Warren Buffett: American Debt Is Totally Out Of Control

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Warren Buffett doesn't often share his views on the risks associated with very high debt levels, but in this video, he explains why too much debt may be risky for the United States as time goes on.
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Buffett's mind is like a huge supercomputer... He pulls figures and percentages out at will. 😊. Love the way Charlie and he aren't afraid to differ publicly.. A sign of integrity.


Buffet vs. Munger. I have to agree with Charlie Munger on this…

Blindly thinking that US will be okay while we recklessly getting more and more debt is not wise.


I have watched many, many clips of Warren Buffet and Munger, and this is my favorite xlip. His thoughts on the US debt (this clip is in the past, and the debt levels are even higher now) are insightful and are really eye opening.


Question is, can US governance govern well enough over a long enough time to correct budgeting and spending?


Surprised how no one sees what’s coming. As Americans, we love come back stories. We have high quality tech. Innovations in tech could get us roaring again. It is a possibility.


People need to learn how to endorse their instruments and bills of indebtedness to bring the national debt down


This is what i have seen. Corporate America needs to reinvest in their companies. I listened to a company wide call considering some of the question the actual laborers had. One of the middle management Area/ Regional, answered an employee's question about time to learn the necessary tools to move up as the call pertained to upward mobility to a degree. The manager told the employee that maybe he should get a business degree. Me being who i am thought to myself, "don't we have a lot of those already?" and "is it really doing any good?". We all know that the actual substance of corporations in the U.S. has been neglected in an effort to please investors. What i don think many realize is how that circus wheel type of financing your business is harmful to the very foundations of that business. To use an analogy, "Even the strongest built structures can only survive so many earthquakes". If we are indeed headed for a lean time, this would be the time to fix the cracks in those foundations. To be completely honest, corporate America looks like an addict chasing their next fix the way they chase investors. It is unbecoming.


Just the interest is almost 1 trillion as I type this in May 2024. Where does this end.


My concern is the FED having to make the interest payments on the bonds they issue, after they raise rates. They can limit the bonds I suppose, but if they are truly broke, I don't see how they can refuse the money, or how they can pay it back either, without increasing the money supply( i.e., increasing inflation and raising the debt ceiling).


I wish to hell that people who post these videos would state the year it was recorded. This is kind of a historical archive and it would be great to know how Buffett's views have evolved over time. Pretty lame not to post it.


7 percent growth onn the back of 10 percent defecit. We wouldnt recommend this to our children with thier personal finances. But we vote in politians who do this.


william quit smoking
michael welch juniors joking
nephew states broken


“I think Paul Krugman is a genius “.That has to be the dumbest thing Munger ever said. My estimation of Mungers intelligence just evaporated.
