Hydraulic vs Spring Suspension

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Here is a side by side comparison of Spring suspension vs hydraulic shock suspension. Can you tell which is which? Is the hydraulic suspension on the left or right side?

See the difference between a spring suspension and a hydraulic shock below. The air shock behaves similarly to hydraulic shocks with more damping but slower rebound.

Hydraulic/air suspension creates lower resonance peak over bumps giving the rider less body stress. When resonance is high and stays high like on the spring suspension, the body absorbs that and over a period of time, the body will feel the stress. When you observe the spring suspension rebound very abruptly, this creates high resonance and stress.

For air shocks, please visit:

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For everyone wondering. The spring suspension is on the left and the hydraulic is on the right. You see that by the way the hydraulic suspension is having an equal force both ways up/down, while the spring suspension is basically springing back at a much more aggressive manner than the hydraulic. So spring suspension is acting like a trampoline, while the hydraulic is acting like a suspension should, by neutralizing bumps instead of making you fly.


Come on guys! I was looking forward to a real video on the subject yo.


I have both and it depends of model because mine dont bounce like this. The spring is best for me on side walks and uneven terrain while the hydraulic one better on flat road as i feel less the road but by not much. I prefer spring as in 80% of times, im on side walk and hydraulic is too stiff


Pointless video.2 guys jumping up and down


Is that the same hydraulic suspension that you (and others authorize dealers/resellers) are advertising on Zero 10x (front and rear) on your website and the other one is the simple spring suspension that we all actually getting without any hydraulic dampening system in it (or oil)?
It's look like that..


Hi friend. For my zero 10x, which one do you recommend for the front suspension? A5 RR1 150mm or A5 RR1 125mm.
