4 Mistakes you Might be Making on Thrall (With build guides)

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Thrall is one of the most consistent solo laners and one I would highly recommend people learn because he is deceptively strong. He hits some of the scariest power spikes in the solo lane allowing him to possibly win against most heroes if he is just patient.

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Have you considered making a video on solo lane match-ups? This might be a bit expansive (or even a series), but I think it would be super insightful.


On Grace Of Air vs Frostwolf's Grace at 13, Frostwolf's Grace is superior even when going E build.

Grace of Air essentially gets you 1 extra activation of Frostwolf Resilience per E, so you can think of it having a 12s cooldown.
Frostwolf's Grace has a 15s cooldown, but heals for 50% more, triggers instantly, doesn't require you to be in melee, and still activates Mana Tide (lvl 4).

The only way to get more value out of Grace Of Air in a teamfight than you could out of Frostwolf's Grace is to use Wind Rush (lvl20).


I really like how the titles of are low key and modest. Too many videos now are so clickbaity I'm so sick of them.


Nice tips, very informative. I'd just like to mention that if you run the numbers for grace of air, even if you take tempest fury, it's almost always worse than frostwolf's grace. FWG gives an unconditional 5 stacks of resilience every 15 seconds, and they count for 1.5 times as much (Equivalent of 7.5 stacks for healing purposes). Grace of air gives you 3-5 stacks every 12 seconds if you're casting on cooldown and getting all hits off. FWG also doesn't require any synergy with other talents to produce these numbers. This difference is represented by a 5-6% win difference on hotslogs too.


I like your approach to videomaking and to the game and get lots of good advices from videos :) gj man. I have to say that my personal favourite lvl 13 got to be frostewolf grace! Every 15 secs is just huge, plus it heals for more and it's instant, being used basically every teamfight to its full extent and uncounterable by blinds :)


You forgot the #1 mistake Thralls make. Buggering off and leaving the horde to a Hellscream


I've been waiting for this video 3 months, thanks


Thrall has one of the best talent kits out there. No useless talents and many talents to help you in different situations


Post your talent build in the video description so we can reference it to what you talk about during the video. Include multiple situational builds as well. Thank you, good videos and channel


Looks like I'm going to have to pi
ck up thrall again! I used to spam him back in the stun meta days good times


Climbed to Master with Thrall two seasons in a row as a solo laner. Good video, although my own personal build is usually picking the W talents at 4 and 16, and picking either Echo of the Elements or Rolling Thunder at lvl 1. The latter talent I usually pick on Braxis for the simple fact that it makes me able to regen up very fast in a lane and you can't run out of mana with it if you use it well (plus focusing on getting stacks when you want to constantly poke the other laner with CL is not what I find ideal on that map in particular). The lvl 4 block talent I pick to win duels against the likes of Sonya, but since they buffed the W quest it is a lot safer to finish, making for an insane power spike if you do it fast.

My main priority with Thrall in the late game is to burst down the frontline or anyone who gets caught in my combo, so the % damage melts everything when you have Ancestral Wrath up. With a full damage combo at 16 you deal about 50% of a Tank's health in the span of about 3-4 seconds. Thrall is a very versatile Hero and he is one of my favourite solo laners for a good reason.


Being an experienced player but still learning new things from your videos is quite fun, keep it up!


Great video :) definitly going to test out that build


Maybe it's not as good, and maybe I'm just crazy, but I like going for a windfury build. It definitely is a slower ramp to your power spike, but man I can delete people from the game once I get stacked. So I'll usually go elements at level 1, because it's great poke, and since the power spike comes later it's easier to deal consistent damage from afar. But then I'll go mana tide at 4, because then I always have mana. Then Maelstrom Weapon at 7 to start stacking W up. Once I complete the quest then I get the speed bonus, but it keeps stacking and it hits really hard In the late game. I usually go earthquake at 10 since it also procs the trait, then grace of air at 13 to get more frostwolf stacks. Then tempest fury at 16 is when you can really blow people up. The final strike hit 3 times, and it counts toward your stacks on W, and you just delete people from the game. They really don't expect it either, I've had Tracers think they got me and I pop W and they just die. Level 20 I go with the teleport to get out of trouble or secure a kill.

After this video I might change that up though, and try a new build with him. W build definitely seems more challenging to pull off, but it's really very fun when you get stacks.


maelstrom weapon is the talent that gets me excited to play thrall... and he didnt even mentioned it as an option! XD


I didn't know about hitting back minions to get more points for his quest, I'll have to try that the next time I pick him.


Alpha wolf is a really awesome talent. With that and ancestral you can burst down a tank.


Thrall is one of those rare heroes that you can use 4lvl quest wolf and play great, or even rolling thunder and do a great job. His kit is super good, and the "bad talents" arent THAT bad if you play it right. I really think is a MUST knowing how to play him, like you dont find heroes so strong as him without being ridiculous OP or super situational. Hope one day Artanis would be as good as Thrall, still dont like how limited feels with his Q. Guys, learn him, play the Green Jesus and he will bless you with green your history. Another hero as good without being ridiculous OP is Maiev, her Q reset is so good, learn Thrall, Maiev, Diablo, Muradin, and get those wins guys! Im still trying to improve my Diablo and Garrosh, dont feel comfortable with both. Could be a Garrosh vid please? Great content as always NP!


Welp this is exactly why I need to read through all the talents properly xD Good thing I havent played thrall in ages



Can you do a ‘why the pros don’t play’ on anubarak? His kit is good with 2 stuns and a time out ult. I can’t figure out why pros don’t play him
