How Sleeping Pills Work

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***My apologies for the loud music. This is an older video and I was really into background music when I made this. I've since learned my lesson for later videos. 🙂

There are few concepts I want you to know before we move on to talk about individual drugs. Here are the questions that will be answered in this video.

How long do sleeping pills take to kick in?
How does half-life affect the medication?
What is the Tmax and why does it matter?
What is GABA?

GABA is an inhibitory brain chemical that slows down the brain. Think of GABA like spraying water on a raging fire. Benzodiazepines are antianxiety drugs that work through the GABA neurotransmitter to slow down the brain and relax you. Examples of benzos are Valium, Xanax and Klonopin to name a few.

Most of the medications that are FDA-approved for treating insomnia fall into a class called BzRA benzodiazepine receptor agonists.

Receptor agonist means the drug (agonist) activates a portion of a nerve cell in the brain (receptor), which triggers changes in the cell that affect one’s sleep. A BzRA is classified as any drug that binds to the benzodiazepine receptors in the brain whether they are benzodiazepines or not.

Why is this important? Because the non-benzodiazepine sleep aids hold certain advantages over the benzodiazepines that we will discuss shortly.

As of now, there are eight BzRA medications FDA approved for the treatment of insomnia. Five of these drugs are actual benzos, three aren’t. The three outliers— Ambien, Sonata, and Lunesta—are not benzodiazepines, even though they have similar effects on the brain.

Next concept is peak plasma concentration. If you look up information on a drug, it will tell you the time it takes for the drug to reach it’s peak plasma concentration, which is the maximum amount of drug in your blood stream. This time is called Tmax. The Tmax is time that you experience the peak effect of the drug – side effects included.

The time it takes to reach peak concentration or Tmax relates to how fast the medication works. So ideally, sleeping pills should have a short Tmax. In the sleeping pill world, between 1-2 hrs is about average.

These are some of the terms I’ll be using when I discuss the medications in future videos on medication reviews.

Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.

Рекомендации по теме

I wached tis video wil on sleeping pils


I love a long half life. I normally use ativan but I have klonopin too, whenever I need to force myself to sleep I take 20mg of klonopin and it's just great that you're totally relaxed through the morning. FIrst it feels a bit intimidating feeling that soft in the morning, but the beautiful thing is you're not impaired, just laid back and relaxed. Brain still works great, but I wouldn't want to run a marathon.


Wake me up when 2020 ends. Stay safe and healthy


Falling asleep while watching this! Sleeping pain killers is what I’m on for insomnia + fibromyalgia


I slept like a baby after taking only 1 tablet because of being workaholic. It was amazing but wake up very sleepy and tired. Its nice to take occasionally but never daily


Dr im 52 and fall asleep but wake about 4 or 5 hours later, and can't get back to sleep. This has been going on for close to 2 years. Any help would be so appreciated.
God Bless you and all who are suffering with insomnia


Oh you are an angel. I had done Google search all articles came up about risks and overdose. I have PTSD and haven't slept in weeks. All I wanted to know is what will happen when I take them as my doctor gave me them to help me sleep. Thank you for your work. Second time you helped me. :)


Doctor, I took a sleeping pill at night. but I sleep more than 10 hours. if I woke up earlier than that. My body was really sore and tired. should I stop?


I wish you could some visuals like what is happening in the brain


I can't sleep without seroquel or klonopin.. seems that I have lost my natural ability to sleep. What should I do? Any tips?


Why is Zopiclone Generic Imovane not Fda Approved for the Short term treatment of Insomnia?


She looks like the H&R block lady in the commercial 😂


Can you do a video on the after effects on sleep medication


83days before quit benzos now sleep 7 8 hours still feel two withdrawal sym stomach bloating and fatigue taking 3 mg clonazepam for alcohol and nicotine withdrawal when these two sym gone can anybody answer me


Hope you’re having a lovely day Tracey :)


Hi Dr. Tracy. I have a question, and I thought you might be able to offer some advice. So last weekend I fell very hard and got a “moderate concussion without LOC”. I went to the ER because I had concussion symptoms and they sent me home just saying to take it slow for the next week or so, after they confirmed that I had a concussion. But one thing that has changed since, y head injury is my sleep. I feel narcoleptic, like I literally just drop to sleep in the middle of a class, or start To doze off while waiting in line. Last night I slept 11 hours and that is SOOO NOT LIKE ME! I don’t know what to do, im going to ask my doctor, but Is this something you’ve ever heard of? It’s finals week in school and I feel like my brain is betraying me.


I have an unstable schedule for sleeping 😭 but I’m watching this while on my sleeping pills lol💀


I wish they’d make the music louder. I can still hear her a little. 😒


It seems like the sleeping pill has became a part of my life
I can't sleep without it now


You are missing Zopiclone/Imovane. Are you speaking exclusively to Americans? I believe Lunesta is the same active ingredient.
