Best Team for Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 | REMASTERED

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So the OG Best Team for Black 2 and White 2 was in serious need of a remaster. Well, here it is!

Best Team for Heartgold and Soul Silver Remastered Lets Play!:

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#BestTeam #BestTeamRemastered #BestTeamForUnova #BestTeamBlack2White2 #Pokemon
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Advice to those that want to play Black 2 or White 2: Train your Pokemon against breeders that are nearby the area you are in. You will gain exp and money to buy potions, status heals, pokeballs and other useful stuff.


Surf (Route 6 Cheren)
Waterfall (Victory road N)
Blizzard (TM in Lokanusta town)
Megahorn (Tutor World tournament) Use Heartscale!

Magnezone (Verbank complex)
Lvl up in Chargestone cave!
Thunderbolt (Hugh Victory road)
Volt switch (Beat Elasa)
Flash cannon (Lvl 39)
Tri attack (Move relearner)

Arcanine (Verbank complex/use firestone)
Flamethrower (Lvl 39/ dont evolve until then)
Dragon pulse (10 blue shards in Lintimise town)
Bulldoze (Defeat Clay)
Thunder fang (Use heartscale)

Sigilyph (Desert resort)
Fly (Route 5)
Air slash (lvl 41)
Psychic (Lvl 44)
Shadow ball (Tm strange house near Reversel mountain)

Scrafty (Desert resort)
Brick break (lvl 20)
Crunch (lvl 38)
Rock slide (Tm in Mestraltin cave)
Zen headbut (Move tutor move)
Need 8 shards!

Flygon (Desort resort)
Eart power (lvl 39)
Dragon claw (lvl 55)
Rock slide (Mestraltin cave)
Giga drain (10 yellow shards move tutor in Humalaw city)


Lucario it's a good fighting option too, you can found a wild Riolu in Floccesy Ranch at level 5-7. You can get Lucario really earlier before the first gym. Riolu evolves into with high friendship during the day, just walk on a long time, then level up your Riolu, et' voila. I have three options for Lucario's moveset.

For a physycal attacker: Close Combat learned at level 55 (you will keep Force Palm for a while), Swords Dance learned at level 37, Ice Punch spending 10 red shards, and Shadow Claw founded at Celestial Tower.

For a mixed attacker: Aura Sphere learned at level 51 (Keep Force Palm), Work Up is getting after defeating Cheren, Shadow Claw founded in Celestian Tower, and Psychic founded at route 13 in a small island using Surf.

For a special attacker: Aura Sphere at level 51, Calm Mind is learned at level 47, Shadow Ball is getting in a hidden spot in the strange house, and Psychic in route 13

(Check the nature of your Riolu first and good luck).


The fact that you sprinkle a bit of your wrestling fandom in your videos always make me smile. As a lifelong pokeman and wrestling fan myself, you gotta love it


I would recommend useing a Swanna if you plan to continue in the post game, with Fly and Surf it's great for running errands and even better its Keen eye ability plus a spell tag make wild encounters almost never happen allowing you to grind hidden grottos or shaking grass or something in piece!


I always use arcanine on my team. It’s practically the best Fire type to use since it’s bulky, hits hard, and it’s pretty fast. It’s such a well balanced Pokémon.


Have Sigilyph use energy ball and teach Flygon fly instead of giga drain. They'll make better use out of those moves with their stats. You'll thank me later.


I am happy that this team has aracanine. It's great in a playthrough due to it's jacked stats and awesome learnset


"Watch out water type arcanine doesn't fear you"

Water-ground type: ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?


10:59, well brick break is not bad but "drain punch" or "high jump kick + wide lens " are way better


Scrafy and sigiliph are nice and all, but remember lucario and braviary/mandibuzz also exist


I wonder what it'll take for Mystic to consider a Darmanitan... That thing is absolutely monstrous in Unova games.


If u wanna level up fast, just buy repels and fight a bunch of audinos which give around 5k exp with lucky egg and around 3k without at around a little over level 50. They’re almost everywhere in unova meaning your Pokémon will always be ready for each gym, rival, e4 etc. also, if u beat the champion


Hey @MysticUmbreon... How about you making Best Team for every Pokemon Champions? Making them harder than a hard Champion could be...that's must be interesting.


You're really happy you got to make a Best Team Remaster, I'm Really happy you put Flygon on it!!! It's tied with Goodra as my Favorite Pokemon!


Quick Summary:


Magnezone (Thunderbold/Volt Switch/Flash Canon/Tri Attack)

Arcanine (Flamethrower/Dragon Pulse/Bulldoze/Thunder Fang)

Sigilyph (Fly/Air Slash/Psychic/Shadow Ball)

Scrafty (Brick Break/Crunch/Rock Slide/Zen Headbutt)

Flygon (Earth Power/Dragon Claw/Rock Slide/ Giga Drain)


I personally switched out magnezone and scrafty for lucario and eelektross. I just like how early riolu can evolve and the fact that eelektross can learn aqua tail and giga drain.


Might be worth giving samurott ice beam once you get to giant chasm
(Also, magnezone benefits pretty well if you give it signal beam, speaking from experience)


I dont mind if we have 2 steel type in a team so Lucario made my list instead of Scrafty. The amount of coverage Lucario have is incredible. We can catch Riolu very early in Floccesy Ranch and evolve him around Nimbasa-Driftviel City Gym.


I remember in the strategy guide Arcanine can use outrage but only around 40-45 as a Growleith
