If You KEEP WAITING for a Godly Spouse, God Will . . .

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Are you waiting on God for a Christian spouse? Is God telling you to just keep waiting for him to bless you with a godly marriage? What does the Bible say about waiting on God for a godly spouse? Here are 4 blessings God will give you if you faithfully wait for your future marriage.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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Yeah, I jumped into a marriage when God put every red flag in front of me and said WAIT. I did it anyway, and paid for it with stress, anxiety, depression and regret. But God also brought me through the healing process of a divorce. Let's put it this way, I am the prophet sent to WARN you, obey God, and WAIT on His Perfect timing!


1. You will avoid the pain that always comes when you take matters into your own hands
2. Embrace your season of waiting.
3. You will feel freer to take a step of faith because you will know you are also truly willing to keep waiting if that is what God wants
4. You will have the peace of knowing you are submitting to God's will for your life no matter what happens next

God bless you Pastor Mark!! needed this!


I want a kingdom spouse that will HELP me draw closer to God.


Waiting on GOD for a Godly spouse is worth the wait, when you put GOD first.


I waited 29 years and I still made a bad choice in a spouse because although I was a Christian I was not reading God's word at the time or seeking an answer from God if I should have married him or not. My advise is to not only wait on God but have on the whole armor of God while waiting, and seek his answer when you do meet someone. Don't ignore red flags just because you are in love.


I know there is a godly husband out there for me


Its never too late to be joyful and to rejoice in the Lord. Whether you remain single or get married one day, you always have God who supports you in any circumstance. This is what God has put on my heart tonight.


When I first started watching your videos, my singleness did feel like a season of "waiting". I felt impatient and eager to find my Godly spouse. Now, after prayerfully asking God for guidance, I can't imagine finding my husband any time soon. And I don't want to! I have way too many ways to serve God in my purpose before I'm ready to pay attention to a dating season! I still have the desire to be married one day, but it no longer feels like I'm "waiting". I'm in a season of SERVING! ♥


When i look back at all the mistakes i made and people who i thought may be the one and weren't, i now see that i was trying to make something happen outside of God's will. When He wants you to meet someone, you will and if he doesn't you won't. Great video, one of my favorites.


The quicker single Christians realize what is required and practice obedience, the quicker the blessings arrive and prayers are answered.


I am actually already married but this channel is such a great resource for Christian singles! Blessings! 😊💜💚💙😁


I just simply pray to be happy every day. That is what I desire most. Everything will come along in its perfect timing. I want to wait, and BE HAPPY. True contentment is found in God. He is my Husband first!


Guys this is dead on. I stayed in a toxic relationship for 3 years, almost got married hoping that marriage would make things better! No, it magnifies everything.

I called off our wedding less than a month not regretting any of it. And we are both Christians but we had very big differences in beliefs as she believed in the prosperity gospel, I don't.

Anyway, fast forward 5 years later, and one more bad but short relationship. I'm happily married to a godly woman who puts God FIRST! I adore my wife as she is precious to me. And displays the same to me.

God brought my beautiful wife that EXCEEDED my wants and desires.

Trust God, put Him first, and let Him lead you. He blessed me with my wife when I was truly content with just having Him.

Oh we both got married in our mid 40's 😉


"Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD."- Psalms 27:14

I am 29 years old and never had a girlfriend. God hath revealed me to me in church, youth retreats, dreams with Bible verses, etc who is my future wife. I am waiting for God to bring her to me.


I am turning 36 this month and I'm still single. It's hard to wait. It's painful to wait.


i literally just asked god why he wasn’t saying anything and then this popped up


1.Embrace your season of waiting with the Lord.
2.Step into faith with the Lord.
3.Move in the timing of the Lord.
4.Submit to God's will...❤❤❤❤
Love Love Love...God bless!


I really like how you explained if we are, “Waiting on God” or “Waiting to be blessed.” It was convicting! Made me double check my motives behind a lot of things, I am waiting on- not just marriage!


Any people in South Africa watching this video? I would like to create some friends. The loneliness is killing me😔


Amen! I needed this correction. It is important to remain faithful and obedient to God in your waiting, NOT acting out in frustration, loneliness or boredom because that can lead you to sin and self-inflicted misery. Trust me, don’t take matters in your own hands. Wait on the Lord and remain faithful to his word. He will provide, always.
