The Standard Model Explains Force And Matter

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1) First Second Of The Universe:
2) Force And Matter:
3) Quarks:
4) Gluons:
5) Electrons, Protons And Neutrons:
6) Photons, Gravitons & Weak Bosons:
7) Neutrinos:
8) The Higgs Boson / The Higgs Mechanism:

The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory of three of the four known fundamental interactions and the elementary particles that take part in these interactions. These particles make up all visible matter in the universe.

Every high energy physics experiment carried out since the mid-20th century has eventually yielded findings consistent with the Standard Model.

Still, the Standard Model falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions because it does not include gravitation, dark matter, or dark energy. It is not quite a complete description of leptons either, because it does not describe nonzero neutrino masses, although simple natural extensions do.


Down to the Small

Consider a piece of matter, and imagine taking it apart down to its basic constituents the particles that make it up. Down to the atoms ..and further down to the protons, neutrons ... and finally to the quarks and electrons. If our hands were small enough, we could hold them in our hands as well.

As we take matter apart down to the smallest scales, we must pass through levels of structure that are only possible because of FORCES that hold these structures together. The proton and electron for example are attracted to each other ... and that force of attraction is what holds them together in the atom. But what is it really that causes this attraction. How does the electron know the proton is there and what draws it towards the proton? How does the electron know not to be attracted to the neutron?

The answer is that the electron and the proton each fill the space around them with countless millions of other tiny particles that have only the most ephemeral existence. Because it is electrically neutral, the neutron does not.

These particles come into existence only briefly and are gone ... only to be replaced by another one thrown out by the parent particle. On this scale, the tiny bit of energy that is needed for their existence can be created out of ... NOTHING. But they also MUST DISAPPEAR in the briefest instant because the energy used to create them can only exist for a very brief instant.

You can imagine these virtual particles as balls tethered to the parent particle by a rubber band and snapping back to the parent when they disappear. If one or more of them should encroach upon the territory of virtual particles tethered to another parent particle, they can get entwined and exchanged. Such an exchange is felt by the parent particles as a force.


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Рекомендации по теме

I was so interested in this that I used to draw all these particles when I was 10 years old, I even used to tell everyone in school about his videos and how interesting they were.


I'm glad Mr Clean found a new gig.


I hope that you are teaching in a classroom or such, because you have a very clear and concise way of explaining a very difficult (to me) picture of the structure at the lowest quantized level.  I will be replaying your videos a bit, because at age 68 it takes a wee bit longer.
Thanks for the help.


There seems to be a lot of confusion about primary and secondary colours in posts. Remember that the only significant thing about red, green and blue is that they are the three colours for which human eyes have receptors. Thus is it possible to recreate any colour we _can_ see using these three colours of light. RGB don't let us recreate the colours we _can't_ see. 
Also, if you think yellow is a primary colour, you should read up on subtractive colour model vs. additive colour model. It explains why colour mixing on screens and projectors is different to colour mixing in paint and inks.


Heisenberg uncertainty principle ( Time = h / Energy, where h is a constant). Virtual particles may exist for a very short period time, inversely proportional to their energy (The more energy, the less time they can exist). Basically, they're allowed to violate the laws of conservation of energy, if they "give the energy back" in a certain period of time.


You should see the math for this stuff. I don't think words can describe it.

It is truly astounding, astonishing and beautiful.


You know whats funny is this gives me the same feeling as when I used to read the bible when I was younger, I am no longer Christian, I am an Atheist now that I've found out I'm free to believe in rationality instead of senseless philosophy. Science utterly fascinates me as it brings a tear to my eye. From Galaxies to cells to quantum physics it astonishes me.I love the world so much, and if a heaven did exist, I would rather stay on earth as the symphony of our universe is absolutely amazing.


@Promatheos: The proton doesn't know about the electron, but both particles send bosons along ALL possible paths in the universe. Quantum mechanics then tells us that among those infinite number of boson paths, the actions of most paths cancel each other out (pure math - think about wave trough and crest meeting in a lake). Only those few boson paths which survive w/o being canceled by a counterpart are able to mediate a force.


Correction... we do know *something* about gravitons, but only in the case that they may exist (i.e. they mediate a rank 2 tensor field).
But only in the case they exist.


the simplest answer is that they have seen them. the other is that they have used whatchamacall the "eight-fold way/method" for hadrons (ie quark-composed matter) which became quantum chromodynamics and using conservation and symmetry laws and "weak force theory" etc. and studying the decay products of high-energy particle collisions to get to their answers...


Sweet. I'm ultimately not really using my degree but I definitely enjoyed it. The program I was in was a little dated (the labs not the science which was actually really good) but it has gotten better since my class came through. As much as I enjoy the mathematics involved, I'm not a lab rat nor a statistician so ultimately a job in the field was not really for me but I'll never regret the knowledge and perspective I gained from that education. Any idea what you want to do with it?


So much of this went right over my head.


@Promatheos: Imagine you are sitting in a boat on a lake (particle 1) and your friend in another boat (particle 2). Your friend throws a basket ball (virtual boson) to you, and you catch the ball.Both of you experience a repulsion caused by throwing/catching the ball, which eventually causes the boats to drift apart. The basket ball transfers momentum between the boats, thus acting as (repulsive) force carrier.

Hope that helps as a starter. With a trick you can also explain attractive force.


(Post-Cont. 3/4)

Around 1min:35sec he begins explaining by asking a question:
"How does the Electron, 'know' the proton is there? And what draws it towards the proton", (which is what we observe in nature, via the field of particle physics).. he continues:

" How does the Electron know NOT to be attracted to ..the Neutron?"

He gives you part of the answer/explanation in this clip of the series.


Every Force has a messanger particle. Gravity-gravitron (which no one has seen, yet) Electromagnetism-photon (i.e. light), strong nuclear-gluon (gluons hold up & down quarks together as well as protons to nuetrons) and weak-W bosen particle (which is very heavy and so can only last for a short while and causes protons to convert into nuetrons and emit radiation from a heavy particles which is responsable for radioactive decay) Think of it as playing catch with particles.


One other problem we thought about the other day is the problem with particles mediating em, i e virtual photons. As we know from elementary physics, the e m force has an infinite range. But what about uncertainty principle, energy*time>hbar. The virtual particles created by an electron must remain in the vicinity of the electron, created and reabsorbed all the time, how can charge have infinite range in that case


To make short, they are virtual till they don't "interact" with another, in wich case they become mesureable by their interaction...

It means that even in absolute vacuum, things happens, brief sparks of information. At our scale it transmit gravitational for example.

But it's just an educated guess from what i think i've understood...


I think I understand what the Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces are--if only in a general sense.

My head exploded towards the end.


Maybe because the gravitons scatter. Like in the case of photons, light loses intensity further away from the source because they scatter. And photons are so focused in a laser beam that it maintains its intensity over a great distance.


(Post cont.)

So, as I was saying, it does. I'm a teacher, and seeing part of the prob. here. Lexicon and vocab. Rem. Physics is an extremely robust science, & what's the lang. of physics? Not English, Spanish, or Hindi, ..but math! So there will always be issues there w/ absorbing info in laymen's terms conceptually!

He answers it- right here in this portion of the video dude! lol..

I'll continue
