25 REASONS TO COLLECT SPACE MARINES - A Good Army To Start Collecting & Playing Warhammer 40,000?

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25 REASONS TO COLLECT SPACE MARINES - A Good Army To Start Collecting & Playing Warhammer 40,000?

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As a long time necron player, its the customization of Adaptus Astartes that drew me towards them, more specifically, Raven Guard, because of the totally not demon Corvus Corax


One reason to collect Orks... Krump every other faction. I also have a Space Marines army on the side.


Great video Lee can you do a video on the Imperial Guard that my favorite faction in fact its the only Army I have in 40k wasn't easy learning how to play them in fact the 3 years I've been in the hobby I'm still learning but it's my favorite faction so I still play with them and I really can't wait for Darktide next year so great video Lee as always p.s the name of my Regiment is the Vigilant Guard Panzer Grenadiers Regiment from Vigilus.


Primaris marines have killed the desire to continue with my first born space marines. They look so small and diddy in comparison now.


Great video I just started playing kill team two months ago. I currently have 8 plague marine models 8 poxwalkers and 10 Grey Knight models. Being a lifetime mtg player this game gets pricey quick. An expense I am not used to seeing. Thanks for the useful info this should make my transition from kill team to 40k sweet and simple.


so the reasons I should collect Space Marines is because they're icon and all the cool kids are doing it?


Lee I don't see how you can with an honest heart recommend Space marines when we have literally went a whole 2 weeks without a primaris luitenant, I mean shouldn't they really get the love they so obviously deserve before getting your recommendation?

2 weeks Lee, 2 whole lousy weeks. I mean it's almost as if Gdubs has abandoned them or something


Not a fan of normal Space Marines. I started tye GW hobby with Space Hulk 1st edition and the Deathwing expansion. The Deathwing Terminators are superb. I liked the atmosphere and darkness of the game. The Terminator armour looked impressive. The Space Marines look to much like ice hockey player. There is nothing exotic about them and they are all the same. Only captains and leaders have character. But hey, I prefer Eldar anyway.


Great video, PS I hate you for making more space marine players.


I recieved my Shieldbreaker Strike Force few days ago and they're my first time collecting Space Marines. But I still have hard time which chapter I should paint them as, kinda tempted for going with Ultramarines or Black Templars but again still not sure...


The best reason to play Space Marines, specifically Primaris Ultramarines, is that you immedietely know who's a douchebag you can safely block from all social media :-)
