The history of western feminism explained

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Feminism has made great strides but it has also exposed deep divisions between its supporters. We take a look at the different waves and the different battles Feminism took on and won. Melinda Nucifora explains.

#HistoryofFeminism #WomensRights #MeToo
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Advocates of feminism talk about how this movement benefited women, but did it really? I would argue this movement actually benefited rich and powerful men at the top in society, corporations, and government. Lets look at this rationally and objectively:

1. The right to vote - allowing women to vote eventually doubled the voting population, and on average, women tend to be more agreeable & emotional than men, which means they could be easier to manipulate and propagandise for votes - who benefits from increasing the voting population with people who are easier to get votes from? POLITICIANS AND GOVERNMENT.

2. Moving women into the workforce - this eventually led to doubling the working population, which means doubling the number of people paying income taxes, and therefore, generating more tax revenue. Furthermore, doubling the labor force would also lower average wages due to the increase in the supply of labor, since businesses have a bigger pool of people to hire from. - who benefits from more taxes and lower wages? GOVERNMENTS AND CORPORATIONS.

3. Moving women into the workforce (continued) - with this conveniently coinciding with the expansion of the public school system, since both parents are now working, children were now spending as much, if not more time in school than with their own parents, which means the future generation were now being raised and influenced by the state too - since younger minds are more impressionable, they are more easier to propagandise for votes when they are older - who does this benefit? THE GOVERNMENT.

4. Sexual liberation of women with the development of birth control - women were now convinced that they could engage in casual sex with no strings attached, since birth control, which ironically, was created by men, now removed one of the major consequences of sex (pregnancy). Now it became less risky if they slept with men who didn't want to commit to them. Who benefits if more women no longer need a commitment from you to have sex with them? The top 10-20% of men looking for casual hook ups in the dating market place.


I like how it says 'western feminism'. Bcus it's true


Romantic love is dead and feminist killed it, congratulations ladies you won but men will not commit to you anymore


I think the biggest struggle inside feminism is the one that exits between 2nd wave feminism and 3rd/4th wave feminism regarding raunch culture


Equal rights, nice, but woman don't want equal responsibilities. Feminism is about slaving men.


in 1950s, women role is to stay home and look after kids(note they are not caged at home). However, some women saw a few man having lots of money in office and say" I want that too!" while disregarded the coal miners and man who did the dirty work. When they can't get that "easy job" that enable them to earn more, they cry foul.


What a waste of 4 minutes ..Could've started the 5th wave of feminism instead.


Did the accusations against Joe Biden not energise modern feminism?.


It's all about attitudes, not the gender..


"Close the gap" should be changed to "go to work"


Many unmarried and lonely women take up feminism out of frustration and start man hating campaigns out of the pain of being a reject..


I heard a woman say that it should not be the
" History Of Western Feminism "
It should be the Herstory of Western Feminism.


The feminist movement has to come to an end. It has completely destroyed marriage and made women more miserable than ever. It has also put lots of unqualified women in powerful leadership positions. This has to stop ASAP.


And now we have high body count and 304 and no respect for their self


Islam raised the status of women and addressed her with her humanity and principles, and equalized her with discourse and duties with men- Islam singled out women in the largest wall of the Noble Qur’an, Surat An-Nisa - and the Messenger Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, praised all those who honor women - and demanded Hellfire for those who wronged her and cursed- Islam guarantees a woman a decent life throughout her life through inheritance rights and requires spending on her father, husband, and brother - and her right to work that does not jeopardize her dignity- A woman in Islam feels psychological security and stability whenever her body recedes, unlike the woman in the West - at this stage, (mother) Islam is considered the most obligatory respect and appreciation for the mother from all society, especially from children and grandchildren- Gaining the love and approval of the mother represents a path to heaven, and her anger leads to fire in Islam, which is considered the mistress of the family, and everyone loves to win her love - from time to time you find all parties presenting her with gifts- There is nothing in the Muslim family that worries the West about the flight of children from homes - the process of abortion, suicide and the dispersal of the family, which has become a prominent feature in the West in a frightening and increasing manner, and in most countries that claim the freedom of women, especially in girls- The Muslim woman with her veil is the one who owns her freedom, so only the one she loves can see her beauty - unlike the Western woman, she does not have the freedom to control her beauty in front of the owners of sexual frenzy- This is an overview of the Muslim woman. As for the Western woman, and her suffering, it will be at an upcoming date, God willing


What exactly are new wave feminists complaining about?


Yes and now we have a soft world let's see who will save them


All these mad wallets in the comments lmao. So sad. Stay mad.

Love all my strong and empowering women <3 stay strong queens!!


What good is feminism doing now for anyone?.


Noticed how whenever you hear a feminist talk it's always about her feelings and emotions. And completely ignores reason, logic, facts, evidence, statistics, data, personal accountability and most importantly common sense!
