12 Secret Signs Your Cat Loves You But You Don't know

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How to know if your cat loves you. How do we know that they love us and aren’t just tolerating our presence?

Many people claim that cats are cold and aloof compared to dogs because cats are generally more reserved when it comes to showing affection. However, it could be something as simple as learning to read your cat’s body language.

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I had a stray cat when I was a kid. She'd come by the house for 5 years straight until her passing, and I distinctly remember the last time I held her, she did a slow blink at me. She let me cradle her in my arms. I never saw her after that, but if I ever had any doubt of her love for me, I remember that day.


I have had cats throughout my life since childhood, but my current lady, a black rescue, has outdone them all. Her IQ alone is sometimes scary and her affectionate "personality" is beyond words. I sometimes think her affection is her way of thanking me for adopting her from the rescue shelter, but many times I have to ask myself, who rescued who? Not everyone is a cat lover, but those of us who do love them are usually rewarded handsomely in return.


I love cats. I wish more humans had the social skills to understand them better and not annoy them.


I love it when people say they aren't affectionate. They have no clue to cats. Cats are extremely affectionate. Mine show me all day long, which is good because I love them more than anything, most of the time more than people. Save a cat or two, you'll know love for the rest of your life. They say that animals extend your life, save a 🐈 cat, they'll save you.❤


I was never a "cat" guy. But I had a black cat on the front step of the house I was building every night I came to check on it. We ended up keeping him. I believe he used to be a house cat and lived with a dog. He was some little girls cat as he would only come to a girls voice and hated guys voices. When we decided to let him in the house, We gave him a bath and I had to hold him in the tub while my wife bathed him. He didn't like it of course and I thought he'd hate me forever. But I took him out of the tub after his bath, and dried him with a towel. He was my best buddy ever since. Talks to me all the time, follows me everywhere. He even wants me to "Hunt' With him as he will try to get me to go with him in the garage and lead me to where he thinks the mouse is. He won't leave me alone and does this for me to help him get the mouse. One morning I came into the garage and he came prancing across the garage, tail straight in the air, with a mouse in his mouth to me. Dropped it at my feet and rolled around all proud. Love him to death now. Named him "Shadow" since he's a black cat and has to be with me ALL the time.


My cat is the best dog I ever had. Always with you.


I have a “cow cat” who is very independent and I have allowed her to be the way she is! She does not “knead” or is not a clingy type. But she WILL talk to me often and will come to me when she wants to have a petting / love session. She is also afraid of thunder/ fireworks/ loud noises, and she makes me feel so loved and trusted because when those noises happen she will come to me for comfort, shaking and she shows me I am loved! She’s very much her own cat and I love that about her!


Haha all of our cats are lovers
Love bites
Scream for attention
Rubbing on you
Sleeping on you
Licking us
Giving up the belly
Walking up and reaching for you.
Our cats are SO loving and friendly


The unconditional love that cats give is one of the greatest gifts of life. Great video.


My li'l cat Pepper loved me so much that she chose my bed to have her kittens.

I was IN THE BED AT THE TIME. She jumped up, meowed and purred and nuzzled me, and then crawled under the covers. She meowed a few more times, an then I felt something wet. I pulled back the covers to find she'd already delivered two.

My first instinct was like, 'Ick...' but my lovely girlfriend at the time pointed out that I should actually be flattered. Cats will only deliver their kittens where they feel safest. Despite having several prepared hidey holes ready, Pepper felt the safest place was under the covers, literally NEXT TO ME.

It is hard to NOT be humbled by that.


"what greater gift than he love of a cat" Charles Dickens


I like cats so much. They're so low maintenance and so easy to please. Though it's kinda hard at first, but when you win their trust, they're best buddies.


I just captured a 9 week or so old Feral Kitten 3 days ago. And watching the bond grow between us is so Heartwarming. She absolutely Loves having her Paws massaged also her Tummy. It is bringing me so much Joy caring for this sweet baby. Even my Chronic Pain is less. They do amazing things for our Health.


#13. Your cat likes to kick litter out of her litter box. #14. She likes to shred new curtains that your wife just bought. #15. She knocks stuff off of tables in the middle of the night to wake you up out of a sound sleep. Yep. My cat Molly loves me. 🙂


My old cat from many years ago, learnt to say "hello" l always thought l was imagining it, until a friend noticed it an was so happily surprised 😂 l loved that cat for 19+ years... and still miss her❤❤ 😢 she's waiting with The Lord, and will be one of the first 'hello's' l get.... 👏😁


I had a cat named Toby. We found him in a box laying in the middle of the road. Ya... somebody pulled that on him!
It took him a little while before he opened up to me but once he did.... WOW!
He was the only cat I have ever seen that would come from all the way across the yard whenever I would just look at him and snap my fingers. He would watch me all the time waiting for me to give him the slightest bit of attention. I used to go out every night until it was nearly sunrise. I would let him out before I left.
And every time I would get home, there he was waiting for me on my front porch. I'd pet him for a little while and he would just snuggle on me and butt heads the whole time. I would let him in and go to bed and he would jump on my stomach and knead my stomach. It lasted so long, I had to start wearing a shirt while I laid there just so he didn't scratch my stomach open. Once Toby fell asleep he would sleeping face to face with me with his front legs tucked under him, purring the entire time until I woke up. Some of the best sleeps you can have is when a cat is purring on you while you sleep! He did prefer me over eating too. He was so chill though. Just laid back and wasn't interested in playing rough. He wasn't a biter, but he would lick me so much I was wondering if I was going to have any skin left!
He loved my whole family but for some reason he really chose me. He wouldn't do the same with my family like he did with me.
He would jump up on my lap sometimes and if I didn't want him there I would put him back on the floor. He would immediately jump back up on me and look at me like...
" Now I know you didn't mean that so I'm gonna sit on your lap now. I would do this a few times and he wouldn't give in. And yes... I lost.... EVERYTIME! WITHOUT FAIL!
But I knew he loved me and trusted me more than anything in the world.
When he got old, je was stricken with throat cancer, and he could no longer eat. We made the decision it was time to put him down. I didn't want him suffering anymore and it was breaking my heart to see him like this. I couldn't just let him suffer. So we took him to the vet. But instead of just handing him over to a stranger to put him down without me being there, I went in with Toby and held him as they did it.
It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
But Toby trusted me so much he purred in my arms until hos very last breath.
We found him in 1986. The vet said he was about 6 years old when we first found him.
Toby passed on September 11 2004 at the age of 24 in my arms, and loving every last minute of his long, happy life knowing and loving each other....
And I still miss him to this day with all my heart!
Excuse me... I got to go now... I seem to have something in my eye....


One thing that was not mentioned was your cat following you to the bathroom. Cats do this for 2 reasons:
1) You are never more vulnerable, as a species, than you are when you're mid-poo. They are keeping guard.
2) Your cat needs to make sure you cover up your business. Observe whether your kitty sniffs the loo before leaving. They're just making sure there's no trace of any smell that could alert predators to your 'seat of vulnerability'.


I can tell that my cat loves me, he waits at the door for me whenever I have to leave & he sleeps next to me on my bed at night & follows me around the house. He also loves laying on my lap & headbutt me everytime he gets the chance, he is a good cat that is very playful, best 100 dollars I ever spent


I adopted a black female cat a few weeks ago from a local shelter and I'm totally in love with her! She's quiet but she's showing almost all of those affection signs towards me (impossible to be by myself in the bathroom anymore!!!) Lady's name's Misty


My cat REALLY loves me because all of these she does! She was about 6 weeks old when I adopted her and right from day one, she came in my lap and curled up and fell asleep. I was so pleasantly surprised by that!