Dr Peter Gøtzsche talks about his views on prescreening for breast and prostate cancer

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Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD is a Danish medical researcher, and leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has written numerous reviews within the Cochrane collaboration.
Dr.Gøtzsche has been critical of screening for breast cancer using mammography, arguing that it cannot be justified; His critique stems from a meta-analysis he did on mammography screening studies and published as Is screening for breast cancer with mammography justifiable? in The Lancet in 2000. In it he discarded 6 out of 8 studies arguing their randomization was inadequate.

In 2006 a paper by Gøtzsche on mammography screening was electronically published in the European Journal of Cancer ahead of print. The journal later removed the paper completely from the journal website without any formal retraction. The paper was later published in Danish Medical Bulletin with a short note from the editor, and Gøtzsche and his coauthors commented on the unilateral retraction that the authors were not involved in.

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This guy is a treasure. He confirms what I have been feeling for many years.


My eyes have totally been opened by these brave doctors willing to tell the truth - when there's big money involved the lies and scare tactics will continue.


He is absolutely right. I haven't had screening for 25 years nor taken any drugs. I'm still here.


Omg someone who finally talks sense. As a woman who has been screened, might I add it's not painless and every part of my body says this feel like it's damaging my breasts, but that to one side I whole heartedly agree and despite being made to feel like I must be mad by the medical practitioners for refusing I will not be going for screening, this has just given me the confidence I need to say no. Thankyou Dr Gotzsche .


i am impressed. someone who dares to tell the truth. this must have been hard on him. his colleagues must be angry. all the best to him and all the honest people out there!


I did my studies many years ago, (I am 75 and never had any kind of cancer). I keep away from unnecessary tests, x-rays, medicines, and so forth. We have always concentrated on nutrition, and limiting our exposure to harmful fumes and substances. I raise 4 healthy children to healthy adulthood. My husband and I are still fairly healthy without these unnecessary tests.


The cancer industry is huge and I thank God as a retired health care provider that highly skilled and courageous scientists and physicians are finally being heard!! They are now being believed because too many people are hurt by the greed and mistakes the medical systems have done to them.


I am one of the woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent mastectomy. Two years later the ama decided en situ was not cancer at all. So my life was altered permanently for no good reason at all.
I recall the pages and pages of young spanish women who had mastectomies some both breasts. It plagues me how many of them were unnecessary as well.
Thank you for more than speaking out about these things i pray it will change the industry of mutilating women.


After watching this video and Dr. John McDougall's video I called my daughter immediately to see if she was still getting mammographies. She just turned 50. I was happy to hear she hasn't had a mammography in years.


BRAVO !!! BRAVO !!!! Thank you thank you thank you! I applaud this wise gentleman. Thank you Dr. McDougall for posting this video. Will spread to to millions!


I've been saying this for many years. It's so good to hear the truth spoken.


I gave up mammography years ago. It hurt so much and didn't make any sense to me. I was harassed for a long time to continue with that screening. When I did have a question about a breast issue and my Dr made an appointment for me at the breast clinic. The receptionist said I needed to prep for my mammogram before the dr would see me. She and the other reception staff did their upmost to humiliate me. They made me wait for nearly 2 hours before I could see a very annoyed dr. what a complete waste of time 🤷‍♀️
Thank you for sharing this video, what an amazing professor 🫂🙏


This guy is an immense breath of fresh air. Go listen to him talk about depression. Thank you thank you thank you


Listen to this man. He is telling the truth.


I agree. Neither me (52yo), nor my mum (73yo), nor my (maternal) grandma (died at 98yo, never screened, cancer free), nor my (paternal) grandma (died at 92yo, never screened, cancer free), NEVER went for a screening.


Exactly. Go to the doctor when you're sick, if you come across something...you don't go to the doctor when you're healthy & feel fine.


I'm canceling my mammogram now. I had a bad feeling about it.


Bravo Peter. I highly recommend this doctors latest book about the pharmaceutical industry and their harmfull and often criminal ways.
Fortsæt det fantastiske arbejde Peter !!!


Bless You For Making Many Innocent People Aware Of This ❤


Done with mammograms. I have very dense breasts and with my last Mammogram last year, they crushed me so hard, I was in pain for over four months. I know this had to have caused tissue damage.
