A masterclass to Wall Plants (in PVZ2)

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Wall plants may be the weakest plants in PVZ2, so I figured I'd give a relatively (wall plants are super complicated) short guide on how to make the most out of them. It should probably be fine enough.

0:00 - Intro
1:04 - Overall Wall Plants
4:02 - Strengths and how to use them
9:02 - Weaknesses and how to deal with them
13:49 - Covering walls individually
25:11 - Conclusion

Footage is from:
Plants VS Zombies 2 (and it's mods)

Mods used (in order of appearance):
Eclise Alpha

Music used (in order of appearance):
Neon Mixtape Tour Choose Your Seeds from PVZ2
Dave's Theme from PVZ2 (Unnamed)
Cerebrawl from PVZ1
Wild West Wave 1 from PVZ2
Crystal Peaks from Hollow Knight
Chemistry On and On from OMORI

Outro is an original track.
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While Endurian isn’t too useful overall, it’s hella fun when you pair it with bonk choy, spike rock, celery stalker and sap fling. Getting them to work can be hard but it’s so satisfying


I swear, your narration skills have improved quite a bit. I can now comprehend more than half of the script.


My personal favorite with wall plants is actually olive pit, it's ability to slurp up 3 zombies makes walls last longer and slow down the horde further due to it's sap.


I wish there was a reason to use walls more often in vanilla, but problem is there's just too many zombies with little counters. E.g pvz 1, you had spikeweed to counter Zombonis and Catapults, or magnet shroom for jack-in-the-boxes and ladder zombies. Pvz 2 has stuff like football mechs, wizards, explorers, e.t.c all of which are spammed in such high frequency that their counters can't recharge in time, discouraging walls and encouraging hyper-aggro strategies to kill them as fast as possible.


I almost always like to bring a wall plant in my decks. A strong attacking force means the zombies may never actually get that far down, but it's better to be safe than sorry.


Screw the basic wall plants, all the true homies put Pumpkin inside of a Spikerock.


Walnut: weak for hordes but very cost efficient

Infi-nut: plant food ability tanks the most threats

Chard Guard: endures threats 3 times / Blover synergy

Primal Walnut: can endure some threat / fastest recharge

Tallnut: blocks flying zombies / highest health

Endurian: weak for hordes / short-ranged Pea-nut

Pea-nut: Long-ranged Endurian (slightly higher health and damage negated by slightly higher cost & Jester weakness)

Sweet Potato: basic health / crowd control

Hot Date: offense version of Sweet Potato / warms plants

Explode-o-nut: more of an Insta-kill than a wall

Pumpkin: space efficient

Kiwibeast: beefier Chard Guard (weak Wall with strong melee)

Blockoli: beefier Chard Guard (higher health with recharging stun)

Holly Barrier: Endurian with knockback of Chard Guard

Murkadamia Nut: Endurian x Infi-nut with lamer plant food ability


I've been playing pvz for 11 years but I still feel like learnt something


Infi-nut is my favorite wall plant, Primal Sunflower is my favorite sun producer.


A master class to lobbing plants or melee plants would be cool.


Wall-nuts are the best walls, mainly because they are the only wall-type plant that can kill zombies in pvz1. But yeah, I'm glad that you're continuing this series

Edit: Fixed the minor stroke


Hell yeah. New masterclass video! I wonder if there will be one for every class?


Walnut is great because they are tasty


Pumpkin + Electric Currant is kinda broken aswell since the effects of the currant still works (it will change their directions and does damage)
its one of my fav combos and its just satisfying


hey, this is overall a great video, however i do have a major problem in how you compare walls to stalls, as i believe that really misrepresents how walls work

stalls are meant to reduce zombie progress, such as a sap fling slowing down their progress, a stunion preventing progress for a short while, and even primal pea reverting zombie movement

walls replace the progress zombies make via movement with their hp, something you have a lot more direct control over

(if you noticed, stalls will actually reduce progress in both aspects)

making use of both field range (when zombies haven't reached your walls yet, and are still moving towards them) and defensive range (when zombies are currently at your walls, a naturally stronger range at the cost of needing to maintain a resource (your wall's hp) to continuously make use of) can be incredibly important to the success of a strong defense

i hope i explained this well cause articulation isn't exactly a strong suit of mine, but i knew this 100% needed some sort of explanation


Something very important is since wall plants are for stalling Cold Snapdragon is the best plant to pair with any Wall. This magnifies everything especially Spikeweed. This results a in Pumpkin and Infininut being the two best walls in my opinion.


-Places Peanut
-Places Torchwood
-Places Holly Barrier
-Places Reinforce-mint


i swear bro, you can't leave us hanging...
gotta do one for every class now.


Me who doesn't play pvz: interesting


I would add stallers as a classification because there are many stallers that don't do ANY damage and don't fit into any other categories
