Men Hate When Women Do THESE 5 Things In The Early Stages Of Dating

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Men Hate When Women Do THESE 5 Things In The Early Stages Of Dating... Being cautious in the early stages of dating and knowing the things men hate about women is crucial. If you can know what men don’t like on first dates, online dating, or elsewhere in the dating process, you'll be able to maneuver dating and relationships much better. Take heed to this dating advice and ensure you watch the full video to understand men better and know the things men hate.

Once you know the things women do that men hate and what men really want, you will have different dating experiences. It is crucial to know what men hate in the early stages of dating so that you can navigate the relationship with sensitivity and understanding, further promoting a connection built on mutual respect and shared values. This relationship advice will help you know how men think, what men want, and the things men hate.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Men hate when women do this
- Things men hate that women do
- What men want
- What men don't like
- What men really want
- Online dating
- Things men hate
- What men hate about women
- What men hate about women
- Dating expert
- Dating coach
- Dating advice
- How men think
- Understand men
- Life coach
- Relationship advice
- Dating advice for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.




I hope you enjoyed my video "Men Hate When Women Do THESE 5 Things In The Early Stages Of Dating "


#ThingsMenHate #WhatMenWant #WhatMenDontLike #WhatMenReallyWant #UnderstandMen #OnlineDating #WhatMenHateAboutWomen #HowMenThink #WhatMenHateAboutWomen #StephanSpeaks
Рекомендации по теме

My mother told not to accept anything, money, expensive gifts from a man you don't want to deal with... I took her advice and it saved me alot of trouble 😊


My father made it very clear to my sisters, and I, and under no circumstance should we accept a date with a man just to get a free meal. He said, you ate good last night. You’re eating today. There’s a damn good chance that you’re gonna eat tomorrow. If you don’t appreciate the quality of the person that you’re going out with then you need to keep your hungry tail at home. That’s a lesson that I pass on my kids as well.


There’s a difference between chasing and pursing . Chasing is when a guy is after a woman that is not interested in him. Pursuing is a man that is after a woman that is interested in him and reciprocates his pursuits!


I absolutely believe the woman is the prize, but i also believe the right man is also the prize and both should treat each other with gratitude and respect ❤❤


Dear Future Husband, your wifey is learning from one of the BEST Ever! Watch out!! 😂 Thank you Stephan 🙏


😂😂 " sensitive about money they don't even have" took me OUT! 😂😭🤣😂


I can’t fathom tolerating an unwanted date and wasting both our time for free food. I’d rather buy it myself and eat alone 😂


He cosigned and put a down-payment on my car, but I didn't ask, he volunteered. When I got my tax refund I paid him back. He did that to gain control. I just didn't know that at the time.


I’ve been single for 5 years and I JUST started dating again. I’m binge watching ALL of Stephan’s Videos. 🤞🏾🤞🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Stephan, I haven't watched the video entirely yet lol but just wanted to thank you for all that you do! ❤ APPRECIATE YOUR WORK 🎉


Thank you Stephen for all your inspirational videos. I especially love the ones, where you speak about the importance of putting "God first" in our life's; and trusting that God will send the right person for us. You talk about "healing" which is also very important and setting boundaries. This is my first time commenting, but I do watch all your videos. Stay blessed! And keep up the good work that you are doing. ❤🙏🏾


I try to show the guy I appreciate him by cooking him a home cooked meal weekly. He does take me out to eat or do something fun every week. I am a good cook and thought it was a nice way to say thank you.


When Stephan Speaks 🗣️ I Listen👂🏽 I'm going on a date soon and I'ma put what I learn to use😊


I love your advice but it is so funny how many times you say hear me out in your videos because you know they’re coming for you with the rebuttals 😂


Stephan I clicked your video and the first one is what I am experiencing. I was acting nonchalantly but not intentionally. I just wasn’t bothering him because he has a demanding job and I was giving him the space to do what he needs to but it backed fired as he didn’t think I was interested and trust me it was totally the other way around. He went ghost and just disclosed to me today as to that’s why. I may have ruined this but it has taught me a valuable lesson. You are spot on. 😢


I still love the traditional men who has no problem going the extra mile. Chivalrous! It keeps me in my feminine energy. I love a GENTLE man. We must be healed!


*Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational.*


Great video. And yes The relationship should exist of the two with the guidance of God. Open communication and transparency is key. God will never lead you in the wrong direction.

Always Love Almeta ❤


Thank you, Stephan for this making this video!
Blessings sent your way.❤️🙏🏽
Can you do a video about why men misinterpret what women is say, listening to understand, and asking questions when they don't understand something?


My love language is TIME and so when a guy has said they'll take me out to dinner I said you don't have to do that I'd just appreciate your time (not saying I don't enjoy other things). It's NOT all about spending money for SOME women, lol. I don't know if that was a shot in the foot for me, but that's what I deem MORE important. ✨
