Martin Heidegger - Contributions to Philosophy (5.1/7)

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In this video, the first in a two-part chapter, we discuss The Grounding. We focus on Da-sein and explicate in some detail what being the “there” means. We also revisit Da-sein’s being-toward-death and learn what Heidegger means by ‘self’, contrasting Da-sein with subjectivity or the “I-consciousness”.

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I think that "being away" has many meanings, like all of Heidegger, but I apply the most modest and usual. To go dying is to move away from things, or to see how things move away. Man exhausts his biography. Man has little left, not of life or death, but little left of himself, little of what he was, of the one that he was. At least that is my reading of Being and Time, an existence linked to time. "Being there" would be a deeper dimension of being.Beitrage is less existentialist, but more fascinating and with your lectures I think that I am understanding Heidegger a little better. Thank you.


Just love these videos on the 'Contributions'! More than any supplementary literature, these videos really help to 'unconceal' (!) this text - which is truly mibd-blowing once one begins to 'get' it. Your explanations provide a clearing indeed... Many thanks!


How Da-sein is different here from Being and Time?
