Leverage History for your Marketing Stories: Jason Voiovich

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Effective marketing is based on telling powerful stories. You can create powerful stories when based on lessons from history.

Jason Voiovich Is a marketer and story teller who studies the lessons of history.

If you are marketing a small business, you are aware of using stories to convey your marketing message. Where can you find powerful stories to tell? Leverage the power of stories from history. Listen to Jason as he offers his perspective on US presidential history and the link to small business marketing.

Outline of this conversations
0:00 Introduction of Jason Voiovich - ice cream and bazooka
1:10 Talk about storytelling in a historical context
2:30 Marketing storytelling and history - strange fit?
3:45 The experience of 45 presidents of the United States
5:07 US President as marketer in chief
8:36 War of 1812 - different perspectives from the participants
11:20 Why facts could be wrong
14:25 What is your intended message?
18:20 Leverage movies for story telling and marketing
27:55 The real hero of the story is our customer
29: 05 Does every story need a villain
32:10 How did presidents use storytelling and the concept of enemy?
33:36 How to deliver better stories to your audience
39:20 Tips for delivering your story more effectively

Listen to the podcast, Your Intended Message. This interview is episode #636

Insights from this conversation

History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme.
Gain a competitive story telling edge from history lessons
Stories build on minimal facts - then additional facts are added to fill in the gaps
Why did each of the four participants in the War of 1812 tell a different story?
The story contains a hero, villain and conflict
Abraham Lincoln was an excellent story teller and joke teller

Over 25 years, Jason Voiovich has launched hundreds of new products. His success as a marketer is based on his power of observation of people and history. He studied the presidents of the United States from the perspective as Marketer in Chief and published his findings in his book, Marketer In Chief.

You can find his book at all the usual book distributers and learn more at this website
Excerpts from this conversation with Jason Voiovitch on the podcast, Your Intended Message.

Thank you so much, George, I am excited to be here. I can't wait to talk with people about storytelling in a historical context, of course. But as you can probably guess from that introduction, I am a natural born storyteller. And I love it. It's the way people learn. It's the way people make sense of their world.

And it just couldn't be more appropriate for, you know, for people to think about how your intended message isn't necessarily what people will hear what people will remember. And how do we use stories to help make sure that they do that they get the message you want them to get.

I think for me in my career, and maybe like others, I viewed studying history and learning about stories, there's that old saying that there's nothing new under the sun. And that if I want to know how to handle a problem I'm facing in product development, or in marketing and communications or storytelling, whatever the case may be.

There is a wealth of knowledge and experience that people have. People have already had that experience or they've had something like it in the past. What can I do? How can I learn from people who have came before us?

Now the trick, of course, in adapting history is History doesn't repeat itself. That's a myth. But history rhymes. And what you can understand about that is if you have a problem today in your business, or in, you know, communicating with a particular audience, or even a friend or a spouse, people have had to solve a version of that challenge before.

And if you can read carefully, and you can really internalise the lessons of history, you can use it as your own superpower, you can get you get the experience, not just your experience. But through writing this book, George, I have the experience of 45 presidents of the United States, their spouses, their key aids, it's a huge competitive advantage to be able to adapt those lessons to the challenges I face today.

So it gives me a leg up and the great part about that is anyone can have that anyone can go back and they can carefully read history, read the stories, really enjoy them and be able to apply those to things that are happening right now in your business or your life.
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