Great Reformation Study, Part 2, BibleOrTraditions Pope Benedict XVI Vatican

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Our study of the Great Reformation continues with this study of Revelation 11. Here we look at the "Little Book", and "Measuring the Temple"

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Revelation 11 Great Reformation Study bibleortraditions two witnesses measuring temple little book
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I am trying to fill in the gaps as best I can. That is why I went back to cover the Great Reformation, the 2 Witnesses. These are really foundational for understanding the rest.

Too bad I don't get paid for this. :)


I respect you in your difference of opinion regarding Israel, the two witnesses, and the mark of the beast. I would be interested to see what you views are on the final 7 bowls/vials seen in the 7th trumpet. I've done research and find these extremely hard to line up with any part of history. That's why it is my belief that these are yet to come and we are in the end of the 6th trumpet. Since they are all in the last trumpet they could happen fairly quickly.


The 7th Trumpet revealed the 7 Vials. The 1st Vial was poured upon Popery with the commencing of the French Revolution. I posted a 3-part study on this subject.


After watching it twice i didnt get who were the 2 witnesses. Please explain them.


This division of the OT and NT is the only one that is truly Divinely inspired. Expositors regularly segment the OT into historical, poetic, and prophetic books. They divide the NT into the Gospels, epistles, and Revelation. But I believe that all of these books were Divinely written by God and only penned by man. God authored it from beginning to end, and the only real division is between prophetic and fulfillment. in relationship to Messiah.


We have one Canon of Holy Scripture comprised of 66 books. You mention the division between the Old and New is an arbitrary or man-made division. I disagree.

The entire Bible is about Jesus Christ. The Old Testament foretold when and where He would be born, and the purpose of His coming. All the rituals and feast days were symbolic prophecy of Christ and what He would accomplish. The New Testament is the fulfillment of these prophecies.


Gabriel, the NWO and the spiritual-political harlot of Rev 17 you are trying to expose is headed by the Vatican. The secret societies, S&B, KofC, KofM, CFR, etc., are all Jesuit fronts working in conjunction with the papacy. So to accept the lie of futurism invented by the Jesuits is counterproductive to your own research and enigmatic.


It's coming. These are easily explained and will be in the next video or two. Just a note, John was writing the Revelation which is a prophetic book. 99% of the things he wrote about was in the future. Thus the "Little Book" and "Two Witnesses" were yet to come.

The rest is easily explained, and will be in great detail. Stay tuned.


Absolutely not. Preterists believe all of Revelation was fulfilled prior to 70 AD and Nero was antichrist.

Instead of being completely fulfilled in the past, or way out there in the future after we've all flown away, Revelation has been a continuos historical review of the true Christian Church.


Right! And until people can get over this major hurdle, prophecy will continue to confuse and confound.


That is why we need to be like the Bereans... to search Scripture daily to see if things be so.


I hear this guess a lot. Where do you get this ID Scripturally? Thank you.


The Two Witnesses are the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.


LaneCH is a fantastic channel! Highly recommended.


Do you believe what some have called church eras starting from:

Revelation 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

Each other chapter depicts a church that was amongst a mailing route in ancient times.


I think you misunderstood my position. If I was to say that I believe all of your videos up to the 6th trumpet to be accurate, but think we are currently within the end of the 6th trumpet then I would be a futurist?

A futurist believes the entire aspect of revelation to be coming. I understand thats not the case, but feel through history we have only gotten to the 6th trumpet. There is no firm places in history that show any of the 7 vials already being unleashed from my research thus far.


Understood, I shouldn't have used the word symbolic. However just a quick read of Ezekiel 36-39 put serious doubt to your version of Israel. Especially 36:24-32. They will be taken from the nations and placed back in their forefathers land. That land is the exact spot current Israel is today. These few books explain and show God doing this for his glory. He turns their heart of stone into a heart of flesh. I could go on but I think these few chapters explain themselves rather easily. Continued..


I've got to agree with Gabeedmann here. I thought all the videos up to the 6th trumpet were great. However the mark of the beast, the idea of Israel being symbolic, and this video here have too many problems attached when biblical researched. Also if you read revelation in order you realize the mark, and this here if not symbolic, have not happened. The more I research the more I feel that we are currently within or near the end of the 6th trumpet. Thats why it made sense up until these last few


Hi"bibleortraditions" Just like to congratulate you on your videos, they're very informative and it looks like you put alot of effort into them, but i'd just like to remind you that they are simply your thoughts and opinions and therefore some points you make may or may not be true, and this could be dangerous.


I am so happy you agree. I hope Bibleandtraditions also agree that the Sabbath day is on saturday not sunday as the bible teaches. Not the Roman catolich lie that it is on sunday
