8 GREATEST Personal Finance Lessons that Changed my Life

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In this video, I'm sharing the 8 greatest personal finance lessons that changed my frugal life. These lessons have helped me save money and reach my financial goals.

If you're looking for ways to change your financial situation for the better, then you need to watch this video! From budgeting to investing to living below your means, these lessons will help you take control of your money and reach your financial goals!

Mentioned in this video:

Kate Kaden Zero Based Budget Class Series

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Zero debt yet I still clean my own house, my husband keeps our lawn. Not paying for manicures or pedicures. I cook healthy meals at home. It’s just our lifestyle. We are homebodies so we don’t spend money on movies or concerts. I am in a very content season of life. I wish this for everyone.


We paid off our house last Friday! What a feeling it is to be debt free. It was possible by buying a modest home - less than we could have afforded. Our cars are paid off. They are 10 years old but still run great as we take care of them. Seriously you will not believe the freedom you feel when you don’t owe a thing. Of course you still have normal expenses but it’s nice to be able to have room in budget for a few treats. It’s a journey!!


Ii am 55 wich I knew about frugality in my youth but as long as we're breathing there's always room for improvement


As a child I was taught to save but not be cheap. I continued those savings even if it was only $2 that week. I impressed this on my husband and my daughter. Living below our means allowed us to save for the layoffs/strikes of work. The 4 months of unpaid leave needed to take care of our premature baby, the lost working hours as I fought cancer, and my husband and I taking early retirements 100% debt free. We were not deprived during those years we learned to be creative. I always had a garden ( the veggies fed us and the flora created a show stopping oasis), my husband hunted for bonus meat, we traveled and tent camped all over North America. A canoe and kayak were our boats of choice the bass boat came later when we could pay cash. When everyone was buying 55" TVs, we enjoyed our 32". I still use the cassette clock radio I had from the 70s, our washer and dryer are 30+ years old. We paid cash and sweat equity to update our home. We retired as millionaires and we still garden, still camp, enjoy a baseball game as entertainment, watch the free stations on our 32" inch tv. Habits
Bonus: we will be giving our larger home to our daughter and her family. They will sell their small home and we will build a "granny pod" for us on the property. Our burial arrangements and plot will be paid for and we will be able to leave them a nest egg to add to their own savings. Because my parents were frugal we will be able to assist our children and our grands. Hopefully this continues in our family.
Thank you for all you do.


I found your channel last year when I was 36! I say the same thing all the time…I wish I could go back in time and start investing when I was younger! So much catching up to do. I’m teaching my 18 year old the importance of this now so she doesn’t lose time the way I have


Never stop learning about personal finance. This is why I love your channel Kate! Your channel keeps me focused on the prize! I'm 67 and still learning! I entered the savings arena late, so everyone who is younger PLEASE start investing in a ROTH or IRA. Happy Frugal Friday everyone!


I’m two months away from paying off my car 100%. I may even bite the bullet and just do it this month !!!! I’ve got to look at my numbers. I’m writing down EVER SINGLE PENNY I spend to see where it goes and where I can save. And I also closed out my Starbucks account on the app !!!! I feel so awesome !!!!


ZERO BASE budget- unique every month- tell every dollar where to go before the month starts- cash envelopes for food, clothing, cosmetics, haircuts, entertainment, and BLOW categories. Been doing this for almost 20 years and I'm DEBT FREE including the house and EARLY RETIRED. Favorite lesson from your channel that has taught me the most is trying at least one NO SPEND/ LOW SPEND month each year. GREAT insights as always, Kate!


Keeping up in car maintenance so your car lasts as long as possible. Keep the inside of your car fairly neat as a messy car can make you think about wanting a clean and shiny new car.


This channel makes saving money a lot more fun, finding a frugal community has been such a gamechanger!!


Live below your means. Loved "The bigger you can get get that gap between what you earn and what you spend- the more you can save".


Paid off house a few months ago and can’t believe how that has curbed wanting to buy things. I thought it would be the opposite. Still keeping our frugal ways but now not living with the stress that we “can’t afford it”. What I realized is we just bought freedom and that “high” does not dissipate like buying things! 🎉


My personal lesson is to weigh out each purchase. So if I want a new blouse - what do I have that could work, is this something I can wear again etc etc. you would be surprised at how you so many times have exactly what you need already. Use it up, wear it out, make do or go without!!! It’s funny also that all the times I’ve stressed over an outfit for an event- looking back I don’t remember what I wore- just how the event was and the people I was with!!!!


Dear Kate: My mother taught me, "There are only two things money can't buy: true love and homegrown tomatoes!" The Millionaire Next Door is one of my favorites, I'm so pleased you found it, too.


I cannot tout the importance of the emergency savings and the budget buffer enough! I recently had to flee a relationship where I had not been working when I found out my child's safety was compromised. I was a stay-at-home homeschool Mom, so I wasn't working but I've always had a budget buffer and I was able to dip into my major emergency savings to cover moving and living expenses.

I now just have some sporadic house painting jobs but I am bringing in enough to cover basic monthly expenses and put away a bit of savings. This month, however, I had to go to the dentist and get the tires changed on my vehicle which puts me outside of my current monthly income but I have sinking funds saved up for medical expenses and vehicle expenses.


I love what you said Kate:” money buys freedom”. Austin (YouTuber ) said something similar money doesn’t buy happiness … it gives you choices”


I subscribe to everything you listed here! One of the biggest things I learned is to know myself. By this I mean, realizing I don’t like to travel but always felt I needed to have that awesome (by others standards) vacation or I was missing out. I have friends and family that go all the time. Never home, always having adventures. I used to think something was wrong with me because I have no desire to live that life. Not anymore. I have accepted that’s not what makes me happy. I would rather spend my money on a good meal out and another dog!!! There is always room for one more!! Lol!😂😂😂😂


Kate, I love that you refer to Dave Ramsey's plan often. This also changed my life a few years ago.
I listen to every suggestion you give . I am always trying to learn. 😊


I personally stumbled on a small idea. It's been a game changer for me.

I take the extra money in my checking account when a month ends and throw it in my savings after the new money has arrived. It's a little chunk of change that adds up quickly.

I hadn't heard of a budget buffer, but that's also an idea that sounds like it has good merit.


Got a good laugh when you said 'The Jones are broke!' The question I've asked myself is - Why should I go into debt buying something I really don't like just to impress someone I don't know and/or doesn't know me?' But if I feel I have to do that for a friend, that person isn't really a friend.
