Square roof a positive perfect number will always have two possible answers - or + hence there is solution to this equation salimahmed
Square roof a positive perfect number will always have two possible answers - or + hence there is solution to this equation
As far as I know, by definition /sqrt(x) always has two valid solutions. Can you show me where you have your definition from? ets
As far as I know, by definition /sqrt(x) always has two valid solutions. Can you show me where you have your definition from?
I thought the √4 = both 2 and -2, so that actually is a valid solution. Am I missing something? RachetnClank
I thought the √4 = both 2 and -2, so that actually is a valid solution. Am I missing something?
Do you know what? I studied your blog and searched about you ameerunbegum
Do you know what? I studied your blog and searched about you