Dynein Motor Protein

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Dyneins are a family of cytoskeletal motor proteins that move along microtubules in cells. They convert the chemical energy stored in ATP to mechanical work. Dynein transports various cellular cargos, provides forces and displacements important in mitosis, and drives the beat of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. All of these functions rely on dynein's ability to move towards the minus-end of the microtubules, known as retrograde transport; thus, they are called "minus-end directed motors". In contrast, most kinesin motor proteins move toward the microtubules' plus-end, in what is called anterograde transport.
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Amazing video! It made me understand it way more. I am incredibly fascinated by these little walkers, but never understood how they got to "walk"
Thank you!


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Say we have 2 "legs" of Dynein proteins. Let's call them "Left leg" and "Right leg". When ATP binds to the left leg, this induces a change of electric potentials along the entire protein, which un turn changes its shape and "releases" it from the microtubule. This release, and the hydrolisis of ATP to ADP causes the left leg to re-bind to the microtubule and revert back to its original shape.
Why would the re-bind position be different? What's stopping the left leg from (by pure chance) re-binding back to the same spot from where it lifted? Yes, the shape of the leg changes, but the entire leg is somehwat similar to a "wobbly sculpture of magnets with ever-changing strengths and orientations".
And while the left leg is detached from the tubule, what happens if at that same time the right leg accepts a molecule of ATP? Wouldn't both legs detach?
What if the left leg receives (again, by pure chance, since these molecules are randomly floating about the protein) 2 molecules of ATP one after the other, but the right leg doesn't? What happens if one leg takes 2 steps before the other leg even moves? And if the moving leg just "stomps in place", then we get back to my first question (since the surface of the microtubules is homogenous along the lenght of the tubule).


Think of the heart if you can't think in scale of a protein.

When it pumps it opens up by force of electrons and then relaxes into a more rigid state "rest, " and when the electrons get there it releases in the only way possible, but instead of filling with blood like the heart, it fills with electrons. Due to the proliferation of electrons to escape the body, it comes back the only way possible like when it first folded.

The difference is blood may rest in the heart, but electrons cannot rest in a protein. They are channeled too, I think. Like enter in the foot and go all the way through the paths of least resistance.


Question, why doesn't the atp protein (or rather 2 proteins) bind simultaneously on both linkers? How motion synchronization occurs instead of jumping for example.


Consider this: microtubules self-assemble when needed, disassemble "when not needed, " and there are at least 6 linking proteins each of which is unique for each type of cargo, and these nano-machines and hundreds more are necessary for eukaryotic chromosome segregation in mitosis.

When you consider both code and device built from code had to be present at the same time in evolution for systems to work together to produce a necessary effects, I cannot see a way any sighted person can not see how this is not absolute, 100% proof life was created by a nearly Infinite Intelligence capable of understanding both means and end, planning, encoding, and having the basics (which are not basic!) All present together, for life to copy itself.

Had Darwin known, he would have unequivocally stated, "Here's how evolution works, and ACreator created both life and the processes of evolution.


That’s crazy literally walking things in our neurons


These are like little people in my body lmaooo


I dont believe this is possible especially in 2D illustration


Boston Dynamics cheated. Oh I'm sorry this obviously has no designer. I'm terrible with analogies. I can see the fabric, I am worthy of my station.


Motors are designed, whether for cars, smaller devices, or cells. So do motors put themselves together or is there a Maker. And if they are made, then why does this disturb atheists? Science has discovered these micro machines and belief in a creator did not hinder their discovery in any way.
