10 Screenwriting Tips from David Lynch - Masterclass Interview on Writing, Creativity and Film

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David Lynch Masterclass Interview on Creativity, Transcendental Meditation and Screenplay Ideas for his films Mulholland Drive, Dune, Eraserhead, The Elephnant Man, Blue Velvet and series Twin Peaks and Rabbits. He enjoys smoking, teaching and being a madman. He is a recipient of an Academy Honorary Award in 2019, he has received three Academy Award nominations for Best Director, and has won the César Award for Best Foreign Film twice, as well as the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and a Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival.

Intro: (0:00)
tip 1: (1:24) - Film is a beautiful language. Use it to do the abstraction of the emotion and other film elements
tip 2 - 2:28 - It’s only a myth that you need to suffer to create. Free yourself from the negativity and enjoy the creative process
tip 3 - 4:48 - The more HABITUAL your daily routine is, the more your mind is FREE for creatingiff
tip 4 - 7:07 - Find your own voice, stay true to that voice and always insist on the final cut
tip 5 - 8:55 - Write every major idea down as soon as possible because you will not forgive yourself if you forget them
tip 6 - 9:18 - The most important thing is what you fall in love with. And the reason you fall in love with it, is an abstraction
tip 7 - 9:55 - Writer’s block only means that you are still fishing [writing] you are just not catching any fish [ideas] today. You just need to keep fishing. You need to have patience.
tip 8 - 10:40 - Fall in love with the medium you create in and the ideas will magically start to flow
tip 9 - 11:45 - When writing down an idea, write it with such words, that when you read those words later, the idea will come back to you in full
tip 10 - 12:32 - If you decide to make an abstract film [like Eraserhead] don’t try to define it. Just make an honest film and let the audience interpret it for themselves

#davidlynch #screenwriting #screenplay
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This is wonderful. Lynch is the most honest and inspiring filmmaker. He has such an organic process and I wish he had two lifetimes to direct movies.


David is a 500 year old literal wizard that enjoys humanity enough to share wisdom with us if we would just listen a while


This man is full of wisdom; and he is willing to share it and that is just wonderful. Thank you for this video.


Why I resonate most with Lynch is definitely 💯 because of his background in fine arts. His unique take on whatever that he was trying to portray is absolutely non-linear, quirky.. simply we call it Lynchian, true as it is. I was trying to sleep last night and all I could hear was "TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION!" with Lynch's voice and his face floating above me. It was hard sleeping + meditating with a bunch of people snoring around me though.


I wish there were more people like David Lynch in the world. Everything this man says makes sense to me. It can be so difficult to find like minded people to create with


A well of wisdom, he should be protected at all cost. A rare gem.


Love to see the zeal and enthusiasm David has for teaching and sharing, thanks a lot for this, very inspiring.


No one inspires me to make things more than David Lynch.


Love this!! His explanation of why he started making films was captivating.


This is such perfect timing for TIP #2. I for the first time in years and am doing relatively well for myself and have bene feeling guilty about moving into a nicer place and acquiring new stuff b/c I feel like I am supposed to be poor, starving, and suffering in order for my work to mean anything...it's so ridiculous! And the next rule about habits and routine...I always thought that the less 'bandwith' you used on daily life stuff then the more you could free up for the creative and abstract stuff. Thank you for this!


It's very true. I've forgotten amazing ideas before. And that's why I write down every good idea because it's devastating to let them go by.


The fact that Eraserhead "wasnt made for an audience" makes so much sense.


Most auteurs are so braggadocious about how good they are but this guy is so humble.


I think his advice to write down 70 ideas is great because when you’re forced to write 70 ideas before writing, you are forced to come up with more and more


Literally everything he has said I will take like it's diamonds


First I saw Instagram, I followed it, now watching on YouTube good work keep continue !


thank you so very much for catch all those big fishes. DL is pure light :""""


12:43 "would you like to expand on that a little?" "No."


Your analysis is always great.please do deep analysis of The appartment 1960


Thanks team @outstandingscreenplay, I have been following since 2months in insta and then I tried your channel in YouTube, and it makes me feel that the decision to check out your YouTube channel was one of my best decisions I have made in recent times. Lol.
Jocks a part congratulations and keep going one day, when I am introduced to this world as an filmmaker I would love to share this channel. Thank you God bless you. Keep going.
