Luther's Reformation (an overview)

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The Protestant Reformation was an incredible event in the history of the church. Martin Luther was the man who caused the Reformation, but this video explains the basics of what started the Reformation, why the pope condemned Luther, and the famous Diet of Worms.

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Thank you so very much for the countless hours of time and effort that you dedicate to making this huge repository of religious history available to the masses here on YouTube. No mere words can adequately thank you for the broad impact they have and the assistance they provide to laypeople in understanding the history and underpinnings of the Christian Church. ✝️☦️


I just can't stop watching your videos!
Great work!


I love history, your work is greatly appreciated


Everybody should understand these great facts so we can be educated on our spiritual heritage.


Mr Reeves...Thank you for excellent lectures. I am researching history and I America from Israel as a student in New York City.

Could you do a lecture on Luther's writings with respect to Jews.
Many nice Christians are unaware of what Luther said about us and how it affected the minds of so many in Europe.

I respect your balanced view point on so many subjects. Thank You.


These videos are thoroughly helpful and much appreciated


Was Luther's Bible the template for the King James version? I read he eliminated the Deuterocanonical Books, and wanted to eliminate James but was talked out of it.


Dr Reeves thank you so much for these series. I've been binge watching them and I really love them.

Correct me if this characterization is wrong but certain parishes and orders in the Catholic Church, at least in America, sell Mass cards which represent a Mass or prayers being said for the deceased which are intended to reduce their time in Purgatory. Are these not modern day de facto indulgences?


My understanding of confession is that only mortal sin is necessary to confess to a priest and that direct confession to God is appropriate for venial sin.


At the Diet in Worms, wasn't one of the key issues the fact that many German nobles & knights already had taken lands & property away from the Church & the monasteries, that they would have had to relinquish if Luther recanted? And that those knights, who had brought Luther to Worms, told Luther they'd kill him if he recanted?


Ryan Reeves are you Catholic or Protestant?


This lecture on Luther is absolutely wonderful, as it separates fact from fiction and places the pieces correctly upon the board for the observer to see how this great ecclesiastical chess game was played out. Since Luther is historically one of the most important figures since Christ, an objective understanding of both him and his world is essential for anyone wishing to avoid the shit pile of fantasy and legend. Superb.


Great videos! So it sounds like If the Church had just found some way to appease Luther they could've potentially saved themselves 500 years of division? Instead they excommunicate the guy and give him an audience with some of the most powerful people in Europe?!

Why was the Church so threatened by Luther if he wasn't all that threatening to begin with (I mean I get that they wanted to make an example of him, but to whom was he to be an example?) Was Luther expressing a growing sentiment among catholics?


"" When Legend becomes fact!, Print the Legend".... Scott


I'm a fan of your work but I'm starting to realize you barley scratch the surface on these issues.


Do a video on the history of the King James Bible. It would be a great help to refute KJV Onlyism.


It was people like Jan Hus and the Hussites, Luther and the protestants that served the cause and eventually lead to the reality that I've been brought up as an atheist in a 80% catholic Slovakia. The catholic church of that era was a dictatorship and a tool of scrupulous raw power hungry "monsters". I find it difficult to understand the mindset of a religious person (unlike a spiritual person which I can understand and these two deserve the right to be distinguished and be looked upon as two very different states of mind!). Especially with knowing what we know now about the history plus after the enlightenment and with all the progress we've had in the 20th century and needless to mention the milestones we've crossed so far in the new millennium. I'm glad that the age of the catholic tyranny was resisted and essentially defeated same as feudalism was. Never the less I am finding it shocking that there are still wast numbers of people who cling to religion with such a devotion...but like Voltair never said and I quote " I disapprove with what you have to say..but I defend to the death your right to say it". Where "say" is interchangeable with "think" or "believe" for my purposes here. ;) But it wasn't an easy journey. My mother's family almost casted her out just because she wasn't following their catholic faith, and even to this day they look at her with descent just because of their faith...needless to say she does look at them the same way..because of their faith :D Thankfully I can look at it and have a laugh about it..and this is mostly because the days of catholic dictatorship were challenged by people like Hus or Luther, the protestantism was born and enlightenment managed to rise from the ashes of the thought decay of the ancient greek civilisation..well, here we are now entertain us. Thanks for the video(s)..I just became a fan ;)


The problem is, Luther's reformation was, in fact, only half a reformation. It should have continued past him but it did not. As a result, much of the corrupt Catholic practises carried over into the Protestant Church. The reformation is hailed as the best thing since sliced bread but at best it represents just half a loaf. If you want to see what I mean, just take a long hard look at the Church of England. It is a faux church in almost every respect.
A good friend said to me once, "A scholar is someone who thinks he knows all that is important but does not. An atheist is someone who believes himself important and doesn't think. It is amazing how often the two are one and the same."


The reformation did not belong to Luther. He was an excommunicated Catholic, did not agree with peasants and churches reforming their services and there were several church people burned at the stake or otherwise eliminated long before Luther. He had the benefit of the printing press. These posted stories can be so misleading and full of misinformation.
