Signs That Your Female Cat Is In Heat | How To Tell If Your Cat Is In Heat

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Signs That Your Female Cat Is In Heat | How To Tell If Your Cat Is In Heat
How To Help A Female Cat In Heat?
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When your female cat that has not been spayed is ready to mate, she is said to be in heat’. There are several signs you can identify that will suggest that your cat is in heat. She may not display all of these signs but will probably show more than one of them.
If your cat’s general behavior has changed, then she may well be in heat. Female cats usually go into heat twice a year – in the spring and again in the fall. If you don’t want a litter of kittens, you will need to keep your cat indoors until her heat has passed.
Signs that a female cat is in heat.
1. Noisy most of the time.
A female cat in heat will make more noise than usual. She’ll meowl loudly and frequently. She will also make a remarkably annoying high-pitched or very loud yowling sound. This is her calling out for a mate.
2. Rubbing against furniture.
A female cat in heat will want to mark her territory with her distinctive scent. This she will do by rubbing against furniture, walls, doorframes, and even you if you are standing still! By spreading her scent in this way, she is telling any male cat that passes by that she is ready to mate.
3. Shows extra affection.
Female cats in heat often become more affectionate than usual. She will seek out your company, want to sit with you or on your lap. If she rubs around your legs more often but is not wanting food, then she might be in heat.
4. Licking her bum.
When a female cat is in heat, her genitals will become swollen and tender. She may even experience a slight discharge. Her response to this is to lick them more frequently. You might need to check her genitals to make sure there is nothing worrying there. They will look red and inflamed, which is normal.
5. Adopting a mating position.
Every now and then, while she is in heat, she might adopt the position she needs to mate successfully. She will press her front onto the floor and raise her rear end. This might be accompanied by some wriggling as she gets herself comfortable. This position allows a male cat to mate more easily.
6. Desperate to get outdoors.
Any housebound female cat will be desperate to get outside and find a mate. They will go to extraordinary lengths to escape, especially if they sense that a male cat is in the area. If you are keen for her not to have kittens, then block every possible exit. Keep doors and windows closed. Check for cracks or loose boards that she could squeeze through. Above all, be vigilant!
7. Going missing for longer than usual.
If you have a cat that usually roams outdoors, you might notice that she is not returning as often as usual. She will have gone to search for a mate or spread her scent around the area to advertise that she is ready.
Female cats will be in heat for around five days. If she doesn’t mate in that time, she will go into heat again about two weeks later. Once that heat has passed, she will wait about six months before going into heat again.
It is essential not to allow a young female cat to get pregnant during her first heat. Problems can arise as a result.
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How To Help A Female Cat In Heat?
Is My Cat Pregnant | How to Recognize The Signs That A Cat Is Pregnant?
When your female cat that has not been spayed is ready to mate, she is said to be in heat’. There are several signs you can identify that will suggest that your cat is in heat. She may not display all of these signs but will probably show more than one of them.
If your cat’s general behavior has changed, then she may well be in heat. Female cats usually go into heat twice a year – in the spring and again in the fall. If you don’t want a litter of kittens, you will need to keep your cat indoors until her heat has passed.
Signs that a female cat is in heat.
1. Noisy most of the time.
A female cat in heat will make more noise than usual. She’ll meowl loudly and frequently. She will also make a remarkably annoying high-pitched or very loud yowling sound. This is her calling out for a mate.
2. Rubbing against furniture.
A female cat in heat will want to mark her territory with her distinctive scent. This she will do by rubbing against furniture, walls, doorframes, and even you if you are standing still! By spreading her scent in this way, she is telling any male cat that passes by that she is ready to mate.
3. Shows extra affection.
Female cats in heat often become more affectionate than usual. She will seek out your company, want to sit with you or on your lap. If she rubs around your legs more often but is not wanting food, then she might be in heat.
4. Licking her bum.
When a female cat is in heat, her genitals will become swollen and tender. She may even experience a slight discharge. Her response to this is to lick them more frequently. You might need to check her genitals to make sure there is nothing worrying there. They will look red and inflamed, which is normal.
5. Adopting a mating position.
Every now and then, while she is in heat, she might adopt the position she needs to mate successfully. She will press her front onto the floor and raise her rear end. This might be accompanied by some wriggling as she gets herself comfortable. This position allows a male cat to mate more easily.
6. Desperate to get outdoors.
Any housebound female cat will be desperate to get outside and find a mate. They will go to extraordinary lengths to escape, especially if they sense that a male cat is in the area. If you are keen for her not to have kittens, then block every possible exit. Keep doors and windows closed. Check for cracks or loose boards that she could squeeze through. Above all, be vigilant!
7. Going missing for longer than usual.
If you have a cat that usually roams outdoors, you might notice that she is not returning as often as usual. She will have gone to search for a mate or spread her scent around the area to advertise that she is ready.
Female cats will be in heat for around five days. If she doesn’t mate in that time, she will go into heat again about two weeks later. Once that heat has passed, she will wait about six months before going into heat again.
It is essential not to allow a young female cat to get pregnant during her first heat. Problems can arise as a result.
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