Все публикации

Kingdom Parable: Lazarus and the Rich Man, the true meaning based on Scripture.

Replacing Darwinism - A Christian Creationist view of the theory of evolution.

Biblical Lunisolar calendar explained in 10 verses! Take the Leviticus 23 challenge below.

Why did the pagan Roman Emperors & the Roman Catholic popes moved the Biblical Sabbath?

Emperor Constantine and the 7th Day Sabbath

The Virgin Mary of the Bible, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, our Messiah

The Roman Catholic Sacrifice of the Mass. The ultimate Heresy against GOD. Synagogue of Satan.

Bible Prophecy: The 'Mary' of Romanism; Antichrist's 'Mary'. Babylon's Mother 'Queen of Heaven'.

Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Laodicea, the final Church Age! Are you ready?

The Pope and the Papacy - Christian or Satanic Masterpiece

Tithing, Why 10%? Is it Biblical? - Part A BibleOrTraditions

Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel - Is it Biblical? Part B

Revelation 16:17 - The 7th Vial or Bowl of GOD’s Judgment is outpoured into the air. More signs

Russian Missile Tests, Preparing for War

Flee from Lust and Sexual Immorality - No Excuses, Must Repent: Paul Washer

Starting a new Life with Jesus Christ. Please Share this Video!!!

Should Homosexuals, Gays & Lesbians, be Killed? Stoned to Death? LGBT

When the bullets start flying, you won't find Atheists in Foxholes. A testimony worth sharing.

UPDATE 9/27/15: Pope Francis calls the Cross of Jesus Christ a 'Failure'. Prophecy Fulfilled!

Don't be Fooled by Satan, there are No Second Chances. Wicked are Taken not Left Behind

Pope Francis I Update 9/23/15: Arrives in the USA fulfilling Bible Prophecy

UPDATE 9/22/15 Pope Francis: The Beast Blesses Idolatry in Cuba

Federal Reserve 'We won't give you your gold back!', a sign of financial crisis

UPDATE 9/11/15 Iran's leader: 'There will be no such thing as Israel in 25 years'