How to Make the Best Universe Mode in WWE 2k24

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How to Make the Best Universe Mode in WWE 2k24

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I wish there was a season mode where the CPU essentially just generates shows, storylines, rivalries and the user essentially just has the option to sim....


How I am currently booking my WWE 2K24 Universe Mode at the moment...

Monday: Raw
Tuesday: NXT
Wednesday: WWE Live: Raw
Thursday: NXT Level Up
Friday: Smackdown
Saturday: WWE Live: Smackdown
Sunday: PLE maybe one or two a month depends if I'm doing an NXT PLE too.

That way I can fit a lot of the wrestlers around. Really enjoying WWE2K24 at the moment 👍


For years, i always make my universal mode to match what's going on in real life on wwe. Tag teams, trades, break ups etc etc.


*Yeah I agree about Superstar version of Universe. It does get boring after awhile. But, it's good to start one and come back to, you know, every so often.*


Universe mode SHOULD be amazing . It should be integrated with my gm and my faction . You should be able to set EVERY rule and there should be ways to create, upload, and download storylines that integrate into your universe mode .


Something that needs to be added bad and I mean bad is a randomize draft button for universe mode. Tbh the fact you couldn’t do it like that turned me away from it a bit because like you said it can be a bit much. That’s an easy fix as well


They pretty much didn’t touch this mode at all besides a few new cutscenes, the rivalries are useless because you know they are facing each other every week till the PLE. Good video though


In the end, the best advice on how to make the best Universe mode comes down to one simple phrase: Take all the time you feel like you need to set things up in a way that will make things satisfying for you in this mode.
For me personally, I usually don't really " play " the game per se at all for nearly 2 months when it releases, as it's the time it usually take me to set everything up for me to be able to enjoy the game. 😅
Here's my exact routine every year.

- Launch the game.
- Go to Option, turn off every menu music ( as I like my menus to be silent, calm, peaceful, it's a much needed zen moment for me between two matches, having the crowd's roar in the ears during the match ) . Set every options I like them to be, so I don't have to come back in the Options of this game ever again.
- Go straight for Showcase mode. I have zero interest for it ( always skip the videos, and match cinematics during the matches ), only doing it to unlock everything locked in that mode. Then, do the same for MyRise ( again, skip everything, play on easy, rushing through things, not interested in playing as a CAW I wanna be able to play as a real superstar like in games like HCTP and SvR 07 but no interest in playing as a CAW ) . The idea being to unlock absolutely everything, so that I have everything the game has to offer ( that way, I'll be able to set up all these superstars in Universe, use those arenas if I want to, ect ) . I see rushing through Showcase and MyRise as the first necessary step to set up Universe mode, nothing more. Both MyRise combined usually take me 1 to 2 weeks alone.
- Once everything is finally unlocked, I go in Create A Match, to make all the matches I wanna have accessible to me ( like, for example, a 2 vs 2 Elimination Table Match, a 6 and an 8 man Elimination Match with eliminations only by Pinfall and Submission, a Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Elimination Match with eliminations only by Pinfall and Submission. Yes, mainly creating Elimination matches, as that has always been my favorite stipulation in multi men match types. I wish we could create an Elimination Armageddon HIAC match, but sadly that has never been possible... Not with 2K at least. ) .
- Then, I go to Create A Title, just to make copies of the real belts that I want to use in Universe ( which are the belts WWE was using in 2003 ) . The reason why I do that, is because I wanna use those belts, but, without having the history of past champions attached to them, so that I can create my own history of those titles ( that way, I can have an history of those titles, never held by the guys I don't like or feel like they should've never won those titles ) . I then do the same for MITB. Make one for men and one for women, for the same reason.
- Next step, going to Create An Arena, creating the arenas I'm gonna need for my Universe mode. Which usually consists of arenas used between 2002 to 2005. I don't want no Payback, Fastlane, Extreme Rules, Hell In A Cell, ect in my Universe. Give me back No Way Out, Judgement Day, Bad Blood, Night Of Champions, Great American Bash, Unforgiven, No Mercy, Armageddon. Also make alternative arenas for the PPVs I'll keep ( the big 4 ), those being original creations, as I like them to look and feel very special. Then use Create A Show to go with all these arenas.
- Now that I have everything I need ( everything is unlocked. Titles, matches, arenas/shows are all ready ), time to go into Universe mode ( exclusively use Classic ) . The work is far from being over though. The first thing to do, as you did, going into Options to set things how I want them ( which is basically turning everything Off for me, I like to have full control of everything, don't want the game to change anything on it's own ) .
- I start with deleting NXT, Smackdown, and every PPV ( I would delete Raw also if I could, but we can't, need to keep at least one show, so, it is what it is ) . I add Smackdown on Thursday and add a PPV on the last Sunday of every month ( SvR 2007 GM Mode style ) using import a show for all of them ( using all my created arenas ) set up the match numbers ( 9 for SD and 14 for PPVs ), and match table. Ignore the SD champions for now, I just put back the default ones as placeholders ( World, midcard, tag, women's solo, and that's it, don't place a MITB cause I don't want it to be locked into one show exclusively ) and remove the women's tag titles from Raw ( not using those useless titles ) . Also, not forgetting to go remove all the NXT titles and the women's tag titles from their holders since I won't be using any of those titles. What I then do for Raw since it can't be deleted ( now that SD has been placed back, it could, but then it would skip this first Raw entirely since the show wouldn't exist anymore, and go to SD, and I don't want that ), is import the show so it has my arena and graphics and all, then edit the matches number ( 9 ), match table, and keep the default champs as placeholders, just removing the MITB and women's tag champs. Gives the same result in the end as deleting it and recreating it from scratch, so that's good.
- Then comes the most teddious/boring step who takes forever, editing the rosters. It starts with editing the tag teams ( which usually consists in deleting about 75% of the teams ), and creating the ones I want ( consisting in recreating tag teams who existed in the past, like teaming up Reigns and Rollins to form the Shield, for example. As well as creating a few original ones ), setting up their names, entrances, victory motions. And that's only the first step, which was the easiest and fastest part, now is time for the absolute worst part, the one that never ends. Going into Superstars, and editing them all, one by one. Modifying the Payback to add Move Thief to everyone ( it used to be a gameplay possibility in older games, it shouldn't be a Payback but a simple gameplay feature accessible to everyone, in my opinion ), change their crowd reaction and crowd balance how I want them, decide which show I assign them to, turn On minor shows for everyone because yes I'm not using one but it's in case I feel like adding a Heat or something for the last Saturday before a PPV, and then remove every allies and enemies ( and managers ) so I can start with a blank page. I simply put the tag team members as allies and managers for each others so far, but that's it, deleting everyone else. Doing that for every single character alone takes forever ( days ) especially if had downloaded some CAWs on the CC at some point that we want for our Universe ( which I always do ) as it adds even more characters to edit.
- Calendar is ready, superstars and tag teams are ready, only one step left, champions. I spoke about using created copies of the 2003 belts ( to have a blank history for them, the idea being getting rid of the names I don't want there ), but haven't adressed it yet. Well, that's where my first month of booking comes into play. I print a 64 team tournament bracket on both sides of A4 papers, giving me a total of 8 64 teams tournament brackets. Page 1 is for the world title of each show ( face A = Raw, face B = Smackdown ), Page 2 is for the midcard title of each show, Page 3 for tag titles of each show, and page 4 for women's title of each show. I then write down 64 names for the world and midcard titles, and, as many as I can for the tag and women's ( obviously not 64 of them available, it's usually 8 teams, and around 25 women for each show ), I have around 125 superstars per show ( using every currently active wrestlers in the real WWE from the 3 shows, so the NXT roster is spread between both main rosters, as well as all the released ones who can still be active, like Cameron Grimes for example, and most legends too, plus a handful of CAWs. ) . The first month of weekly shows, are all about the tournament matches ( it's a lot of matches to be done, actually have to use minor shows to have more matches per week to be able to do every matches ), with the finals being held on the first PPV ( so, last Sunday of the month ) to crown the champions. I can then go to edit shows, and switch the default placeholders, for the customized titles. Can't put the titles from the start, 'cause we must pick a champion when placing a belt who don't have an owner, and I don't wanna mess up the title's history from the start by doing that, that's why the champs needs to be crowned first, and only then place those belts to the show. Of course, must not forget to remove the default title holders from their belts afterwards.
And boom, the Universe mode is finally set up for the year, ready to be played and enjoyed. At that time, we're nearly 2 months after release. 😅
I also edit every edit matches on the card, one by one each week, so that the show is exactly as I want it to be each week, same for PPVs.

Very long, very tedious, but it makes things so good. There's nothing like having the exact Universe mode we want to have. Makes everything so much more enjoyable.


To me if you take the best parts of myGm, and the best parts of universe mode (number of superstars on roster) and put that together you will have the perfect mode.


One thing I personally do is take all the legends and make another show and ppv’s for ECW or ad I do the WCW


Pretty buggy still. Managers and partners swapping teams, MITB cash in leads to a ladder cutscene etc


*In 2K23, I had two shows in my Universe mode. One was Raw, which was just the men, and a custom show which was all women. The women had their own championship, tag team, and lower card belts..also their own "PLE". It was very interesting. I may do it again this year.*


The first thing i will do is remove NXT and replace it with ECW.. there was something about it that i allways loved since smackdown vs raw 2007 to 2009 on the PSP..


can you show a tutorial on a custom universe mode with the created logos and custom arena's in classic mode please.


I had fun with my bret hart kurt angle feud last year those were some ridiculous matches


I always found that I got bored of this mode because it's just endless rivalry matches duplicating with no variety. I would love it if 2k brought back Mystery Opponent matches (and create a story), and with main eventers, booked them less frequently as for me, the realism is taken away when Roman Reigns and Lesnar are facing Cody and Drew every week in the main events of Raw and Smackdown.


The tag team break up/formation toggle, with that ON does that mean the CPU does this on its own, or does it simply mean that you have the ability to do it on your own? I want to be able to do it, but I dont want the CPU breaking up my tag teams on a whim.


do rivalries finally end at the PLE'S this year?


My line up is
AEW dynamite
NLW ( my brand with a created roster, titles, etc)
Lucha underground (minor show where I have fun with all my favorite wrestlers dream matches.


First thing is my universe then my career then match types then online pretty awesome
