Dr Peter C Gøtzsche on how Psychiatry has gone astray

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Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD is a Danish medical researcher, and leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has written numerous reviews within the Cochrane collaboration.
Dr.Gøtzsche has been critical of screening for breast cancer using mammography, arguing that it cannot be justified; His critique stems from a meta-analysis he did on mammography screening studies and published as Is screening for breast cancer with mammography justifiable? in The Lancet in 2000. In it he discarded 6 out of 8 studies arguing their randomization was inadequate.

In 2006 a paper by Gøtzsche on mammography screening was electronically published in the European Journal of Cancer ahead of print. The journal later removed the paper completely from the journal website without any formal retraction. The paper was later published in Danish Medical Bulletin with a short note from the editor, and Gøtzsche and his coauthors commented on the unilateral retraction that the authors were not involved in.

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These people are modern day heroes for exposing this tyranny and literal slavery against humanity.


I became suicidal on SSRIs as a teenager in the early 2000s. In 2004 the US FDA warned about this side effect. I stopped taking them in 2005 and stopped being suicidal that year. Now in 2019 in the US there are more teenagers on SSRIs and more depression and more suicide!!


So true. My mother had depression due to losing her first 2 children and an abusive husband. She had in my view complex post traumatic stress disorder. She was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder (not that there is such a thing). She was given ect and put on lithium to cure “chemical imbalance” The ect caused permanent brain damage and the lithium caused kidney failure. Before my mother got married she was a professional cook. She had a great job, a great social life, great circle of friends. She was fit and healthy. She loved going to dances, listening to music and going to the cinema. She loved wearing beautiful fashionable clothes. She was outgoing and gregarious and loved life. She looked like a movie star or a model. After the ect she came home from the hospital a changed person it was like she developed learning difficulties. She was a nervous wreck and couldn’t even write properly. We didn’t even know she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and that she was on lithium. I battled for years with power mad psychiatrists trying to get them to see that she was suffering from trauma. I got no where. The attitude I got was we’re the experts you don’t tell us how to do our jobs. The more I complained the worse it got and this was with female doctors. This was just 13 years ago. My mum died from kidney failure. After her death I suffered a mental breakdown and ended up in the same hospital. They tried to drug me up to the eyeballs. The place was like a prison. It was so dehumanising. There have been several suicides associated with the place in the last few years including several young people. The drugs they put me on made me violently ill including unbearable stomach cramps and a severe rash and yet they still argued with me that there were no side effects. They even put me on anti psychotics without telling me. I wasn’t psychotic. I stopped taking the drugs because of what they were doing to me and then they started telling me I was non compliant. One nurse started to harass me and told me “you have to take your medication. They sent to a so called step down hostel and I was still suicidal. I said that I wanted to see a therapist and I was told that there was a twelve month waiting list. They sent me home as soon as I started to complain still suicidal.That was over a year ago and I haven’t been able to leave my house in all that time. Several people I was locked up with have died in the last year. This is the mental health service in Ireland in the 21st century. One kind nurse privately encouraged to stand up for myself and not to be bullied by doctors or her arse licking colleagues and even encouraged me to make a complaint and gave me information about an advocacy service. So we’ve actually gone right back to the bad old days again. Thank god for the internet and social media. These psychopaths are killing people. They should be charged with crimes against humanity. Psychiatry has no scientific basis and is fraudulent. The good doctors who know this and who try to change things are either silenced or driven out of the profession. The only beneficiaries are the drug companies. Dr Peter Breggin has stated that anti depressants are the third biggest cause of deaths globally.


STANDING OVATION. Dr. Gøtzsche is clearly a man with integrity who is willing to tell the truth despite the risks. Reminds me a bit of Dr. McDougall in that way! :)


Psychiatry was never sane. It has not gone astray, it always was.


Very impressed with this doctor - speaking out with the truth!


Thebest treatment for anxiety and depression is being socially active in real life..Go outside ..meet with good people..enjoy nature..Believe in nature healing..By just having positive thoughts can cure your psychological problems


I am so happy to have found this info.


He tells the truth.
I am so thankful to him for telling the truth.
From France.


Hats off to Dr Gotzsche for having the courage to speak out. I have had the privilege to work with Prof Ivor Browne in Ireland, who has the same thinking. This man has been similarly hounded out by psychiatry fraternity in Ireland. My own work is on the same lines. The satisfaction one gets in helping someone come off psychotropic drugs is beyond words. The bottom line is that medications do help but there is a limit to what they can do. The problem with medication based psychiatry is that it is almost totally dependent on drugs and makes the patients dependent on them. There are very few like minded psychiatrists but ALL of them have been called either "mavericks" or "mad" or "out of their mind" in various countries. When Bessel Van der Kolk advocated that trauma was the major cause of mental illnesses, even he had to face opposition. In my view, medical orientated psychiatry is primitive. Welcome Dr Gotzsche to the club of "Mad Psychiatrists".


I admire and respect this man greatly. One of the few who is truly focused on doing the right thing for the right reason to speak out. He doesn’t endorse products/services or look to. create a brand to profit from. Dr Breggin shares his views and hit out at his field far harder and much earlier with testing on kids and very early brain washing ie MKUltra (not stopped just renamed). Very brave of both.


I can't speak for everyone, but saying someone who has depression has a chemical imbalance is so disingenuous. Hormomes are always flucatuating and if someone is depressed it may not feel good for that person, but their body is functioning properly, assuming the effects have an outside cause and the the intensity is proportional to their situation. These medications create a false positive and a certain level of apathy. We use our emotions to make sense of the world. In the correct framework this is beneficial. Without a proper signal, due to these medications, it creates madness.


This guy is awesome I thought youtube deleted his videos because they are censoring true content now.


Me 2!... "I absolutely love this man, what he's doing, and for telling us the truth!" ")


This man's intelligence, ethics, and gravitas turns me on.


Thank you for your knowledge . God bless you . Many blessings .


I was locked up in a psych ward for 6 days, all because someone claimed I made a suicidal comment which I did not. The psychiatrist met with me maybe 3 times. Each time, he would ask 2 questions: a) How are you today? (I’d say fine, can I please go home?) and b) What book are you reading? That was it. Less than a 30 second conversationfor this scammer to continue keeping me locked in for profit, so he could collect my insurance payments.


When you fall into the abyss of these drugs and manage to find your way back out, you will find that the person that emerges is not and will never be the same one that fell in.


I try saving people in the U.S., but it's just so imbeded into the culture


Salesmen cannot get rich unless they sell something people don't need. Doctors and mechanics are salesmen of services, like vacuum cleaner salesmen are salesmen of products.
