Exorcisms, Demons & The Occult w/ Fr. Carlos Martins | The Lila Rose Podcast E132

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What is the role of an exorcist? Are demonic forces stronger today than ever? What are the biggest culprits that lead to possession? Today I sit down with Fr. Carlos Martins, Catholic Priest and exorcist, host of The Exorcist Files Podcast, to discuss the increasing need for exorcism in our culture. We discuss some of the most common factors that lead to demonic possession, some of Fr. Carlos’s toughest cases against the demonic, the importance of baptism and the sacraments for protection against the demonic, and much more.

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00:00 Intro Sequence
00:41 Welcome Fr. Carlos Martins
00:52 Fr. Carlos's Background
02:01 When He Started Practicing as an Exorcist
03:40 A Principle He Went By
05:38 Example of Demons Having "Rights"
06:45 What is a "Mortal Sin"?
09:59 The Reality of Original Sin
11:41 Limbo?
13:09 We Heart Nutrition
14:36 The Role of Baptism
16:54 The Church on "Certainty"
19:13 Is It Unfair For The Unbaptized?
20:03 Adam's Mortal Sin, Eve's Venial Sin
25:26 Different Responses to Demonic Assault
26:43 Seven Weeks Coffee
28:31 His Most Difficult Exorcism
31:16 Why Does God Permit Generational Effects of Sin?
33:52 To Be a Person of Hope
35:43 Emotions of Dealing With Exorcism
37:27 Not Everyone Renounces the Devil
38:11 How The Devil Has and Gives "Gifts"
39:08 Is This Worse Than Previous Generations?
42:22 Modern Pagan Ideology
46:13 Every Life
47:19 Most Common Cases of Possessions
49:19 Example Similar To The Movie "The Exorcist"
51:56 Demons in Prisons
53:20 Can The Devil Make Someone Do Something Evil?
55:55 "Unfair" Possession
59:04 Grace in Prisons
1:01:07 Humility Brings Change
1:03:29 The Modern Human Sacrifice
1:05:11 Live Powerfully Against The Devil
1:07:02 Wrap Up
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I love Fr. Martins’ closing words.
1. Be free of sin
2. Confess your sins
3. Go to mass on Sunday
4. Live a good life

Perfectly said 🙏🏼


Mad respect for people like Fr Martins who have the humility and courage to say “I don’t know the answer.”


I came across Fr. Martins a few months ago and his story of his conversion and his work has confirmed my belief in God and His holy Catholic Church and has firmly cemented my faith.


We need to see a lot more of Fr Martins not just talking about exorcism but talking about all areas of life and faith, thanks for bringing him on...


This is why we as Catholics have the Sacrament of Reconciliation to reconcile us with God the Father.


When Fr. Martin talked about human sacrifice, mostly children sacrifice in Mexico during the Aztec Empire and sending our Lady of Guadalupe, that converted 8 million, more than the 3, 000 that that’s St.Peter preached in the book of Acts causes my soul to be so thankful for His grace and His mercy, especially as a Mexican❤ ❤❤


Confession is such a powerful sacrament. After going to confession on Saturday, then partaking in the Eucharist at Mass on Sunday, I felt spiritually healed, if that makes sense


I like the Lila's questions - she asks questions and makes statements that are not just interesting but educating. As a new Catholic, I really appreciate the information from Father Martins and Lila.
I'm still learning when to stand, sit and kneel in mass!
Thanks so much !!


It took me a full 10 years from my experience with the demonic to come back to Jesus and the Catholic faith. Now though, more than ever, I can speak to the fact that it's real and no one can convince me otherwise.


This is a great interview, watching from the Philippines. Here in our country we also have an Exorcist Priest named Fr. Darwin Gitgano. He suggests that in order for the person to be delivered from demonic possession, infestation or oppression, he/must must practice the RULE OF LIFE, which he summarizes as practicing CARES, which are: C-Confession A-Adoration R-Rosary E-Eucharist S-Sacramentals (Scapulars, Crucifix, Benedictine Medals, Holy and Exorcised Oil and Salt etc.) Satan is real and empowering our spiritual warfare requires courage and lots of prayers. Thank you for all the Exorcist Priests who educate us on how to fight the battles against evil.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


Father Martins is so well articulated. Love hearing him speak.


Thank you Lila for opening your heart to Catholic faith. Jesus built a home for us. We are never alone in our suffering. ❤


The catholic faith is very very deep. It makes some protestant religions look like pre-school. Lila posed great questions!


Love your optimism, Father Martins. I agree. In all of the ugly and hate, there is more power in beauty and love, which will triumph.


This came up in my recommended feed, God wanted me to see this video!! Father Carlos answered many questions that I have had for YEARS, but I didn’t have a close enough relationship with a priest to feel comfortable to ask!! His answers to my questions made PERFECT sense and now I have much more knowledge! God ALWAYS answers when asked!! ❤


I appreciate how Fr Martins tells the hard truths, like an antidote to the lies of materialism we’re bombarded by. And I love how Lila asks the basic questions most of us are wondering about.


I had the opportunity to hear Fr. Martins speak about the relics of the saints in Columbia Falls Montana a few years ago. His podcasts are excellent too! Cradle Catholic but now I don’t go a day without asking for the intercession of the saints!


Lila, thank you for having Father explain for those who aren't familiar with the Catholic faith. There is so much misinformation out there, that I feel this would be great for someone who does not know our faith. VIVA CRISTO REY. ❤


Fascinating. The metaphysics of all of this is entirely above my pay grade, but Fr. drives home the point that it behooves us to walk humbly and observe the sacraments of the Holy Church.


And father Martins is absolutely right… If your friends are a problem, get rid of them. And talking about their ideas, habits, behavior.
There is a saying very popular among grandmothers here in Mexico: “Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres” (Tell me whom you hang out with, and I’ll tell you who you are.), as I got older, I realized that saying is true.
