You Might Be Possessed By Satan If These 4 Things Are True... w/ Fr. Vincent Lampert

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Fr. Vincent gives an overview of 4 signs for demonic possession: super strength, knowing languages, knowing information that's impossible to know, and an aversion to the sacred.



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I’m a drug addict in recovery and let me tell you: my seven years of active addiction to opiate painkillers was unarguably THE blackest part of life. Also believe the devil is as real as apple pie. If God knows and sees, so can satan. This is why we in recovery must, MUST have a Higher was a no-brainer for me-it’s Jesus. He, along with the recovery program, has healed me and lifted the urge to use away from me. I’m forever grateful and will always bear witness to this...


“The devil always wants to disrupt the prayer of the church.”

That struck me. When I can’t figure out what to do during these crazy times, maybe I need to join the prayer of the church.

Thank you.


I was addicted to crack cocaine from the age of 14 until I was 27. The first time I did it I fell out and went into convulsions. I tried many times to get clean and remember crying out to GOD to help me. Me and my wife started going to a pentecostal church of GOD with my grandma who we were living with at the time. We were in a very powerful service one Sunday night when the pastor's mother in law placed her hands on my head and prayed give him the mind of christ. Just then a demon manefested itself and came forward. The pastor had my pregnant wife removed from the santuary as the demon could jump into her and the child. The pastor and church leaders then cast the spirit out of me and I was then filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Before then I could not go a day without the drugs. After that I wanted nothing to do with it even if I tried to. GOD is good.


My father was an Anglican Priest and he had to know Greek, Latin and Hebrew. You can feel the warmth of Christ that comes through Father Lampert.


Fr Vincent Lampert is such a wonderful Catholic Priest. May he be blessed every hour of every day with God’s protection. Please read his book, “Exorcism” to be informed.


My mother witnessed a possessed young girl, while she was a nurse in Brazil. They had her hospitalized, but called in priesthood. She told me she'd never forget the demonic voice, besides her behaviors, including how spoke to my mother when she started to pray for her.


God bless Father Lampert and protect him from sins and evil! Amen.


Latin is one of many languages one can pray to God with . God understands all of us.


God bless all our good Priest and protect them from all harm. Amen


I have heard doctors talk about crystal meth users who had to be restrained by several large hospital porters during violent episodes, despite the fact that they were in very poor physical health and weighed very little. I always made the connection with demonic influence as any other explanation did not seem to fit.


Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Father Lampert is a truly amazing person, powerful, educated, articulate, extremely brave, and ever humble. What challenging work he does, and what things he has seen. God bless him and protect him always.


I belong to the Catholic faith. When I went before our priest to be confirmed, we all went up in front of the congregation to receive the Holy Oil sacrament in the pattern of a Cross on our foreheads. The very minute Father David anointed my forehead with the sign of the Cross, and said a prayer over me… I felt a sudden rush of adrenalin throughout my entire body! I was so shocked by it, when we went back to our seats, I had to ask a few other people if the felt the same thing I had felt… It was one of the most amazing and joyful feelings (besides my daughter and son both being born), that I have ever experienced in my life! God bless all, and God bless and protect our priests. 🙏🏻💜


very humble an obedient priest, you give me hope father. You give hope to church


Wow, scary stuff but Jesus is stronger than all the devils together. Good to know this stuff so we can share it. Blessings


I have been following Fr Lampert’s talk ... each time I learn more about the church teachings .


I love Latin. And I've followed your work and am truly grateful to God for your brave work. I know that it's hazardous work to fight demons and Satan, so I'm very grateful to you for undertaking this ministry.


Lord protect our priests and religious


Very good and interesting point about the division between rites and division as a tool of satan.


I like how The Priest is so calm about it.
