Interaction of Forces | Force | Physics

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Interactive Nature of Force
For force to exist, there must be an interaction between at least two objects. This interaction between the objects may or may not be physical. Pulling a rope or hitting a ball with a bat come physical interaction whereas forces like the magnetic force, electrostatic force, etc come under non-physical force.

A force has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the force expresses the strength of a force. To completely determine a force both direction and magnitude must be specified; since the direction or magnitude of the applied force changes its effects.

Effects of Force
A force acting on an object causes the object to change its shape or size, to start moving, to stop moving, to accelerate or decelerate. When there’s an interaction between two objects they exert a force on each other, these exerted forces are equal in size but opposite in direction. When an object has several forces acting on it, the effects of force is same as one force acting on the object in a certain direction and this overall force is called the ‘resultant force’. The resultant force is essential to change the velocity of an object.

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