The #1 Strategy for Running Facebook Ads for Blog Posts and Podcasts 2019

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Content creators, in this video you'll discover...

🔸 how to grow your audience by leaps and bounds (without posting on social media a gazillion times a day)
🔸 the best way to make sure real people (ie. not just your mom & best friend) are seeing the content you’re working so hard to create
🔸 why promoting content is a vital part of any successful launch even though you’re not actually collecting email addresses
🔸 the easy way to get into the minds of your audience (so you know exactly what kind of content they want from you)
🔸 plus I take you behind the scenes to show you one of my best (AKA cheap & effective) content promoting ads (you’ll see it all, including a trick to figure out exactly how your ad is performing)



Five ad formula that sells online courses on autopilot. People tell me all the time that even thinking about getting started with Facebook and Instagram ads feels incredibly overwhelming, and I don’t blame them. It isn’t easy! That’s why I recorded this masterclass to teach you about just 5 ads that you can use to sell more of your online course group program or mastermind.

Sign up, watch it, and then I want you to just choose one of those five ads to focus on to start

➡️Have you seen my most watched videos?

Instagram Story Ads: Why I’m Obsessed And How to Set Them Up

What Facebook Doesn’t Tell You About The Boost Post Button

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Listen to The Get Paid PODCAST here:

Welcome to my YouTube channel. I’ll be teaching you how to run Facebook and Instagram ads for your course of coaching business so you can go get yourself paid!

Feel free to leave a comment suggesting what tip I should talk about next or what your biggest struggle is when it comes to running your ads.

#facebookads #facebookmarketing
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