Signs That Your Female Cat Is In Heat | How To Tell If Your Cat Is In Heat

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Signs That Your Female Cat Is In Heat | How To Tell If Your Cat Is In Heat


How To Help A Female Cat In Heat?

Is My Cat Pregnant | How to Recognize The Signs That A Cat Is Pregnant?


When your female cat that has not been spayed is ready to mate, she is said to be in heat’. There are several signs you can identify that will suggest that your cat is in heat. She may not display all of these signs but will probably show more than one of them.

If your cat’s general behavior has changed, then she may well be in heat. Female cats usually go into heat twice a year – in the spring and again in the fall. If you don’t want a litter of kittens, you will need to keep your cat indoors until her heat has passed.

Signs that a female cat is in heat.

1. Noisy most of the time.

A female cat in heat will make more noise than usual. She’ll meowl loudly and frequently. She will also make a remarkably annoying high-pitched or very loud yowling sound. This is her calling out for a mate.

2. Rubbing against furniture.

A female cat in heat will want to mark her territory with her distinctive scent. This she will do by rubbing against furniture, walls, doorframes, and even you if you are standing still! By spreading her scent in this way, she is telling any male cat that passes by that she is ready to mate.

3. Shows extra affection.

Female cats in heat often become more affectionate than usual. She will seek out your company, want to sit with you or on your lap. If she rubs around your legs more often but is not wanting food, then she might be in heat.

4. Licking her bum.

When a female cat is in heat, her genitals will become swollen and tender. She may even experience a slight discharge. Her response to this is to lick them more frequently. You might need to check her genitals to make sure there is nothing worrying there. They will look red and inflamed, which is normal.

5. Adopting a mating position.

Every now and then, while she is in heat, she might adopt the position she needs to mate successfully. She will press her front onto the floor and raise her rear end. This might be accompanied by some wriggling as she gets herself comfortable. This position allows a male cat to mate more easily.

6. Desperate to get outdoors.

Any housebound female cat will be desperate to get outside and find a mate. They will go to extraordinary lengths to escape, especially if they sense that a male cat is in the area. If you are keen for her not to have kittens, then block every possible exit. Keep doors and windows closed. Check for cracks or loose boards that she could squeeze through. Above all, be vigilant!

7. Going missing for longer than usual.

If you have a cat that usually roams outdoors, you might notice that she is not returning as often as usual. She will have gone to search for a mate or spread her scent around the area to advertise that she is ready.


Female cats will be in heat for around five days. If she doesn’t mate in that time, she will go into heat again about two weeks later. Once that heat has passed, she will wait about six months before going into heat again.

It is essential not to allow a young female cat to get pregnant during her first heat. Problems can arise as a result.

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Рекомендации по теме

My cat is currently on her first heat cycle, she started acting strangely around 2 days ago, on the first day literally cried as
I thought she was dying bc of the reason of her intensely meowing and newly strange behaviors. But i watched the signs and reasons and i found out that she is in heat but she is young. ✨


I can understand my female cat better because of the information. Thanks for the video.


Very much appreciated. I literally thought my cat was so sick or should I say kitten? This is definitely her first heat now that I’ve learned everything from you she’s doing all of the signs precisely that you said and I’ve kept track of the days so far so like you said in two weeks again and then in six months, she’s an indoor cat and she’s desperately trying to get out so I appreciate all of the time you put into this because you just made me feel much better.!!!! Great JOB !!! 😊


My cats is in heat rn and its her first time, thank u for this vid


My Cat is Acting Like She is in Heat All Day Long Never have I Ever seen a Cat Behave Suuch ways


Awwww my poor kitty, I know she is in heat but I can't let here out, I don't want her to get ran over. She will go on the steps but she will run back in she is scared of the outside, my little girl rescued her at 3 weeks old. My daughter heard her crying and found her, we bottle fed her. She is a year old. She goes into heat monthly just like a cycle, I've got to get her spayed


Thank you for the help because my 1st oldest cat just started yowling and meowing a lot louder than normal then she kept begging to go outside. I was sad because I found both my cats outside n I thought my oldest was missin the outdoors but whole time she ready to mate but not on my watch. lol I love my fur babies🐱🤞🏾🖤 thank u for the advice


I have a female calico an she's currently having her first heat cycle..but I would love her to have her first litter but all this signs are all true


Yeah my cat is in heat right now she is doing all these signs


Spay and neuter your pets to prevent unwanted kittens


My name is Meena they tried to call me. Neena gotta walk up in the place just like John Cena came to get a spay didn’t come to play when I get so done my stitches are gonna sleigh and I can’t run and play and I wanna run south cause it’s warmer there and I’m stuck in the AC


Mine peed and poop in my wife’s office, spread her scent around and meow loudly all night long 😢


My cat is 6 months old an show every sign


Although I have a male cat as well still I found all the signs of being at heat in my female cat what should I do? Why don't they resolve it themselves 😂


I think my cat is in heat for the first time. And i do think that bc she matches the criteria and she does desperately want putside amd she only does that when i am but im not she'll even do it. And i habe a boy and girl outside cat (all 3 are siblings) and i think that the females (the inside one and outside) are both in heat and i hope my outside one doesn't become pregnant cause we also see alot of strays outside too


Waiting for 6 months to be in heat again? But my cat gave birth 2 months ago and had heat, but now shes in heat again!


Did cat experience bleeding when she is heat....pls anybody reply


Oh my cat before we got her spade. She did the thing where she put it front to pause down and put a rear end up. I like to call that but dancing cause that’s basically what they’re doing. They’re dancing with their butt yeah she did a WHOLE bunch her name is Meena


Can she heat in summer ?? Or it not normal
