OpenWrt 21.02 DSA Switch config - VLAN and Bridging (english)

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0:00 Introduction
0:30 About DSA in OpenWrt
1:27 configuration example VLAN filtering
8:30 same scenario without VLAN filtering
11:18 example Access Point config

After I made a German video about the new DSA Switch config in OpenWrt I've been meaning to make on in English, too. This is the German version:

Eversince OpenWrt released version 21.02 they introduced DSA (Distributed Switch Architecture) which is a breaking change and also gives new possiblities like VLAN Filtering / VLAN aware Bridges. The configuration method and the wording (devices / interfaces) also changed.

I'm showing how Bridges and VLAN can be set up, at first with a VLAN aware bridge and secondly with a dedicated Bridge for each VLAN. The latter is more hassle.

I'm also showing a real life example of an Access Point running OpenWrt 21.02 with a VLAN Filtering Bridge and SSID connected to specific VLANs.

To see if your device will run DSA, watch:

I'm showing only few examples, for more look at:

If you're upgrading from Version 19.07 and your devices uses DSA you need to migrate manually. I reinstalled my devices, here a converting guide:
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There are not so many vids regarding openWrt 21 x vlan x dsa, and you even provide 2 methods + wifi... Amazing!
Also you seem confident and your explanation sounds credible so I'll buy it!
I'm now rebuilding than lan setup on my archer c7 v4 with much more confidence, thanks!


Most of the tutorials in youtube, using the old openwrt architecture of switching. What a treasure.


Well, you understand it and it explain it thoroughly. I am glad you speak one of my languages as I only speak British, Australian, Canadian, American, Southern Fried, some South African, Irish (most) and Welsh (baaaah, I am about to go through this with a GL-AR750S which surprisingly supports VAPs. I am glad you pointed out the AP doesn't need an IP too. OneMarcFifty has a lot of videos but I find your method of explaining it much clearer and to the point. Thank you for your efforts and I subscribed to your channel. I am surprised you don't have more subscriptions. Please do more videos in English too. I don't speak Deutsch or Schwabish even though I lived in Stuttgart in the SI Centrum for a time. Germany is a very nice country even though I can't afford a super cool Unimog!


such a simple explanation... native english speakers including myself sure talk alot of shit... good jib


Thank you for doing the English version. This was more straight forward than pages and pages of some badly written docs. Helped me more in 30 minutes than docs did in days.


Thank you so much! It helped me a lot!
Note - I only have 1 LAN port, and it still works with different VLAN ids.


This video helped me a lot. I made an AP with SSID's in seperate vlans and i was struggling with the bridges ( yeah i was assuming i had make one per vlan) but this video saved me .
Working "setup"now: isp Modem (in bridge mode) > pfsense (firewall router etc) > tplink TL-SG1016DE (switch) > Belkin rt3200 (OpenWrt as AP)


that is a really good tutorial ! Man you could even mix english with german, so watching you we could learn german and other staff :)


Very nice ! Thank you. Keep up the good work man


I wish you would provide more content in regards to networking


Great Video. It would be nice to add a network layout diagram with the vlan and then configuring openwrt. It would give a better picture.
Thanks a ton!


Hi, still am having issues to setup a TP Link Archer C20 for Vlans would it be possible to give me stap by step walk through to do that!


Could you explain a case where the VLAN is not local?
I have one port from openwrt connected to a access point. But in the access point the I have three wifi networks with different VLAN id


Hi sir i have problem in 21.0 ppoe user dailup from same isp fails only one ppoe dailed up .morever i also change mac adress


great video thanks. just one question: what is the difference if I include the wan port into the mainbridge together with all my lan ports or if I dont?


Do you know why open wrt drop the support for many devices?
For example the meraki mr18 and some microtik routers, do you think these will be added in the future or are they gone all together?


Hi there, at 12:10 you had spoken about tag and untag, can you please explain more about these two option in vlan ?? Thnx


Thank you for the English version, what devices are you using with your openwrt setup?


Thanks, this was very informative and I have a much better understanding now of OpenWRT (I'm a long time DD-WRT user crossing over). However, things are still unclear as to how a (dumb) access point filters a VLAN ID from the ethernet bridge to a wireless device if the source is NOT an OpenWRT based router. So, with your example of a Guest network, if you have a guest network coming from a dedicated router on a backhaul connection to a dumb access point on VLAN ID 10, how do you route that VLAN ID to a guest device on a WLAN?


Servus Junicast, vielleicht kannst du mir helfen - ich habe eine alte 3370 und versuche nun 2 SSID's auf mein WLAN Modul zu bekommen. Die Wlans werden auch angezeigt, aber kommunikation geht dann nicht darüber. Firewall ist auf accept gestellt. Ein WLAN alleine funktioniert, sobald ich eine 2 SSID dazu packe funktioniert es nicht mehr. Bin ein wenig ratlos...
