina’s shoulder. mer took cristina home on her wedding day when burke left her at the alter and cut her out of her wedding dress with a pair of scissors. mer has done this before. she knows how to do this twisted sister thing. she’s done this before.


Rather y’all like to admit or not, Meredith was really mean to Amelia for NO REASON. All Amelia wanted was a sister since all hers are crappy. I’ve always thought Derek would be so disappointed in Meredith for treating Amelia so shitty


This scene gave me chills. Still does!
