How to make a surveillance robot using ESP32 Cam Module | Hash Robotics

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Hello, humanoids...
In this video, I have made a surveillance robot using the ESP32 Cam module.
ESP32-CAM is a low-cost development board with a WiFi camera. It allows creating IP camera projects for video streaming with different resolutions. ESP32-CAM has a built-in PCB antenna.
It has OV2640 Camera Module 2MP For Face Recognization has a very competitive small-sized camera module that can operate independently as a minimum system with a footprint of only 40 x 27 mm.
It is suitable for home smart devices, industrial wireless control, wireless monitoring, and other IoT applications.
Kindly watch my other videos...
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In this video, I have made a surveillance robot using the ESP32 Cam module.
ESP32-CAM is a low-cost development board with a WiFi camera. It allows creating IP camera projects for video streaming with different resolutions. ESP32-CAM has a built-in PCB antenna.
It has OV2640 Camera Module 2MP For Face Recognization has a very competitive small-sized camera module that can operate independently as a minimum system with a footprint of only 40 x 27 mm.
It is suitable for home smart devices, industrial wireless control, wireless monitoring, and other IoT applications.
Kindly watch my other videos...
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