😔Why School Counselors Feel Lonely And Unappreciated

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🎥In this video I’m going to share 4 reasons why being a Counselor is lonely… School Counseling could be the loneliest job in education!

😔Of course, not all school counselors feel lonely. Many counselors have strong relationships with their colleagues, their students, and their families.

😭However, the factors mentioned in this video can make it difficult for some counselors to feel connected and supported.

What do you think?🤔

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I agree with you. I think the problem is people do not understand WHAT a school counselor actually does. In today's time they usually stay in their office doing paperwork and have very little interaction with the kiddoes. So, you must make sure you have a balanced daily plan which allows you to actually work with the kiddoes. This is very important.


Amen John! Especially about compassion fatigue. We carry so much due to confidentiality. As a solo K-8 school counselor, I think you hit the nail on the head with this video. Thank you!❤️


Yes! Thanks for highlighting this! We got a 2nd school counselor at my school this year and I am soooo grateful! It makes such a difference to work with someone who truly understands what your job is a game changer! I hope I never need to be a solo counselor again


Yes yes! I know the difference because I came from teaching to counseling and I have felt this waaaayyyy too much the past 2 years as an Elem counselor


Great video!! This is so real! You have a wonderful way of encouraging us new counselors! Thank you for all your help!


Hello John, I really enjoy your videos, they helped me multiple times. I will definitely be checking out more of your videos now that I'm back in Middle School, but back to your question, I've never felt lonely but when I was the only counselor at an Early College years ago I did sometimes feel it a little bit but I'm glad I was able to have input from counselors at other schools. I'm just glad I do have another counselor working with me so we can bounce ideas off of each other. Keep up the good work with the videos!


Wow this is my first year so Im listening to


I feel the same way in my current school. I feel I am not appreciate it. As a first year counselor with no support system, especially since I am the only school counselor in the building. Not easy at all. I will pray that my second year will go well.


Yes and I'm only been at it for 1 year.


Hi, I want to ask you who is normally the line manager of the Primary Counsellor or who is he/she reporting to??


Hi Mr. B. Is there a way that I could email you?
