The Four Fundamental Forces of nature - Origin & Function

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if you took a notebook, a plastic bottle, a toaster, and a glass container and burned them in a fire hot enough, around 10^31 degrees Celsius, all the particles and forces, would become one entity. This is what is believed to have existed at the moment of the big bang.

All matter is composed of 6 quarks and 6 leptons and their 12 antiparticle pairs. But matter is subject to 4 fundamental forces that result in every action in the universe. These 4 forces are the strong force which binds the nuclei of atoms together, the weak force which is responsible for some kinds of radioactivity, electromagnetism responsible for the root cause of chemistry, and gravity which binds us to the earth.

The best way to understand this and how these forces emerged is to visualize what happened at the big bang, when everything was one. Time began at the smallest time, Planck time, 10^-43 seconds. We are ignorant of anything that might have occurred prior to this 1st epoch of existence, called the Planck Epoch.

All the forces and particles were in a point smaller than the size of a proton. Gravity separated from everything else, as it was the first force to separate out from the other 3 forces. The temperatures at this stage were 10^31 degrees Celsius, and the energies were in the range of 10^19 giga electron volts. The strings of string theory and the loops of loop quantum gravity, if those theories are correct, come into existence here.

The next era, called the Grand Unified epoch lasts from the first Planck second up to about 10^-35 seconds. The Strong and weak force and electromagnetism were all unified. But shortly after this period, the strong force separated from the other two - electromagnetism and the weak force, which were united as one force called the electroweak force. Temperatures were now around 10^26 degrees Celsius. Cosmic inflation occurred. The universe which went from tinier than the size of a proton to the size of a grapefruit.

At 10^-12 seconds, called the quark epoch, the electroweak force split into the weak force and electromagnetism. So at this point, all the 4 forces became distinct. The temperature of the universe cooled to 10^15 degrees Celcius, and energies are about 100 GeV. We know a lot about the universe up to this era because such energy levels can be modeled in particle accelerators. The Higgs field exists at this stage.

That brings us to today, 13.8 billion years later, where the average temperature of the universe is -270 degrees C, and energy is 0.25 eV

Gravity and electromagnetism are similar in that their mathematical formulas look nearly identical. Newtons law of universal gravitation is F= G Mm/r^2 . were G is Newton’s gravitational constant. Coulomb’s law of electric force between charged bodies is F = k Qq/r^2 where k is Coulomb’s constant.

This means that the earth has a gravitational effect not just on the moon, but also some effect on every other massive object in the universe. This is a very small effect, but it is non zero. And since gravity effects all masses, this effect is the most influential force on a cosmic scale.

But the electrostatic force between charges also extends infinitely far away. And this force is much greater than the force of gravity - 10^36 times greater. So why isn’t electromagnetism the most dominant force in the universe? ...because on large scales electric charges of most objects tend to cancel each other out. Large objects tend to be neutral. If large things were not electrically neutral, this force would completely dominate the universe. But Electromagnetism still has a big influence. It is the basis of all chemistry.

So if electromagnetism is so strong, then what keeps multiple protons bound in the nucleus of atoms? They are kept glued together with a force one hundred times stronger, the strong nuclear force. However, it extends only as far as the width of a proton. This force is not simply the opposite of electromagnetism because it also holds electrically neutral atoms in the center of atoms.

The release of this force is the energy behind nuclear bombs. The fission and fusion of atoms releases huge amounts of binding energy from the nucleus, which results from the strong force. It is also responsible for most of the mass of any object, not the Higgs Field.
The weak force is responsible for beta radiation, which is the emission of electrons or positrons. One of the most important processes in nature is the beta decay of a neutron. If this decay did not occur, then the universe would have been full of neutrons, and no atoms would have ever formed. And we would not have life. But it’s effective length is only about one thousandth the diameter of a proton.
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in 120 seconds you got more data concerning the nature of matter into my brain than any educator has done in whole days. Thumbs up.


I'd like to address a couple of common comments.
1) "Gravity is not a force" - while current theory - General Relativity, treats gravity in purely geometric terms, as a curvature of space-time, almost no physicist thinks this is the final answer. Most physicists believe that gravity will, one day, be brought under the fold of quantum mechanics, and that it will be shown to have common symmetry with the other "forces." A quantum theory of gravity is very elusive, but it probably exists. In the context of this video, where I talk about the ultimate symmetry of all the forces, I felt it was appropriate to call it a "force."
2) The use of the term "force." - I agree that "interaction" would be a more precise description than "force, " but I was trying to appeal to the colloquialism used by most people who will, hopefully, watch this video.
3) What about the Higgs Boson? Yes, I am aware I ignored it. In fact, it can be argued that the Higgs Field is a fifth "force." It is certainly a medium for "interaction." This field and its particle are so fascinating and complex that it deserves its own treatment. In fact, I will have several dedicated videos on the topic of the Higgs Field and its Boson in the future. So stay tuned.
4) Here are some of my follow up videos that you may want to watch for more info on the concepts I discussed:
5) **NOTE** We made an editing ERROR at 1:37. We used a stock photo. The label on the right side should say, "Antiparticle partners" instead of "supersymmetric partners" - The symbols would be the same, except there would be a solid line above instead of a squiggly line. Supersymmetric particles are not the same as antiparticles.


This man is a force of nature due to his lucidity


This video has a lot of precious information about our current knowledge of the interactions we have in the universe. I studied computer engineering and had 5 semesters of physics and this is prime content. Thanks.


Love this guy. Really breaks it down to understandable levels.


Hey Arvin, can I just say - I’m a bit of a science buff and I watch a lot of science-related vids on YouTube. Some good, some bad; some great and some awful. But...never any which can so succinctly distill the subject matter into such bite sized portions AND explain it all fully.

That must take a lot of carful planning to do. Keep up the great work...with all the crap out there, you provide a great service to humanity.




I am so hyped for the next videos 😬.
Never expected a scientific video to end in a cliffhanger 😂


The bad part in this video is that it ends...
I could watch your videos for hours.. it's so easy to follow.
Have said before and again.. I love the way you make your videos and the topics you go for...


Your videos are some of the most clear and concise summaries on these topic in the whole of YouTube, hands down. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness!


EM trying to separate protons: am I a joke to you?
Strong Nuclear force: yes.


Thanks for the quality content, Arvin Ash! You're doing a great job of balancing the (real) complexity of the subject with excellent pacing for intermediate learners!
Keep up the good work :) love from Iceland


Great video that left me with a few hypothetical questions.
1: Since the formulas for the gravitational and electrostatic force are so similar, isthere's a geometric or general relativityesque explanation for of it?
2: The separation of the different forces were several orders of magnitude of time apart, so can the forces still separate into more forces? Like the electromagnetic force into the electric and magnetic forces or something like that?
3: How did the universe looked when the forces were united and how can we even tell if forces are separate or united?
4: Where does the Higgs Boson come into all of this?
5: What was/were the boson(s) of the united force fields?


I am a businessman, with no studies of physics, and love to learn about the world and how everything works. I really enjoy your videos and explanation.
would be great if you could make one about what needs to happen in order to prove string theory true, and another about what are those extra dimensions (complex videos need complex requests LOL)


I am lost with the maths, not got a clue what physics mean, but I love your video because you explain it in such a way that I do know what you are talking about and even though I don't understand the numbers like 10 to the power of... I haven't a clue what it means but what I do know is how small an atom is, not in numbers written, and I do know the basics of what that atom consists of from listening to YouTube channels like this. I kind of get the drift and curse the fact that I left school at 13 and prior to that going round the bomb sites scratching for scrap metals to sell was more important than school. The things you talk about are exactly what old men think about, maybe not in the same way but at the fundamental scale we are all human and at some point every intelligent person wonders, "what is life". Thanks for great video Mr Ash.


I have been looking into quantum physics and particle psychics for decades and YouTube has helped. This video is the best by far and is great. Cannot wait for the rest.


I will happily wait through the promo to have Arvin put a smile on my face with his sign off. It works every time!


Probably the best explanation yet! Can't wait to learn more!


I like how Arvin shares his excitement on the topic when he says, "that's coming up right now" at 1:23. Anybody else expecting a "Beakman's World" shout in this intro ?


Officially the best channel on YouTube
