Balanced Literacy vs. Science of Reading: Which one is ACTUALLY Better?

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Learn about the balanced literacy approach to teaching reading. Understand what is balanced literacy and how it is different from the science of reading approach to teaching reading, literacy, & phonics. Know the phonics approach to teaching reading, or science of reading. #balancedliteracy #scienceofreading #teachingreading

🎬 ABOUT THIS VIDEO: Balanced Literacy vs. Science of Reading highlights the pros and cons of balanced literacy and the science of reading approach to teaching reading. The science of reading approach, or the phonics approach, is centered around phonics and phonemic awareness while balanced literacy is centered around comprehension and decoding strategies. In an entertaining way, this video explains both science of reading and balanced literacy in a boxing match of 4 rounds, explanation, 5 pillars of reading, key reading components, & data and research.




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This toolkit has EVERYTHING you need to teach all components of reading with structured literacy! 🥰


Great take, and thank you for your work! Balanced Literacy already hit the 5 pillars, but Science of Reading reminds us that the phonemic/graphemic awareness and phonics pillars have to be there, and be explicit! In my district, the concern I'm seeing is the idea that SoR is phonics in isolation, so I feel we have to be careful with that. Thanks again!


Thank you so much for helping me to understand so much better. I'm an undergrad student studying to be an elementary teacher, and I've been struggling with reading methods, particularly with these two concepts. I first thought that you either use one or the other as teachers, but I agree with both. Really helped me to grasp these two concepts! Thank you!


Exactly what I think! We need both! I love this. Thanks.


i'm not a teacher or an educator or a parent or anything lol but i have a lot of experience learning how to read in foreign languages and i genuinely think people just don't realize they're talking about two different aspects of learning how to read with these two approaches. a lot of the time this argument is framed as "should we teach kids phonics or should we teach them to understand the story?" the answer is really that they need both in order to be proficient readers growing up. they need to be able to sound out words and understand how to write them and decode written words into language they understand and because reading isn't really something that is natural to us we need phonics for that. and then they also just need to be able to comprehend the language that they're decoding. which is just language but having to read adds another dimension and kids do need extra help with that outside of just being able to understand spoken language. and realistically, different kids are better at different aspects of these approaches and will need help with different things. and will also need a lot of one on one time with teachers and anyone else who can help them to read, a lot of encouragement, a lot of books available at their reading level that they're interested in, and a lot of time to read.

at the end of the day you kind of have to tailor the approach to the kid and honestly i think this is why of all the people i know the ones who are best at reading or read the most came from backgrounds where their parent/guardian read to them a lot and helped them with their reading. it's hard for a teacher with dozens of kids in the class to tailor the instruction to the student but parents who can devote that amount of time to teaching their kids can. i was lucky enough to have two parents who are both highly educated and literate as well as literate grandparents (they also lived with us for about a year or two) and aunts and uncles. i started reading board books when i was three and pretty much every single person i knew could help me. my mom says she usually spent at least 30 minutes to an hour reading to me every day. my parents were able to afford more books and the schools i went to had a lot of books we were allowed to borrow and bring home to read. i was reading chapter books on my own around 2nd grade. when i was in 5th/6th grade (around then, i don't remember when exactly) i started getting REALLY into reading and my parents could both afford to and were happy to buy whatever books i decided i wanted to read. my school library had a huge selection i was interested in and i used it all the time. it's a similar story for everyone i know who reads or used to read for recreation. it's literally our entire k-12 lives that affect how much we read.


Hello just came across your channel and I'm working on becoming a reading specialist. I would like to connect with you.


You are shouting so loud I can't hear you.
