Money Is About More Than Math, You Can’t Put Peace Into a Formula | November 1, 2024

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The Ramsey Show | November 1, 2024

Rachel Cruze & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss:
"Is it wrong to not let family borrow our car?"
"Is it okay to buy gifts while paying off debt?"
"Why shouldn't I get a 30-year mortgage?"
"Should I "call it quits" with my husband?"
"I feel guilty charging my sons rent"

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15:25 Dr. John has never spoken truer words..."There's always going to be a thing." Amen and hallelujah! The earlier you can say no to those "things" and get on with your life guilt free, the better.


And I love that my family is not a gift giving family. We get gifts for the kids but no way am I buying my grown siblings or friends gifts for Christmas. I am a giving person and if I find something sentimental or impactful any time around the year, I will think of them but Christmas is just a debt party. A bunch of adults trying to flex on each other and buy love even though they can’t afford a 100 emergency. The saying that you need a life jacket first before trying to save others is very true in that case


Rachel thank you for saying it even though you were quoting Jade, adults don't need to buy adults gifts. It's a barbaric tradition and puts people through too much stress.


My children stay with me still. I wouldn't have it any other way. When they are ready to leave they can. They help with bills and cooking and cleaning.


Money give you peace exactly and for most a certain attitude towards demands from others


John is spot on with the first caller..


I feel so bad for Bethany. My husband believes he won’t live until retirement, but he wants me to be ok when he’s gone. It might be his number one goal.


Maybe I didn’t hear things right but John said he was out of debt before he got injured, but then he said before he got injured he had a personal loan so that is not being out of debt


Told both of my kids once they graduated from college they had one year and one day to stay with us. Rent and food would be due on day 2. It worked. They are both on their own with kids. That is how it is supposed to work.


So excited to see y’all in Phoenix on Cinco de Mayo!


My husband and I have not exchanged gifts for a long time. We get each other a card for Christmas or our birthday, but that’s it. We have a house that we own and we are debt-free. We don’t worry about exchanging gifts. If I see something that I think my husband will want then I buy it for him. I do not participate in secret Santa at work. I don’t buy anyone else any gifts. Call me a Scrooge, but the holidays is just time off work.


Poor Greg. You learned how your in laws really feel before the baby was due. My in laws showed their true colors when our first born was born and a couple weeks later she demanded a sleepover with her. My mil cried and then guilt tripped my husband because he was spending my first Mother’s Day with me ( she refused to do it day before). She ALWAYS wanted one on one time (I found kinda creepy). She also tried to give my child an adult aspirin at the age of eight…with us nearby. It’s been 10 years and she still won’t visit us (after asking her repeatedly because we feel bad for our daughters and that missing relationship) just because we asked her NOT to do give meds to our daughter lol. She said it was our fault and we were in the wrong. After all these yrs (she did not attend her graduation this past year). Accept loss but know it hurts when u think about the relationship THEY missed out on😢


Dr. John so badly wants every caller’s life to be dysfunctional. We get it, you’re a psychologist.


I think John assumed a lot in the first call. I bet that guys wife never gave a firm NO to the family members, thats why this became a bigger issue. Just send them a message saying "sorry, we cant afford to let you use our cars, but if you do come, there are plenty of rentals". Done


Family can rent a car from rental company


Use MY car to visit OTHERS! Not just NO, but HELL NO!


Living at home making $70k and no rent, that $32k should be gone QUICK. How in the world do people without rent have debt? 😂


On 2nd call and I'm over it. 1st, giving gifts isn't about the recipient being unable to get it themselves. 2nd, no a cut and color isn't a necessity. Hair isn't expensive. It's free. 3rd, she has basically no expenses. She should be debt free in a few months.


13:15 why in the world does someone need to get their hair done for a church event? Isn't your regular hair good enough to go to church? It's actually quite easy to not participate in Secret Santas at work, with friend groups, etc. You don't owe an explanation, but if you feel you do, just tell them you're not able to this year. Also, why does someone feel the need to get their boyfriend a gift? Said SO should know you're working on getting out of debt and don't have additional funds for gift giving. People seem to make situations more difficult than they need to be.


Hi would be possible to have a Budget free training at 5 pm et because I am in UK and usually the time is a problem for me. Would love to participate.
