10 Screenwriting Tips from James Cameron Masterclass on how he wrote Titanic and Avatar

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James Cameron’s MasterClass - A Screenwriting MasterClass. James Cameron Teaches Screenwriting and Filmmaking. Learn from the Academy Award–winning director and screenwriter about his screenwriting and filmmaking techniques.

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James Cameron is a Canadian film director, screenwriter and producer. He is best known for making science fiction and epic films. Cameron first gained recognition for directing The Terminator (1984). He found further critical and commercial success with Aliens (1986), The Abyss (1989), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), and the comedy thriller True Lies (1994). His other big-budget productions include Titanic (1997) and Avatar (2009), with Titanic earning him Academy Awards in Best Picture, Best Director and Best Film Editing. Avatar, filmed in 3D technology, also garnered him nominations in the same categories.

Cameron's films have grossed approximately US$2 billion in North America and US$6 billion worldwide. Avatar and Titanic are the highest and third highest-grossing films of all time, earning $2.85 billion and $2.19 billion, respectively.

1. Directing is a state of mind, so put yourself all in. Do anything you can, no matter how small, to make yourself a director. Then it’s just a matter of scale and dedication.

2.  To get the audience over the hump of watching something that might be considered boring (like a period film), make them fall in love with your characters first.
3. Make your film an extension of you. When thinking of ideas, think about your interests, your inner truth. Even to smaller details like dreams, or hobbies, that you can further draw from.

4. Inspiration, and opportunity, can come from anywhere. Take the chance, be brave, follow the idea and see if you can catch lightning in a bottle.  

5. When creating a sequel just try to make the stand alone film you envision. While you have basic rules to stick to, characters to use, don't lose sight of your talent and your unique vision for what the project should be.

6. Cinema is a mixture of transporting your audience into another spectacular world, while also being able to make that story, those emotions, relatable. Create a journey, in every sense.

7. Make your own luck. As a new director, working on other projects is not only more difficult, but ripe for mistakes and issues. So, write your own material and create your own films to more effectively build up your career and name in the industry.

8. It’s never too late to create. You need to have the passion, and dedication to start learning some of the basics of film, and also the passion to truly follow your dream. But it can always be started, or picked back up.

9. Directing requires stamina to power through it. Allow your crew to help you to create great work, don't think you have to do it all alone. Especially when it gets difficult as a new filmmaker. 

10. Rule for pitching: A script or proof of concept is a great way to show not only that you’re serious, but also to get across larger more complex ideas. Pitching without those is a very difficult, often unsuccessful method.

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Рекомендации по теме

STAR WARS (1977) got Jim into filmmaking. Jim was a truck driver when he was in a movie theater and while he was watching STAR WARS (1977) he said to himself, "Well, if I'm going to do this I've better get going." Next he found the school of Roger Corman and started as a Model Maker in the Art Department. Then his big time came with making TERMINATOR (1984).


We desperately need more people like you Cameron to inspire all other fields of life.


50% of my screenplays or short films came from realistic dreams and woke up and wrote them down .. the mind is amazing.


He went to my school and is from my hometown!!!


Great video. Cameron is actually a great script writer just as much a director.


Avatar came from a dream and TERMINATOR came from a nightmare. Maybe i got start trying to remember what happens when i sleep.


how amazing!!! what a great piece of knowledge from the man who went against all odds! Thank you for sharing this video with all of us. It came at the right time for me. I really needed this today.


I think the writer of any movie should be the one in charge .
But if the writer is also the director then the story won't change at all and the audience would get a pure film and that would be the best in my opinion
I am a beginner writer and I wish to study directing too ❤️🧡


#7...Yes Mr. Cameron, I have made 6 feature films and heading into number 7 in two months.


Again, it's great to see another my favorite director on your channel. James it's one of my patron in the field of inspiration even only by listening him. i watching interviews from very soon and i had not watched any of these interviews with him. It's nice to see i have some similar thinking and points of view with him. Once again admiration to you bringing him on board.
For me best of him: "Aliens" 2 and "Terminator judgment day". But i give him full credits for ambitious "Avatar" project.
I when i think of he took inspiration for Terminator from John Carpenter "Halloween"... it's kind of strange how one idea transform in to another. :)


It's so weird to imagine somebody as talented and confident as him ever becoming a truck driver. You'd expect him to be more like Spielberg, sneaking onto Hollywood sets in his teenage years.


Спасибо Джеймс, я закончил, буду только добавлять)) Люблю твое творчество




James Cameron: You have to forswear all other paths….You can’t keep a foot in one job…

Also James Cameron: Dives to the bottom of the ocean in-between films.


James Cameron: a lot of people ask me what’s the best advice to someone who wants to be a Director ? And the answer I give is very simple... Be a Director, pick up a camera, shoot something, put your name on it as a Director.
Me: Have a vision, be a visionary & everyone will recognize you from your Camera without seeing your name.
(Notice how the first thing he talked about is his “DREAM”, it’s a vision but he need to dramatize it for the camera)


Tip #11: put actors in real life and death situations on set so they really feel the drama.


This chennal is one of best chennal right now. really you guys doing great work for us.


3:31 that guy didn't want to hear. Giving badman look.


I love your channel! You should do a video with tips from orson welles :)


This got 3.5k views in 1 day: impressive!
