9 Tips to Balance Rotational Dating and Work (Without Burning Out!)

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9 Tips to Balance Rotational Dating and Work (Without Burning Out!) If you're struggling to balance rotational dating and work without burning out, these 9 tips are for you! Learn how to manage your time and energy effectively while juggling multiple relationships. Balancing rotational dating and work can be tough. In this video, I'll share 9 tips to help you find harmony without burning out! #rotationaldating

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Are you currently rotational dating? Let me know if a Nervous System Bootcamp would be helpful to you.


I hope this is live and it stays up long enough for me to watch!! Your wisdom is so valuable. Thank you


Honestly, I'm quite excited for this one because I'm undergoing a problem that has nothing to do with the men!

If any ladies can offer advice, it would be appreciated.

Long story short: My mom is ruining my dating life. She expects to speak to the men on my rotation before the possibility of a first date comes up, to vet them, which I find incredibly difficult.

I understand vetting after I have gone on a couple dates and we decide how we're taking things, but before?

This has resulted in me developing conversations and pre-vetting men on my own before building the nerve to tell my mom about them. I can't even go on a first date without her knowing because she'll argue with me if she finds out.

Nor do I want to resort to underhanded means to date men, especially if I'm healthy. Also, she has a general lack of trust for me despite me not having done anything to warrant said lack of trust and it's weighing down on me.

Any help and advice appreciated!
