Kinesin motor transports vesicle along microtubule.

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Rotational hand-over-hand kinesin stepping mechanism with substeps
Animation made by Janet Iwasa based on:
1. Germanium nanospheres for ultraresolution picotensiometry of kinesin motors. Sudhakar et al.
Science 371, 692 (2021).
2. Kinesin rotates unidirectionally and generates torque while walking on microtubules. Ramaiya et al. PNAS 114, 10894 (2017).
Animation made by Janet Iwasa based on:
1. Germanium nanospheres for ultraresolution picotensiometry of kinesin motors. Sudhakar et al.
Science 371, 692 (2021).
2. Kinesin rotates unidirectionally and generates torque while walking on microtubules. Ramaiya et al. PNAS 114, 10894 (2017).
Kinesin protein walking on microtubule
Kinesin Motor Protein 3D Animation (with Labels)
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Kinesin motor transports vesicle along microtubule.
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