How to see like a photographer

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It's pretty easy to see good photographs when we travel to beautiful locations with epic vistas and stunning landscapes. But a photographer knows that there's more than what initially meets the eye, especially in more mundane situations.

In this video, I share some tips and techniques to develop our photographic vision. Think of it as "training for photographers".


My new ebook, “Creative B&W Editing in Lightroom”:

// You might find these videos interesting ⇩

*How to make square images*

*How to find and create Black and White images*

*Why I bought a 5-year old Full Frame camera (Sony A7Rii in 2020)*

*My review of the Bronica SQ-Ai*

"Photography is easy", "Long Exposure Photography", "Examples of the PNW" and "Lightroom CC Workflow"




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I drove by an old house, that had a windmill close to it, many times over a number of years. I kept saying to myself, I should stop and photograph that, but drove on by. Unfortunately an F-4 tornado ripped it to shreds, before I took the time to photograph it. Now, when I see something interesting I stop and make an image of it. Wonderful video, with a great message.


I appreciate this perspective on training the photographic eye. Recently, I had to accept the hard fact that I was click-click-clicking too much and annoying my family. 🙂So balance is important and even if I miss collecting a wonderful shot, I still saw it, still appreciated the beauty and the joy of seeing it at all. The biggest realization for me is that for the most part photography is a solo activity, a time for myself and the joy I take in slowing down and observing. Also, I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has tens or even hundreds of thousands of photos on hard drives that will never make it to print or an online gallery. Now when I get home I review the pictures, learn something and delete most of them. Love your work! Thank you.


Adrian, you have so many good points in this video. You're on point about distractions being a creativity killer. Stay focused. Thanks for sharing.


Excelente, excelente, excelente...Un saludo desde España.


On a road about 5 miles from where I live and on which I travel 4 times a week there was a derelict old house without a roof which I fully intended and wanted to photograph. One day a few weeks ago it was no longer there. Now, every time I pass that location I wonder why I hadn't bothered to stop nearby and get the shot. There's another one even closer and I will go out very soon so I don't miss this shot as I'm sure It will be demolished shortly. Thanks for the advice,


Many more gems of wisdom. Thank you. I smiled when you mentioned photographing a roll of toilet paper. It reminded me of the roll of Kitchen paper I sent you 😀


I am seriously thinking about getting the Sony rx100 VII, but I find the Sony menus aggravating. Would be willing to share what your basic setting are that you use for walking about? I know you shoot square and B&W. I’d really like to know.


Really good and to the point things. Thank you.


A great thunk piece Adrian. Like so many things in life, it is taking the 'first' step that is the hurdle to overcome. Once we get over it, the magic can unfold. Trying to see is always a challenge. It is so easy when we step away from our routine, our home, our routine and see what is there, see the opportunities. When we travel like you say we do those things naturally and likely we have our camera. So lots of photos follow. So don' wait to travel, be a tourist in your backyard!I love the idea of always having your camera with you and find ingsilly projects to create a portfolio, newspapers on the ground. maybe people waiting for something, to people watching people etc. The list is endless, we just have to stir those creative juices and come up with our mini-project. My first one will be 'finding light'. I love what light does and finding ways to capture it seems to have endless opportunities. Don't wait under the false assumption it will always be there. Great thought. Could be our pets, The people in our lives. The backyard. Indeed it won't always be there, famous or not. So the question is: do we want to see like a photographer? or maybe see like ET visiting our place for the first time 🙂 Thanks again


You have such a beautiful thoughts and kind vibes. Thank you for sharing.


Seguro. Most photographs (including most great ones) are not shot in "exotic" locations, so one needs to see "the extraordinary in the ordinary" no matter where they are. I too rarely leave the house without a "proper" camera (and use it in the house as well). I usually carry my phone, but it stays in my pocket almost all of the time, and I don't even think about it (nor do I use earbuds)!

It's hard to accept that there are monsters who destroy things so others may no longer enjoy them (including "natural" disasters such as wildfires set by people and exacerbated by human-catalyzed climate change). Yeah, waaay too many pictures of Sunrise Arch and other "tick-box" landmarks--boooring! As you point out, such photos aren't unique (but photos from your backyard are).

To expand on "get the picture before you lose the opportunity, " it's not just the existence of a subject/scene, it's the conditions. So many times, we see something that looks photoworthy (often because of the lighting or some other transitory thing) but fail to act, perhaps thinking that another opportunity will arrive or we overthink composition/exposure/focus. Don't wait! At least get a "safety shot" and then consider other approaches, as you may not get another decisive moment.


One moment I realized I have carried a camera without a single shot for 2 months. But this doesn’t change anything, it’s a part of my body


Thanks for some great reminders on the beauty of paying attention in n the mundane, stay in the moment and have fun! Love your work mate.


Ok I go with subject that makes great image
Random better than no photo
But not me


Cada video que haces es una clase magistral. Gracias.


Excellent episode. Very clear, useful, and inspiring.


Thanks for these refreshing thoughts, so well presented.


What is pause open you eyes, , , life is rush rush rush photography pause look see take it all in, , and remember Breath, , loving your videos keep them coming.


Great, insightful perspectives. "Beauty is in the eye of the like a toilet paper roll. 😂 Who knew!? Fantastic stuff! Thanks!


Hi Adrian, Since watching your Channel my photography has changed in a positive way. When I go out or in, I can now find a photo opportunity anywhere, thanks to your tips. My project now is photographing Car Number Plate's, there are some interesting ones out there. When I go to visit my relatives I'm always taking photos inside there house and there Garden. Speaking of Vending Machines I photographed a Vending Machine with Hot Wheels Cars in it at a shopping Centre. I've never seen that before and I had to photograph it, it's something different. Thanks Adrian. 😊.
