The gay gene was strong in me 🧬

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I didn't know my uncle was gay until I was 12, I just assumed that the other guy was his friend 😭


I came out to my father 57 years ago when I was 17. His response was "You're telling me something I already know." He was a great father and loved my partner like another son.


When I came out to my mom thinking she would be more accepting, she said to me, “I’m not ok with it, and I don’t think I’ll ever be ok with it. What ever you do don’t tell your dad I’m sure he would drive his truck off a cliff and kill himself.” My mom then told my dad and when he picked me up after work one day, he said “your mother told me everything and I want you to know, I understand this wasn’t a choice. When my brother came out to me it drove a wedge between us that force him to move to the opposite side of the country to get away from me. I never want you to feel like you need to do that. You are my son and I won’t make the same mistake again. I love you, no matter what.”


My son finally admit he was. Gay at. 21 yrs. I told him " I thought i was the queen of the house!". He died laughing


Love that this comment section is full of older gays telling their story and giving their advice


Came out to my when I was 14 and he said “Thank goodness you realized it. I’ve known for years.”


My parent looked at me and “ the gay is strong in the one, just like her aunt”😭


When I came out to my dad I sat him down and told him I had something serious to talk to him about. When I told him, he paused and asked "Is that it?! Jesus, I thought you were going to tell me you were sick or something."

He was completely fine with it, just told me that when I told my mom I had to lie and say she was the first one I told. Apparently they'd known for a while and my mom really wanted to be the one I finally confided in. Till this day she still thinks shes the one that had to tell my dad.


Worried my dad was homophobic until the first time he didnt get mad at me for swearing was when i was like 12 and started cussing out a homophobe. He just nodded, proud of me. He also fought to keep pride flags up at his work. He is an older, cranky religious man.


I didn’t understand why I was the only queer person in my family and then I found out my grandma disowned her family because they accepted her lesbian sister in the 70’s. She thought they were disgusting and left at 16 to live a life of god. I looked into that side of my family and found out that I had a lot of queer relatives. It all made sense then.

Then two years later my dad told me he was Bisexual and when I asked him why he didn’t tell me before he just shrugged and said. “I forgot that I didn’t tell you. But I’m letting you know now because I have a guy coming over, ” and just walked away. So yeah, maybe it is genetic


I came out 45 years ago, at age 15, and my father beat me to a pulp and kicked me out of the house for being gay. Fast forward 20 years and I was the one at his side as he died of Alzheimer’s. Meanwhile, my straight brothers and my sisters were nowhere to be found. I took my nephew in when his parents weren’t willing to raise him. My husband and I took my mother in law in when her health took a turn. My story is not unique. Most of my gay friends have risen to the challenge of picking up the pieces of their families. And they say the gay “agenda” is against ‘family values’.


When I told my mom I had a feeling I was lgbt (I’m bi now that I’ve figured it out more). She was like: “as long as you’re not hurting anybody I don’t give a fuck who you like.” LMAO 😭


I had a cousin who just ghosted his family rather than talk to them. He hurt his family badly. Especially his mom as he was her only child. I was visiting the grandmother one day and she asked if Id heard from him. He was living with a boyfriend several states away. She said "If he thinks we care that hes gay then he should know Ive known that since he was 10 years old" 😅


I came out as trans and asexual. My siblings response? "Oh, I thought you were a lesbian" 💀


My grandma is always conflating being gay with being trans so when she trying to be nice she’ll be like “Mijo how are the hormones going?” I’m like “Ay abuela I’m cis just gay lol”😅 she doesn’t mean anything by it but I think it’s kind of funny and cute.


Some FIFTY years ago, Sacramento in the 1970s, when I came out to my Dad, the ex-Marine Drill Sergeant, college football coach, so I was really concerned. He looked at me and said, "Son, I've known you were gay since you were 14, I assumed you knew we knew. Let me tell you about this player on the team I think might be a good match for you." He set me up on blind date with one his football players. Really nice guy, really, I wasn't ready to be serious back then.


My mom called my dad and said they needed to discuss me, but it was too serious to talk about on the phone. They dropped me off at my drum lessons and my dad was like, "What's going on??" My mom told him I was gay and he said, "oh thank god I thought she had cancer"


my mom just said “okay” and bought me a trans flag 💀💀


I was 18 when I accidentally outed myself to my parents. Then my dad came out as bi 😂


Yeah, I thought my grandparents would have the worst reaction when I told them I was trans. All my grandmother said was: "And? You are my grandchild. I don't care who you like as long as its not a 30 year old." She is too sweet.. & funny😂
