MEDELLIN, COLOMBIA... A City Like No Other! 🇨🇴 (Travel Documentary)

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I lived 1 month in Medellin, Colombia in early 2022. It's a beautiful, complicated city and I try to capture the whole picture with this travel documentary. Hope you enjoy. Should you like to support my work here are ways to do so:

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0:00 - Intro to Medellin, Colombia
1:00 - How to pronounce Medellin
1:23 - The Three Faces of Medellin
2:52 - Part 1: El Poblado
6:35 - Pros and Cons of El Poblado
9:36. - Part 2: Out of the Bubble
17:51 - A Scary Moment in Medellin
21:25 - Something You Would Never See in the USA
23:46 - Introducing Comuna 13
24:53 - Part 3: Comuna 13
38:06 - Final Thoughts on Safety in Medellin
40:47 - The True Meaning of Travel
44:29 - Gratitude
45:40 - Outro

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As always, I'm Dan from The New Travel. Thanks for watching!

#medellin #colombia #medellín
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I lived 1 month in Medellin, Colombia in early 2022. It's a beautiful, complicated city and I try to capture the whole picture with this travel documentary. Hope you enjoy. Should you like to support my work here are ways to do so:

🎵 Where I Get My Music From – Try it 1 month FREE:

0:00 - Intro to Medellin, Colombia
1:00 - How to pronounce Medellin
1:23 - The Three Faces of Medellin
2:52 - Part 1: El Poblado
6:35 - Pros and Cons of El Poblado
9:36. - Part 2: Out of the Bubble
17:51 - A Scary Moment in Medellin
21:25 - Something You Would Never See in the USA
23:46 - Introducing Comuna 13
24:53 - Part 3: Comuna 13
38:06 - Final Thoughts on Safety in Medellin
40:47 - The True Meaning of Travel
44:29 - Gratitude
45:40 - Outro

As always, grateful for your support. More Colombia videos coming soon!


One of my favorite things I remember hearing is "the best thing you can gain from travel is perspective"


You never say what time it is to a stranger in Colombia, stay safe brother, Colombia is a beautiful country and I love it


Having been to most of the major cities in Colombia from Riohacha to Cali…commenting about the treats you bought and being African American…I’ve never had any race issues anywhere in Colombia. I was excited to visit Choco and the Caribbean cities like Cartagena and Barranquilla where the mix of African, Spanish and Indigenous are more pronounced, but I’ve had a blast every time I have stayed. I have been visiting Colombia since 1996 and I love the country and the people…and the food!!! OMG!


Loved your video so much. It's hard to capture entirely such a complex city. And as a Colombian who lived in Medellín for several years, I think you did it amazingly!


Qué bonito documental amigo. Muchas gracias, soy paisa y me pareció un excelente documental.
¡Gracias por el gran respeto que mostraste por la humanidad!
Saludos desde Medellín-Colombia


beautiful chaos… ¡perfecto! – I am approaching 1 year's worth of time living in Medellin. STILL my favorite country, and I have lived in 6 different countries in the past 2 years.


This was really nice and greatly made. Thanks for that and hoping you travel and document more.


El poblado was the first neighborhood in Medellin, founded sometime in the early 1600's. It's a huge neighborhood. I live in the southern part of el poblado, it's a 40 min walk to calle 10 where you filmed everything in your poblado segment. I go to calle 10 maybe twice a year lol


En Colombia hay un dicho: "No dar papaya", que básicamente significa, no mostrarle a los ladrones las cosas valiosas que tenemos, es como no ostentarlas, te recomiendo que lo apliques 👍🇨🇴🤗 Así disfrutará más de este bello país, saludos


Medellin: “In some ways it has a hundred different faces” and that is why I’m still hesitant to visit but I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m fascinated by what I’ve seen online, not to mention that enchanting accent of their gorgeous women. Fantastic perspective, love this video.


Thank you for showing us the beautiful chaos of Medellin, especially Comuna 13!


Absolutely UNbelieveable video. I have watched dozens of travel videos in preparation for an upcoming trip I am taking and this gave me exactly what I was looking for; very Inspiring stuff. I am definately going to be reaching out to Johan for a Tour and I cant wait! Keep up the great work!

At first I thought this video was kinda corny (still do lol), but you have some great nuggets within this vlog, and I like the way you articulate what you see and experience. I'm an American who has lived several years in a S. Amer. country, and I've been many times to Colombia (my favorite!) and I totally get the nuances of Colombian neighborhoods you seem to be describing. I especially like how you compared El Poblado and Laureles or Belen to like a swimming pool and an ocean in terms of the experience one may feel. Also, I'm a black American who loved the little bit about certain "terms of endearment" that wouldn't stand a chance in our countries! I was called "negro" in Argentina, and I called my overweight friends "gordo" and it was nothing jeje. Thank you for a great video, I look forward to seeing what else you put out.


this was a lot of great info the way the coffee is made .I love the prosses you use to make coffee. the for thank you for video.


Greetings from Saskatoon, thank you so much for sharing!!! Great info!!!


Great video, Dan! Showing all of the sides/faces of Medellin all in the same video was an excellent way to showcase the city. Well done!


Great great video through and through I have to say. you for taking time to film. I enjoyed it alot. I am visiting Medellin for the first time in August 2023. Again, I love the especially learning of the area of Comuna 13 which I've read a lot about. Thank you!! 👍🏼😃


Thank you so much Dan for showing us these neighborhoods in Medellin!! Amazing video!! I sooo enjoyed watching & I will keep watching! I want to visit Colombia this year! From The Sunshine Coast BC! 🇨🇦


I’m living just outside the city of Medellin for 11 years now and want to put this video up in my Facebook group for Colombia. Your video was very accurate. I enjoyed it right to the end.
