Finding Local Maxima and Minima by Differentiation
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What else is differentiation good for? Well if we are looking at the graph of a function, differentiation makes it super easy to find where any local maxima and minima occur. This act in itself has many applications, but before we learn those, let's just learn how to find the maxima and minima!
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Finding Local Maxima and Minima by Differentiation
Finding Local Maximum and Minimum Values of a Function - Relative Extrema
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Local Extrema, Critical Points, & Saddle Points of Multivariable Functions - Calculus 3
Local and Absolute Maximum and Minimum from a Graph
Multivariable maxima and minima
How to Find Local Maximum and Minimum Values of a Polynomial Function | Glass of Numbers
Differentiation (Maxima and Minima)
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Finding local maxima and minima of a function given the graph
Finding Absolute Maximum and Minimum Values - Absolute Extrema
Critical points introduction | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy
How to Find Local Maximum and Minimum Values of a Rational Function | Calculus | Glass of Numbers
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Finding local maxima and minima of a function given the graph
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