Print THIS Plane! (FREE .stl Files)

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DISCLAIMER: I highly recommend that you have experience with flying model aircraft. This is not a beginner plane and will most like end in a failure if you are not familiar with flying model aircraft. Fly at your own risk.

Plane specifications:
Wingspan - 95cm
Root chord - 16.3cm
Tip chord - 11.5cm
Sweep angle - 15 degrees
Dry weight (no battery) - 468g
Flying weight - 670g

The CG position is marked on the bottom of the fuselage with 2 circle cut outs.

General Print settings:
Material - PLA (1.75mm)
Nozzle diameter - 0.4mm
Wall thickness - 0.5mm
Layer height - 0.2mm

Print settings for the wing sections:
Temperature - 215 degrees Celcius
Print speed - 25-30mm/s
Cooling fan - off
Infill - 0%
Top layers - 0
Bottom layers - 1 (for bed adhesion)
Outer layers - 1

Print settings for other parts:
Temperature - 200 degrees Celcuis
Print speed - 60mm/s
Cooling fan - on
Infill - 15%
Top layers - 3
Bottom layers - 3
Outer layers - 2

NOTE, the fuselage and canopy will require supports. I printed the canopy with the motor mount on the bed and supports from the bed to the rear of the wing. The canopy will require support for the overhang in the center and for the small tab. All other parts can be printed without support.


Other parts:
Push rod clevis (x4)

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I am 57 years old and have been flying RC incl large jets for many years. I have now bought a 3D printer and I am so pleased to see a Young man doing this sort of thing and blending old skills with modern tech. Very well done I am sure you will go far in life


This guy comes up with some pretty cool stuff but half way through his videos I always start thinkin', I'm gonna get Rick Rolled any minute.


Disclaimer, I did not build this in its entirety. However, I did use your settings in conjunction with the ini files provided by 3DPrintLab to start building their aircraft, and you solved so many issues with some of your settings, Thank you so much for the asistance and I love your channel, keep up the good work. I will build this AC (aircraft) in the future when I get the trainer I am building complete. Thanks again for the assist!


Hi Tom;

First, thanks for this amazing plane design!

It took me about 2 weeks to get the parts to 3D print on my PRUSA MK3S printer.
I have to admit the free PrusaSlicer software is an amazing slicer.

1. On the Fuselage front I needed to turn on “Detect thin walls” on “Print Setting” and “Layers and perimeters”. I also printed it 150% on the Z axis to make the nose longer for better center of gravity or CG.

2. I change the “Perimeters” to 2 and the “Solid Layers” both top and bottom to 0. This setting is also located in “Print Setting” and “Layers and perimeters”. The perimeter increase made the parts much stronger and only added about 100 grams to the weight of the plane. The 0 top and bottom allowed the male and females ends to go together. I added a 5 mm “Brim width” located at on “Print Setting” and “Skirt and brim”. I ended up printing each wing piece separately and each was rotated so that the female end of the wing segment was on the print bed. I also used a bit of glue from a glue stick to help keep the wing parts on the print bed.

3. To make the canopy fit the new longer nose, I ended up printing canopy X axis at 145mm or about 130%.

4. To assembly everything, I used a deburr tool, hobby knife and pointed cutters. I also used latex gloves when gluing the parts together. I recommend you taking you time when gluing the parts together and let sections dry before continuing.
5. The winglet prints with a small post at the front and 2 half inch wedge pieces about midway down the winglet. These get pushed through the material printed on male end of the outer wing section. You can use a hobby knife to cut away material to help the wedges to fit.

A few design changes that would be nice.

1. The inner wing pieces on the male side of the wing have both the front and back sections tapered to allow for easy fit into female side of the middle wing section. I recommend the same be done to the middle wing sections. I ended up having to cut these to get the pieces to fit the outer wing sections.

2. The rib support on the female side of the inner wing and outer wing need to be cut back about 1/8 of inch. To get the pieces to fix I had to manual cut away material to get a good fix.

Again Tom, thanks for a great design!
Richard Boyhan


Great job man! I've designed RC airplanes before, have a glider in some files around yet to build. But you man, have embraced the present and steered towards the future. Outstanding job.


That's what I call REAL AND FRIENDLY SHARING OF KNOWLEDGES! Thanks a lot Tom! Very instructive explanations and nice details of howto.


This design looks really refined after the "Will it fly?" version. Great work.


Just bought a new Anycubic high speed printer. I have downloaded the files and will do a couple of test prints to see if the higher speed compromises strength. I am a few years older than the message below but totally support his views on your enthusiasm. Well done I will let you know how my test prints go.


This video helps a ton. I've been working on a design for very long flight times but I was holding back on aerodynamics to keep construction simple, and was not sold on 3D printing it, I was going to cnc some foam. I might do a hybrid.


Just started on my journey of building this plane this is my 2nd plane I’ve made it’s grey PlA + spray painted place the plane is fun but I recommend that you fill the plane with light weight expanding foam this helps when you crash you absorb the Impack other than that great model plane 👍🏻👍🏿👍🏾👍🏼👍🏽


I download the files in a bit and start printing as a project. Can’t wait m8 well done 👍🏻


Awesome wing. I enjoying seeing how you progress through your videos. Please keep up the good work. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.


Hi Tom, wonderful project and wonderful results. This is the best 3d printed wing I've seen to date. I can't wait to see an FPV version and will be keeping an eye on this channel. Good work!!
Cheers, dave


I have printed this thing over a half year ago, today I managed to get it in the air ;) It flys really great, but I made some mistakes at glueing it together, so it broke in half after a hard turn ;)
Sadly, I have no video footage from the first flight. I used a 2200mAh battery, whith this the CG is good enough and I even don't had to trimm the plane much. It was flying out of the printer :)
I used the Motor, which Tom suggested with a 20A Turnigy ESC and a 5045 prop, cheap 5g servos (will be changed to better ones) and organgeRX receiver.


Cool video! Love the whole idea of 3D printing planes. AWESOME! the sky is literally the limit! And thank you for putting in the technical info as well.


Looks to fly really well Tom, good looking wing, well done. Look forward to seeing v2.


I started printing version seven of this. It will take me some time to save up for the RC electronics as I don't have any. I wanted to do RC planes as a kid but was so expensive 35 years ago. I got to briefly fly this motorized plane that was attached with strings to a handle and promptly crashed it. Couldn't get my parents to let me try again :( Now I can 3d print a plane and the electronics aren't too bad.


This plane looks very good I will print this out ASAP!!!! thank you for the files, i am an freshman in college studying Aero as well so i really want to try my own 3d printed plane soon. In the mean time I need to practice. Great Channel Stanton!!!


What the heck 76 people who disliked the video. Jeezus so unappreciative. Cool video bro, I really like the plane and the simplicity of the design. Do you have an engineering background by chance?


Thank you soo much! I was wanting plans since I saw the last video showing it was a proven design but didnt want to ask. Looks like you got all the details - You should name this, and get credit for the long run of this new method of plane building. Keep up the good work StantonFPV!
